This is xanim_cmap.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* * xanim_cmap.c * * Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994 by Mark Podlipec. * All rights reserved. * * This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed without * fee for non-commerical purposes provided that this copyright notice is * preserved intact on all copies and modified copies. * * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software. * It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all * responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage * or its effect upon hardware or computer systems. * */ #include "xanim.h" extern XA_CHDR *xa_chdr_first; /* extern XColor defs[256]; extern Display *theDisp; extern Colormap theCmap; */ extern ULONG cmap_use_combsort; static XA_CHDR *cmap_332_chdr = 0; static XA_CHDR *cmap_gray_chdr = 0; static double cmap_332_gamma = 0.0; static double cmap_gray_gamma = 0.0; static double cmap_cur_gamma = 0.0; /* TBD move to xanim.h */ #define GAMMA_MIN 0.0001 #define CMAP_ABS(x) (((x)<0)?(-(x)):(x)) #define CMAP_SQR(x) ((x) * (x)) ULONG cmap_scale[17] = { 65535, 65535, 21845, 9362, 4369, 2114, 1040, 516, 257, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1}; ColorReg find_cmap[256]; ColorReg *cur_find_cmap = 0; ULONG find_red[256],find_green[256],find_blue[256]; /* Box structure for Median Cut algorithm */ typedef struct CMAP_Box_Struct { struct CMAP_Box_Struct *next; LONG rmin,rmax,gmin,gmax,bmin,bmax; ULONG last_sort; ULONG *clist; ULONG clist_len; } CMAP_Box; #define CMAP_MEDIAN_NONE 0 #define CMAP_MEDIAN_RED 1 #define CMAP_MEDIAN_GREEN 2 #define CMAP_MEDIAN_BLUE 3 int ColorComp(); int CMAP_CList_Compare(); LONG CMAP_Find_Closest(); LONG CMAP_Find_Exact(); LONG CMAP_CHDR_Match(); void CMAP_Remap_CHDRs(); void CMAP_Remap_CHDR(); void CMAP_Compact_Box(); LONG CMAP_Split_Box(); void CMAP_Histogram_CHDR(); void CMAP_CMAP_From_Clist(); void CMAP_CList_CombSort(); void CMAP_CList_CombSort_Red(); void CMAP_CList_CombSort_Green(); void CMAP_CList_CombSort_Blue(); ULONG CMAP_Gamma_Adjust(); void CMAP_Shrink_CHDR(); void CMAP_Map_To_One(); LONG CMAP_Median_Cut(); CMAP_Box *CMAP_Get_Box(); void CMAP_Find_Box_Color(); LONG CMAP_Median_Compare_Red(); LONG CMAP_Median_Compare_Green(); LONG CMAP_Median_Compare_Blue(); LONG CMAP_Split_Box(); XA_CHDR *ACT_Get_CHDR(); XA_CHDR *ACT_Get_CMAP(); XA_CHDR *CMAP_Create_CHDR_From_True(); #if XJUNK void X11_Get_Colormap(); void X11_Make_Nice_CHDR(); #endif /* * */ int ColorComp(c1,c2) ColorReg *c1,*c2; { long val1,val2; val1 = (3 * c1->red) + (4 * c1->green) + (2 * c1->blue); val2 = (3 * c2->red) + (4 * c2->green) + (2 * c2->blue); if (val1 != val2) return( val2 - val1 ); else if (c1->green != c2->green) return( c2->green - c1->green ); else if (c1->red != c2->red ) return( c2->red - c1->red ); else return( c2->blue - c1->blue ); } /* * */ LONG CMAP_Find_Closest(t_cmap,csize,r,g,b,rbits,gbits,bbits,color_flag) ColorReg *t_cmap; ULONG csize; LONG r,g,b; ULONG rbits,gbits,bbits; ULONG color_flag; { register ULONG i,min_diff; register LONG cmap_entry; if (color_flag == FALSE) { register LONG gray; gray = 11 * (r * cmap_scale[rbits]); gray += 16 * (g * cmap_scale[gbits]); gray += 5 * (b * cmap_scale[bbits]); gray >>= 5; cmap_entry = 0; for(i=0; i<csize; i++) { register ULONG diff; diff = CMAP_ABS(gray - (LONG)(t_cmap[i].gray)); if (i == 0) min_diff = diff; if (diff == 0) return(i); if (diff < min_diff) {min_diff = diff; cmap_entry = i;} } return(cmap_entry); } else { if (cur_find_cmap != t_cmap) { if (cur_find_cmap == 0) { for(i=0;i<256;i++) { find_red[i] = 11 * i * i; find_green[i] = 16 * i * i; find_blue[i] = 5 * i * i; } } for(i=0;i<csize;i++) { find_cmap[i].red = t_cmap[i].red >> 8; find_cmap[i].green = t_cmap[i].green >> 8; find_cmap[i].blue = t_cmap[i].blue >> 8; } cur_find_cmap = t_cmap; } if (rbits < 16) r *= cmap_scale[rbits]; if (gbits < 16) g *= cmap_scale[gbits]; if (bbits < 16) b *= cmap_scale[bbits]; r >>= 8; g >>= 8; b >>= 8; cmap_entry = 0; for(i=0; i<csize; i++) { register ULONG diff; diff = find_red[ CMAP_ABS(r - (LONG)(find_cmap[i].red)) ]; diff += find_green[ CMAP_ABS(g - (LONG)(find_cmap[i].green))]; diff += find_blue[ CMAP_ABS(b - (LONG)(find_cmap[i].blue)) ]; if (i == 0) min_diff = diff; if (diff == 0) return(i); if (diff < min_diff) {min_diff = diff; cmap_entry = i;} } return(cmap_entry); } } /* * return index of exact match. * return -1 if no match found. */ LONG CMAP_Find_Exact(cmap,coff,csize,r,g,b,gray) ColorReg *cmap; ULONG coff,csize; USHORT r,g,b,gray; { register LONG i,match; match = -1; i = csize; if (x11_display_type & XA_X11_GRAY) { while( (i > coff) && (match < 0) ) { i--; if (gray == cmap[i].gray) match = i; } } else { while( (i > coff) && (match < 0) ) { i--; if ( (r == cmap[i].red) && (g == cmap[i].green) && (b == cmap[i].blue) ) match = i; } } return(match); } /* * */ LONG CMAP_CHDR_Match(chdr1,chdr2) XA_CHDR *chdr1,*chdr2; { ColorReg *cmap1,*cmap2; ULONG i; if (chdr1 == chdr2) return(TRUE); if ( (chdr1->csize != chdr2->csize) || (chdr1->coff != chdr2->coff ) ) return(FALSE); cmap1 = chdr1->cmap; cmap2 = chdr2->cmap; for(i=0; i < chdr1->csize; i++) { if ( (cmap1[i].red != cmap2[i].red) || (cmap1[i].green != cmap2[i].green) || (cmap1[i].blue != cmap2[i].blue) ) return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } /* * */ int CMAP_CList_Compare(c1,c2) register LONG *c1,*c2; { return( (*c1) - (*c2) ); } void CMAP_BitMask_CList(clist,cnum,bits) ULONG *clist,cnum,bits; { ULONG i,r_mask; if ( (bits==0) || (bits>=9) ) TheEnd1("CMAP_BitMask_CList: bad bits"); r_mask = ((0x01 << bits) - 1); r_mask <<= 8 - bits; r_mask = (r_mask << 16) | (r_mask << 8) | r_mask; for(i=0;i<cnum;i++) *clist++ &= r_mask; } ULONG CMAP_Compress_CList(clist,cnum) ULONG *clist,cnum; { register ULONG i,j,data; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Compress_CList: start %ld c %ld\n", cnum,cmap_use_combsort); if (cnum == 1) return(cnum); /* sort color list */ if (cmap_use_combsort == TRUE) CMAP_CList_CombSort(clist,cnum); else qsort(clist,cnum,sizeof(ULONG),CMAP_CList_Compare); /* eliminate identical entries */ DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Compress_CList: sort done %ld\n",cnum); data = clist[0]; j = 1; for(i=1; i<cnum; i++) { if (data != clist[i]) { data = clist[i]; clist[j] = data; j++; } } DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Compress_CList: done %ld\n",j); return(j); } /* * return the total number of colors in all of the current chdr's * also return the largest csize in max_csize if not NULL. */ ULONG CMAP_Color_Count(chdr,max_csize) XA_CHDR *chdr; ULONG *max_csize; { ULONG cnt,max_size; cnt = max_size = 0; while(chdr) { if (chdr->csize > max_size) max_size = chdr->csize; cnt += chdr->csize; chdr = chdr->next; } if (max_csize != 0) *max_csize = max_size; return(cnt); } ULONG CMAP_Make_Clist(chdr,clist) XA_CHDR *chdr; ULONG **clist; { ULONG *clst,clist_len,c_i; /* count colors in chdr's */ clist_len = CMAP_Color_Count(chdr,0); /* allocate room for list of all colors */ clst = (ULONG *)malloc(clist_len * sizeof(ULONG)); if (clst == 0) TheEnd1("CMAP_Make_Clist: malloc err\n"); c_i = 0; while(chdr) { ColorReg *cmap; ULONG i,csize,*hist,stat_size; csize = chdr->csize; cmap = chdr->cmap; if (cmap_hist_flag == TRUE) { hist = (ULONG *)malloc(csize * sizeof(ULONG)); if (hist == 0) TheEnd1("CMAP_Manipulate_CHDRS: hist malloc err\n"); for(i=0;i<csize;i++) hist[i] = 0; CMAP_Histogram_CHDR(chdr,hist,csize,chdr->moff); stat_size = c_i; } else hist = 0; for(i=0; i<chdr->csize; i++) { if ( (cmap_hist_flag == FALSE) || ((cmap_hist_flag == TRUE) && hist[i]) ) { /* note: cmap's are full 16 bits and clist is 0 r g b, 8 bits each*/ clst[c_i] = (cmap[i].red & 0xff00) << 8; clst[c_i] |= cmap[i].green & 0xff00; clst[c_i] |= (cmap[i].blue & 0xff00) >> 8; c_i++; } } if (hist) { FREE(hist,0x201); hist=0;} if (cmap_hist_flag == TRUE) { DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," csize %lx afta hist %ld\n", chdr->csize,(c_i - stat_size) ); } chdr = chdr->next; } *clist = clst; return(c_i); } void CMAP_Map_To_One() { XA_CHDR *new_chdr; ULONG *clist,clist_len,i,wanted_csize; ULONG actual_csize; /* NOTE: clist is malloc'd in CMAP_Make_Clist */ clist_len = CMAP_Make_Clist(xa_chdr_start,&clist); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Map_To_One: start csize = %ld\n",clist_len); wanted_csize = x11_cmap_size; { ULONG bits; bits = 7; while ( (clist_len >= wanted_csize) && (bits >= cmap_median_bits) ) { CMAP_BitMask_CList(clist,clist_len,bits); clist_len = CMAP_Compress_CList(clist,clist_len); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Map_To_One: bit %ld csize = %ld\n",bits,clist_len); bits--; } if (clist_len < wanted_csize) wanted_csize = clist_len; } new_chdr = ACT_Get_CHDR(1,wanted_csize,0,wanted_csize,0,TRUE,TRUE); if (clist_len > wanted_csize) { actual_csize = CMAP_Median_Cut(new_chdr->cmap, clist,clist_len,wanted_csize); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Median_Cut: csize %ld\n",actual_csize); } else { CMAP_CMAP_From_Clist(new_chdr->cmap,clist,clist_len); actual_csize = clist_len; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_CList: csize %ld\n",actual_csize); } FREE(clist,0x202); clist=0; new_chdr->csize = actual_csize; new_chdr->coff = x11_cmap_size - actual_csize; new_chdr->msize = actual_csize; new_chdr->moff = x11_cmap_size - actual_csize; for(i=0; i<new_chdr->msize; i++) new_chdr->map[i] = i + new_chdr->moff; #if XJUNK if (cmap_play_nice == TRUE) X11_Make_Nice_CHDR(new_chdr); #endif CMAP_Remap_CHDRs(new_chdr); xa_chdr_first = new_chdr; } void CMAP_Shrink_CHDR(old_chdr,new_csize) XA_CHDR *old_chdr; ULONG new_csize; { XA_CHDR *new_chdr; ULONG *clist,clist_len,i,wanted_csize; ULONG actual_csize; /* NOTE: clist is malloc'd in CMAP_Make_Clist */ clist_len = CMAP_Make_Clist(xa_chdr_start,&clist); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Shrink_CHDR: start csize = %ld\n",clist_len); wanted_csize = new_csize; { ULONG bits; bits = 7; while ( (clist_len >= wanted_csize) && (bits >= cmap_median_bits) ) { CMAP_BitMask_CList(clist,clist_len,bits); clist_len = CMAP_Compress_CList(clist,clist_len); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Map_To_One: bit %ld csize = %ld\n",bits,clist_len); bits--; } if (clist_len < wanted_csize) wanted_csize = clist_len; } new_chdr = ACT_Get_CHDR(1,wanted_csize,0,wanted_csize,0,TRUE,TRUE); if (clist_len > wanted_csize) { actual_csize = CMAP_Median_Cut(new_chdr->cmap, clist,clist_len,wanted_csize); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Median_Cut: csize %ld\n",actual_csize); } else { CMAP_CMAP_From_Clist(new_chdr->cmap,clist,clist_len); actual_csize = clist_len; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_CList: csize %ld\n",actual_csize); } FREE(clist,0x202); clist=0; new_chdr->csize = actual_csize; new_chdr->coff = x11_cmap_size - actual_csize; new_chdr->msize = actual_csize; new_chdr->moff = x11_cmap_size - actual_csize; for(i=0; i<new_chdr->msize; i++) new_chdr->map[i] = i + new_chdr->moff; CMAP_Remap_CHDRs(new_chdr); } void CMAP_Manipulate_CHDRS() { xa_chdr_first = xa_chdr_start; if ( (x11_display_type & XA_X11_STATIC) || (x11_display_type & XA_X11_TRUE) ) { XA_CHDR *fixed_chdr; fixed_chdr = ACT_Get_CHDR(1,x11_cmap_size,0,x11_cmap_size,0,TRUE,TRUE); #if XJUNK X11_Get_Colormap(fixed_chdr); #else error("Could not get colormap.\n"); #endif xa_chdr_first = fixed_chdr; CMAP_Remap_CHDRs(fixed_chdr); return; } else if ( (cmap_play_nice == TRUE) || (cmap_map_to_one_flag == TRUE) || (cmap_color_func == 4) ) { CMAP_Map_To_One(); return; } else if (cmap_map_to_1st_flag == TRUE) { CMAP_Remap_CHDRs(xa_chdr_start); return; } else if (x11_display_type != XA_MONOCHROME) { /* Check for CMAPs > x11_cmap_size */ ULONG flag; XA_CHDR *tmp_chdr; flag = 0; tmp_chdr = xa_chdr_start; while(tmp_chdr != 0) { if (tmp_chdr->csize > x11_cmap_size) { CMAP_Shrink_CHDR(tmp_chdr,x11_cmap_size); if (flag == 0) xa_chdr_first = tmp_chdr->new_chdr; } tmp_chdr = tmp_chdr->next; flag = 1; } } } void CMAP_Remap_CHDR(new_chdr,old_chdr) XA_CHDR *new_chdr,*old_chdr; { ColorReg *new_cmap,*old_cmap; ULONG *tmp_map,*old_map; ULONG new_csize,new_coff,old_csize,old_coff; ULONG new_moff,old_msize,old_moff; ULONG i,cflag; old_cmap = old_chdr->cmap; old_csize = old_chdr->csize; old_coff = old_chdr->coff; old_map = old_chdr->map; old_msize = old_chdr->msize; old_moff = old_chdr->moff; new_csize = new_chdr->csize; new_coff = new_chdr->coff; new_cmap = new_chdr->cmap; new_moff = new_chdr->moff; tmp_map = (ULONG *)malloc(old_msize * sizeof(ULONG)); if (tmp_map == 0) TheEnd1("CMAP_Remap_CHDR: map malloc err\n"); cflag = (x11_display_type & XA_X11_COLOR)?TRUE:FALSE; for(i=0; i < old_msize; i++) { ULONG j,match; j = i + old_moff - old_coff; /* get cmap entry for this pixel */ if (x11_display_type & XA_X11_TRUE) { tmp_map[i] = X11_Get_True_Color( old_cmap[j].red,old_cmap[j].green,old_cmap[j].blue,16); } else { match = CMAP_Find_Closest( new_cmap,new_csize, old_cmap[j].red, old_cmap[j].green, old_cmap[j].blue,16,16,16,cflag); tmp_map[i] = match + new_coff; /* new pixel value */ } } old_chdr->new_chdr = new_chdr; FREE(old_chdr->map,0x203); old_chdr->map = tmp_map; } void CMAP_Remap_CHDRs(the_chdr) XA_CHDR *the_chdr; { XA_CHDR *tmp_chdr; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Remap_CHDRs to %lx\n",(ULONG)the_chdr); tmp_chdr = xa_chdr_start; while(tmp_chdr) { if (CMAP_CHDR_Match(the_chdr,tmp_chdr) == FALSE) CMAP_Remap_CHDR(the_chdr,tmp_chdr); tmp_chdr = tmp_chdr->next; } } void CMAP_CMAP_From_Clist(cmap_out,clist,clist_len) ColorReg *cmap_out; ULONG *clist,clist_len; { register ULONG i,r,g,b; for(i=0;i<clist_len;i++) { r = (clist[i] >> 16) & 0xff; g = (clist[i] >> 8) & 0xff; b = clist[i] & 0xff; cmap_out[i].red = (USHORT)(r * 257); cmap_out[i].green = (USHORT)(g * 257); cmap_out[i].blue = (USHORT)(b * 257); cmap_out[i].gray = (USHORT)( (((r * 11) + (g * 16) + (b * 5) ) >> 5) * 257 ); } } CMAP_Box *CMAP_Get_Box() { CMAP_Box *tmp; tmp = (CMAP_Box *)malloc(sizeof(CMAP_Box)); if (tmp == 0) TheEnd1("CMAP_Get_Box: malloc err\n"); return(tmp); } LONG CMAP_Median_Cut(cmap_out,clist,clist_len,wanted_clen) ColorReg *cmap_out; ULONG *clist,clist_len,wanted_clen; { CMAP_Box *start_box,*box; ULONG i,cur_box_num; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Median_Cut: starting\n"); /* make first box */ start_box = CMAP_Get_Box(); start_box->clist = clist; start_box->clist_len = clist_len; start_box->next = 0; CMAP_Compact_Box(start_box); cur_box_num = 1; while(cur_box_num < wanted_clen) { ULONG box_i,box_num; /* loop through current boxes and split in half */ box_i = 0; box_num = cur_box_num; box = start_box; while( box && (cur_box_num < wanted_clen) && (box_i < box_num) ) { if ( CMAP_Split_Box(box) == TRUE ) { cur_box_num++; box = box->next; /* move past new box */ } box_i++; box = box->next; } if (box_num == cur_box_num) break; /* no boxes split */ } box = start_box; for(i=0; i<cur_box_num; i++) { if (box) { CMAP_Find_Box_Color(&cmap_out[i],box); box = box->next; } else fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Median_Cut: box/box_num mismatch\n"); } DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Median_Cut: done\n"); return(cur_box_num); } void CMAP_Compact_Box(box) CMAP_Box *box; { LONG i; DEBUG_LEVEL3 fprintf(stderr,"Compacting Box %lx\n",(ULONG)box); /* 256 is max+1 in 8 bit r,g,b */ box->rmin = box->gmin = box->bmin = 256; box->rmax = box->gmax = box->bmax = -1; for(i=0; i<box->clist_len; i++) { register LONG r,g,b; b = box->clist[i]; r = (b >> 16) & 0xff; g = (b >> 8) & 0xff; b &= 0xff; if (r < box->rmin) box->rmin = r; if (g < box->gmin) box->gmin = g; if (b < box->bmin) box->bmin = b; if (r > box->rmax) box->rmax = r; if (g > box->gmax) box->gmax = g; if (b > box->bmax) box->bmax = b; } } LONG CMAP_Median_Compare_Red(c1,c2) register LONG *c1,*c2; { return( ((*c1) & 0xff0000) - ((*c2) & 0xff0000) ); } LONG CMAP_Median_Compare_Green(c1,c2) register LONG *c1,*c2; { return( ((*c1) & 0xff00) - ((*c2) & 0xff00) ); } LONG CMAP_Median_Compare_Blue(c1,c2) register LONG *c1,*c2; { return( ((*c1) & 0xff) - ((*c2) & 0xff) ); } LONG CMAP_Split_Box(box) CMAP_Box *box; { CMAP_Box *newbox; register LONG sort_type,rdif,gdif,bdif; rdif = box->rmax - box->rmin; gdif = box->gmax - box->gmin; bdif = box->bmax - box->bmin; if (box->clist_len <= 1) return(FALSE); if ((rdif >= gdif) && (rdif >= bdif)) sort_type = CMAP_MEDIAN_RED; else if ((gdif >= rdif) && (gdif >= bdif)) sort_type = CMAP_MEDIAN_GREEN; else sort_type = CMAP_MEDIAN_BLUE; if (box->last_sort != sort_type) { if (cmap_use_combsort == TRUE) switch(sort_type) { case CMAP_MEDIAN_RED: CMAP_CList_CombSort_Red(box->clist,box->clist_len); break; case CMAP_MEDIAN_GREEN: CMAP_CList_CombSort_Green(box->clist,box->clist_len); break; default: CMAP_CList_CombSort_Blue(box->clist,box->clist_len); break; } else switch(sort_type) { case CMAP_MEDIAN_RED: qsort(box->clist,box->clist_len, sizeof(LONG),CMAP_Median_Compare_Red); break; case CMAP_MEDIAN_GREEN: qsort(box->clist,box->clist_len, sizeof(LONG),CMAP_Median_Compare_Green); break; default: qsort(box->clist,box->clist_len, sizeof(LONG),CMAP_Median_Compare_Blue); break; } box->last_sort = sort_type; } newbox = CMAP_Get_Box(); newbox->next = box->next; box->next = newbox; /* split color list */ newbox->clist_len = box->clist_len / 2; box->clist_len -= newbox->clist_len; newbox->clist = &box->clist[box->clist_len]; newbox->last_sort = sort_type; CMAP_Compact_Box(box); CMAP_Compact_Box(newbox); return(TRUE); } /* * Assumes 8 bits per color component */ void CMAP_Find_Box_Color(creg,box) ColorReg *creg; CMAP_Box *box; { register LONG i; register ULONG r,g,b,sum; DEBUG_LEVEL3 fprintf(stderr," box has %ld\n",box->clist_len); if (cmap_median_type == CMAP_MEDIAN_SUM) { r=0; g=0; b=0; sum=0; for(i=0; i<box->clist_len; i++) { register ULONG tcol; tcol = box->clist[i]; r += (tcol >> 16) & 0xff; g += (tcol >> 8) & 0xff; b += tcol & 0xff; } sum = box->clist_len; r /= sum; g /= sum; b /= sum; } else { r = (box->rmin + box->rmax) >> 1; g = (box->gmin + box->gmax) >> 1; b = (box->bmin + box->bmax) >> 1; } creg->red = r * 257; creg->green = g * 257; creg->blue = b * 257; creg->gray = (((r * 11) + (g * 16) + (b * 5) ) >> 5) * 257; } void CMAP_Histogram_CHDR(chdr,hist,csize,moff) XA_CHDR *chdr; ULONG *hist,csize,moff; { XA_ACTION *act; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"Histogram for %lx\n",(ULONG)chdr); act = chdr->acts; while(act) { switch(act->type) { case ACT_DISP: case ACT_MAPPED: { register UBYTE *p; register ULONG psize; ACT_MAPPED_HDR *map_hdr; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," hist'ing act %lx\n",(ULONG)act); map_hdr = (ACT_MAPPED_HDR *)act->data; psize = map_hdr->xsize * map_hdr->ysize; p = map_hdr->data; if (p) { if (moff) while(psize--) hist[ (*p++)-moff ]++; else while(psize--) hist[ *p++ ]++; } } break; /* case ACT_SETTER: { register UBYTE *p; register ULONG psize; ACT_MAPPED_HDR *map_hdr; ACT_SETTER_HDR *setter_hdr; XA_ACTION *back_act; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," hist'ing setter act %lx\n",act); setter_hdr = (ACT_SETTER_HDR *)act->data; back_act = setter_hdr->back; if (back_act) { map_hdr = (ACT_MAPPED_HDR *)back_act->data; psize = map_hdr->xsize * map_hdr->ysize; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"psize = %ld\n",psize); p = map_hdr->data; if (p) { if (moff) while(psize--) hist[ (*p++)-moff ]++; else while(psize--) hist[ *p++ ]++; } } } break; */ } /* end of switch */ act = act->next_same_chdr; } /* end of while */ } void CMAP_Expand_Maps() { XA_CHDR *tmp_chdr; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Expand_Maps\n"); tmp_chdr = xa_chdr_start; while(tmp_chdr) { register ULONG i,msize,d,*map; msize = tmp_chdr->msize; map = tmp_chdr->map; if (map) for(i=0;i<msize;i++) { d = map[i] & 0xff; map[i] = (d<<24) | (d<<16) | (d<<8) | d; } tmp_chdr = tmp_chdr->next; } } void CMAP_Cache_Init() { cmap_cache_bits = cmap_median_bits; if (cmap_cache_bits > CMAP_CACHE_MAX_BITS) cmap_cache_bits = CMAP_CACHE_MAX_BITS; cmap_cache_size = 0x01 << (cmap_cache_bits * 3); cmap_cache = (USHORT *)malloc(cmap_cache_size * sizeof(USHORT)); cmap_cache_bmask = ( (0x01 << cmap_cache_bits) - 1) << 8; cmap_cache_gmask = cmap_cache_bmask << cmap_cache_bits; cmap_cache_rmask = cmap_cache_gmask << cmap_cache_bits; if (cmap_cache == 0) TheEnd1("CMAP_CACHE: malloc err"); cmap_cache_chdr = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL3 fprintf(stderr,"cache mask's %lx %lx %lx\n", cmap_cache_rmask,cmap_cache_gmask,cmap_cache_bmask); } /* * Set CMAP cache to all 0xffff's. Since CMAP's are currently limited * to 256 in size, this is a non-valid value. */ void CMAP_Cache_Clear() { register USHORT *tp; register ULONG i; tp = cmap_cache; i = cmap_cache_size; while(i--) *tp++ = 0xffff; } ULONG CMAP_Get_Or_Mask(cmap_size) ULONG cmap_size; /* number of colors in anim cmap */ { ULONG or_mask,imagec; /* if image is getting remapped then this doesn't matter */ if ( (cmap_play_nice == TRUE) || (x11_display_type & XA_X11_TRUE) || (x11_display_type & XA_X11_STATIC) || (x11_display_type == XA_MONOCHROME) ) return(0); if (cmap_size >= x11_cmap_size) return(0); /* needs to be quant'd */ /* find largest power of 2 <= display's cmap size */ or_mask = 0x01; while(or_mask <= x11_cmap_size) or_mask <<= 1; or_mask >>=1; /* round cmap_size up to nearest power of two */ imagec = 0x01; while(imagec <= cmap_size) imagec <<= 1; imagec >>=1; if (imagec >= or_mask) return(0); return(or_mask - imagec); } /* * * affects global variables * iff_r_shift * iff_g_shift * iff_b_shift * iff_r_mask * iff_g_mask * iff_b_mask * * Creates 332 CHDR if doesn't exist. * copies cmap of 332 CHDR into given cmap. * sets csize to 332 CHDR size. * */ XA_CHDR *CMAP_Create_332(cmap,csize) ColorReg *cmap; ULONG *csize; { ULONG i,size; if ( (cmap_332_chdr == 0) || (cmap_cur_gamma != cmap_332_gamma) ) { ULONG r_bits,g_bits,b_bits,last,disp_bits; ULONG r_scale,g_scale,b_scale; if (x11_display_type == XA_MONOCHROME) { size = 256; disp_bits = 8; } else { size = 0x01; disp_bits = 0; while(size <= x11_cmap_size) { size <<= 1; disp_bits++; } size >>=1; disp_bits--; } r_bits = 3; g_bits = 3; b_bits = 3; last = 2; while( (r_bits + g_bits + b_bits) > disp_bits) { switch(last) { case 0: g_bits--; last++; break; case 1: r_bits--; last++; break; default: b_bits--; last=0; break; } } xa_b_shift = 16 - b_bits; xa_b_mask = ((0x01 << b_bits) - 1) << (16 - b_bits); xa_g_shift = xa_b_shift - g_bits; xa_g_mask = ((0x01 << g_bits) - 1) << (16 - g_bits); xa_r_shift = xa_g_shift - r_bits; xa_r_mask = ((0x01 << r_bits) - 1) << (16 - r_bits); DEBUG_LEVEL3 { fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Create_332: %ld: %ld %ld %ld\n", disp_bits,r_bits,g_bits,b_bits); fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Create_332: masks: %lx %lx %lx\n", xa_r_mask,xa_g_mask,xa_b_mask); fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Create_332: shifts: %lx %lx %lx\n", xa_r_shift,xa_g_shift,xa_b_shift); } i = r_bits + g_bits + b_bits; *csize = size = 0x01 << i; r_scale = cmap_scale[r_bits]; g_scale = cmap_scale[g_bits]; b_scale = cmap_scale[b_bits]; { register ULONG rmsk,gmsk,bmsk,rshft,gshft; gshft = b_bits; rshft = b_bits + g_bits; bmsk = (0x01 << b_bits) - 1; gmsk = ((0x01 << g_bits) - 1) << gshft; rmsk = ((0x01 << r_bits) - 1) << rshft; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { ULONG r,g,b; cmap[i].red = r = ( (i & rmsk) >> rshft ) * r_scale; cmap[i].green = g = ( (i & gmsk) >> gshft ) * g_scale; cmap[i].blue = b = ( i & bmsk ) * b_scale; cmap[i].gray = ((r * 11) + (g * 16) + (b * 5)) >> 5; } } cmap_332_chdr = ACT_Get_CMAP(cmap,size,0,size,0,16,16,16); cmap_332_gamma = cmap_cur_gamma; } /* end of create cmap_332_chdr */ else { ColorReg *cmap332; *csize = size = cmap_332_chdr->csize; cmap332 = cmap_332_chdr->cmap; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { cmap[i].red = cmap332[i].red; cmap[i].green = cmap332[i].green; cmap[i].blue = cmap332[i].blue; cmap[i].gray = cmap332[i].gray; } } return(cmap_332_chdr); } XA_CHDR *CMAP_Create_Gray(cmap,csize) ColorReg *cmap; ULONG *csize; { ULONG i,size; if ( (cmap_gray_chdr == 0) || (cmap_cur_gamma != cmap_gray_gamma) ) { ULONG disp_bits; ULONG g_scale; /* find number of bits in display or use 256 if monochrome */ if (x11_display_type == XA_MONOCHROME) { disp_bits = 8; size = 256; } else { size = 0x01; disp_bits = 0; while(size <= x11_cmap_size) { size <<= 1; disp_bits++; } size >>=1; disp_bits--; } xa_gray_bits = disp_bits; xa_gray_shift = 16 - disp_bits; DEBUG_LEVEL3 fprintf(stderr,"Gray: bits %ld shift %ld\n", disp_bits,xa_gray_shift); g_scale = cmap_scale[disp_bits]; *csize = size; for(i=0;i<size;i++) cmap[i].red = cmap[i].green = cmap[i].blue = cmap[i].gray = i * g_scale; cmap_gray_chdr = ACT_Get_CMAP(cmap,size,0,size,0,16,16,16); cmap_gray_gamma = cmap_cur_gamma; } else { *csize = size = cmap_gray_chdr->csize; for(i=0;i<size;i++) cmap[i].red = cmap[i].green = cmap[i].blue = cmap_gray_chdr->cmap[i].gray; } return(cmap_gray_chdr); } /* * * */ XA_CHDR *CMAP_Create_CHDR_From_True(ipic,rbits,gbits,bbits, width,height,cmap,csize) UBYTE *ipic; ULONG rbits,gbits,bbits; ULONG width,height; ColorReg *cmap; ULONG *csize; { XA_CHDR *new_chdr; ULONG *clist,clist_len,wanted_csize; register ULONG i,rshift,gshift,bshift; /* NOTE: should make sure 2^(rbits+gbits+bbits) is < (width*height) */ /* optimize for space if so */ if ( (rbits > 8) | (gbits > 8) | (bbits > 8) ) TheEnd1("CMAP_Create_CHDR_From_True: bits > 24 err"); clist_len = width * height; clist = (ULONG *) malloc( clist_len * sizeof(ULONG) ); if (clist == 0) TheEnd1("CMAP_Create_CHDR_From_True: malloc err"); rshift = 24 - rbits; gshift = 16 - gbits; bshift = 8 - bbits; for(i=0; i < clist_len; i++) { register ULONG r,g,b; r = (ULONG)(*ipic++); g = (ULONG)(*ipic++); b = (ULONG)(*ipic++); clist[i] = (r << rshift) | (g << gshift) | (b << bshift); } wanted_csize = x11_cmap_size; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"TRUE_CHDR: cnum = %ld wanted =%ld\n", clist_len,wanted_csize); CMAP_BitMask_CList(clist,clist_len,cmap_median_bits); clist_len = CMAP_Compress_CList(clist,clist_len); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"TRUE_CHDR: compress cnum = %ld\n",clist_len); if (clist_len < wanted_csize) wanted_csize = clist_len; new_chdr = ACT_Get_CHDR(1,wanted_csize,0,wanted_csize,0,TRUE,TRUE); if (clist_len > wanted_csize) { wanted_csize = CMAP_Median_Cut(new_chdr->cmap,clist,clist_len,wanted_csize); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"TRUE_CHDR: median cnum = %ld\n",wanted_csize); } else { wanted_csize = clist_len; CMAP_CMAP_From_Clist(new_chdr->cmap,clist,clist_len); } FREE(clist,0x204); clist=0; *csize = wanted_csize; for(i=0;i<wanted_csize;i++) cmap[i] = new_chdr->cmap[i]; new_chdr->csize = wanted_csize; new_chdr->coff = x11_cmap_size - wanted_csize; new_chdr->msize = wanted_csize; new_chdr->moff = x11_cmap_size - wanted_csize; for(i=0; i<new_chdr->msize; i++) new_chdr->map[i] = i + new_chdr->moff; return(new_chdr); } void CMAP_CList_CombSort(clist,cnum) ULONG *clist,cnum; { register ULONG ShrinkFactor,gap,i,temp,finished; ShrinkFactor = 13; gap = cnum; do { finished = 1; gap = (gap * 10) / ShrinkFactor; if (gap < 1) gap = 1; if ( (gap==9) | (gap == 10) ) gap = 11; for(i=0; i < (cnum - gap); i++) { if (clist[i] < clist[i+gap]) { temp = clist[i]; clist[i] = clist[i+gap]; clist[i+gap] = temp; finished = 0; } } } while( !finished || (gap > 1) ); } void CMAP_CList_CombSort_Red(clist,cnum) ULONG *clist,cnum; { register ULONG ShrinkFactor,gap,i,temp,finished; ShrinkFactor = 13; gap = cnum; do { finished = 1; gap = (gap * 10) / ShrinkFactor; if (gap < 1) gap = 1; if ( (gap==9) | (gap == 10) ) gap = 11; for(i=0; i < (cnum - gap); i++) { if ( (clist[i] & 0xff0000) < (clist[i+gap] & 0xff0000) ) { temp = clist[i]; clist[i] = clist[i+gap]; clist[i+gap] = temp; finished = 0; } } } while( !finished || (gap > 1) ); } void CMAP_CList_CombSort_Green(clist,cnum) ULONG *clist,cnum; { register ULONG ShrinkFactor,gap,i,temp,finished; ShrinkFactor = 13; gap = cnum; do { finished = 1; gap = (gap * 10) / ShrinkFactor; if (gap < 1) gap = 1; if ( (gap==9) | (gap == 10) ) gap = 11; for(i=0; i < (cnum - gap); i++) { if ( (clist[i] & 0xff00) < (clist[i+gap] & 0xff00) ) { temp = clist[i]; clist[i] = clist[i+gap]; clist[i+gap] = temp; finished = 0; } } } while( !finished || (gap > 1) ); } void CMAP_CList_CombSort_Blue(clist,cnum) ULONG *clist,cnum; { register ULONG ShrinkFactor,gap,i,temp,finished; ShrinkFactor = 13; gap = cnum; do { finished = 1; gap = (gap * 10) / ShrinkFactor; if (gap < 1) gap = 1; if ( (gap==9) | (gap == 10) ) gap = 11; for(i=0; i < (cnum - gap); i++) { if ( (clist[i] & 0xff) < (clist[i+gap] & 0xff) ) { temp = clist[i]; clist[i] = clist[i+gap]; clist[i+gap] = temp; finished = 0; } } } while( !finished || (gap > 1) ); } ULONG CMAP_Gamma_Adjust(gamma_adj,disp_gamma,anim_gamma) USHORT *gamma_adj; double disp_gamma,anim_gamma; { register ULONG i; double pow(),t64k,d; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"CMAP_Gamma_Adjust\n"); if (disp_gamma < GAMMA_MIN) disp_gamma = 1.0; if (anim_gamma < GAMMA_MIN) anim_gamma = 1.0; cmap_cur_gamma = anim_gamma/disp_gamma; t64k = (double)(65535.0); for(i=0;i<256;i++) { d = (double)(i * 257)/t64k; gamma_adj[i] = (USHORT)(0.5 + t64k * pow(d, cmap_cur_gamma)); } if (disp_gamma == anim_gamma) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE); } /* * * affects global variables * iff_r_shift * iff_g_shift * iff_b_shift * iff_r_mask * iff_g_mask * iff_b_mask * * Creates 422 CHDR if doesn't exist. * copies cmap of 422 CHDR into given cmap. * sets csize to 422 CHDR size. * */ XA_CHDR *CMAP_Create_422(cmap,csize) ColorReg *cmap; ULONG *csize; { ULONG i,size; ULONG r_bits,g_bits,b_bits,last,disp_bits; ULONG r_scale,g_scale,b_scale; XA_CHDR *chdr_422; if (x11_display_type == XA_MONOCHROME) { size = 256; disp_bits = 8; } else { size = 0x01; disp_bits = 0; while(size <= x11_cmap_size) { size <<= 1; disp_bits++; } size >>=1; disp_bits--; } r_bits = 4; g_bits = 2; b_bits = 2; last = 0; while( (r_bits + g_bits + b_bits) > disp_bits) { switch(last) { case 0: g_bits--; last++; break; case 1: r_bits--; last++; break; default: b_bits--; last=0; break; } } xa_b_shift = 16 - b_bits; xa_b_mask = ((0x01 << b_bits) - 1) << (16 - b_bits); xa_g_shift = xa_b_shift - g_bits; xa_g_mask = ((0x01 << g_bits) - 1) << (16 - g_bits); xa_r_shift = xa_g_shift - r_bits; xa_r_mask = ((0x01 << r_bits) - 1) << (16 - r_bits); i = r_bits + g_bits + b_bits; *csize = size = 0x01 << i; r_scale = cmap_scale[r_bits]; g_scale = cmap_scale[g_bits]; b_scale = cmap_scale[b_bits]; { register ULONG rmsk,gmsk,bmsk,rshft,gshft; gshft = b_bits; rshft = b_bits + g_bits; bmsk = (0x01 << b_bits) - 1; gmsk = ((0x01 << g_bits) - 1) << gshft; rmsk = ((0x01 << r_bits) - 1) << rshft; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { ULONG r,g,b; cmap[i].red = r = ( (i & rmsk) >> rshft ) * r_scale; cmap[i].green = g = ( (i & gmsk) >> gshft ) * g_scale; cmap[i].blue = b = ( i & bmsk ) * b_scale; cmap[i].gray = ((r * 11) + (g * 16) + (b * 5)) >> 5; } } chdr_422 = ACT_Get_CMAP(cmap,size,0,size,0,16,16,16); return(chdr_422); }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by