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/* Generated by Interface Builder */ #import "ToTIFF.h" #import <appkit/Form.h> #import <streams/streams.h> #import <appkit/Application.h> #import <appkit/OpenPanel.h> #import <appkit/NXImage.h> #import <appkit/NXBitmapImageRep.h> #import <appkit/Button.h> #import <appkit/Control.h> #import <appkit/SavePanel.h> #import <appkit/tiff.h> #import <dpsclient/psops.h> #import <dpsclient/wraps.h> #import <sys/param.h> #import <stdio.h> #import <stdlib.h> #import <strings.h> @implementation ToTIFF #define WIDTH 256 #define HEIGHT 256 #define BITMAPDIRECTORY "Library/Images/bitmaps" #define REDFILE "b7" #define GREENFILE "b4" #define BLUEFILE "b2" #define STARTFRAME 1 #define ENDFRAME 40 #define LZW 0 #define PACKBITS 1 #define JPEG 2 #define NONE 3 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE !FALSE void prefixdirectory(char *dirname, char *filename) { char *tmp; tmp = (char *)malloc(200); strcpy(tmp, dirname); if(strcmp(&tmp[strlen(tmp)-1],"/")) strcat(tmp,"/"); strcat(tmp, filename); strcpy(filename, tmp); free(tmp); } void postfixframe(char *filename, int frameInt) { char *frameString; frameString = (char *)malloc(6); if(strcmp(&filename[strlen(filename)-1],".")) strcat(filename,"."); sprintf(frameString, "%d", frameInt); strcat(filename, frameString); free(frameString); } unsigned char *loadbyteimage(char *imagename, int *bytecount) { NXStream *stream; char *streambuffer=NULL; int length, maxlength; if ((stream = NXMapFile(imagename, NX_READONLY)) != NULL) { NXGetMemoryBuffer(stream, &streambuffer, &length, &maxlength); *bytecount = length; NXClose(stream); return((unsigned char *)streambuffer); } else { NXRunAlertPanel("Error Opening File", "Filename: %s","OK",NULL,NULL,imagename); return(NULL); } } unsigned char *equalizebyteimage(unsigned char *buffer, int bytecount) { long int histogram[256], fill; int i=0; unsigned char *cursor; /* point to the start of the image data */ cursor=buffer; /* zero the histogram array */ for(i=0;i<256;i++) histogram[i]=0L; /* count up each byte value and store it in the histogram array */ i=0; while(i++<bytecount) histogram[(unsigned int)*(cursor++)]++; /* compute the cumulative histogram */ for(i=1;i<256;i++) histogram[i]=histogram[i]+histogram[i-1]; /* Check that the total counts are correct!!! */ /* If so, then normalize the cumulative histogram and */ /* compute and return the equalized buffer; */ /* if not, then alert the user. */ if(histogram[255]==bytecount) { fill=histogram[0]; for(i=0;i<256;i++)histogram[i]= 255*(histogram[i]-fill) /(histogram[255]-fill); cursor=buffer; i=0; while(i++<bytecount){ *cursor=(unsigned char)histogram[(unsigned int)*cursor]; cursor++; } return(buffer); } else { NXRunAlertPanel("Error in Cumulative Histogram count", "bytecount=%d != histogram[255]= %d", "OK",NULL,NULL,bytecount, histogram[255]); return(NULL); } } - setDefaults:sender { char *home, *bitmapdirectory; home = (char *)malloc(100); bitmapdirectory = (char *)malloc(200); strcpy(home,getenv("HOME")); strcpy(bitmapdirectory, BITMAPDIRECTORY); prefixdirectory(home, bitmapdirectory); /* initialize bitmapinfo table with default values */ [bitmapinfo setIntValue:WIDTH at:0]; [bitmapinfo setIntValue:HEIGHT at:1]; [bitmapinfo setStringValue:bitmapdirectory at:2]; [bitmapinfo setStringValue:REDFILE at:3]; [bitmapinfo setStringValue:GREENFILE at:4]; [bitmapinfo setStringValue:BLUEFILE at:5]; [bitmapinfo setIntValue:STARTFRAME at:6]; [bitmapinfo setIntValue:ENDFRAME at:7]; /* initialize compression type with default value */ compression = NX_TIFF_COMPRESSION_JPEG; [compressiontype selectCellAt:JPEG:0]; /* initialize equalize switch with default value */ equalize = FALSE; [equalizeswitch setState:equalize]; return self; } - doLZW:sender { compression = NX_TIFF_COMPRESSION_LZW; [compressiontype selectCellAt:LZW:0]; return self; } - doPACKBITS:sender { compression = NX_TIFF_COMPRESSION_PACKBITS; [compressiontype selectCellAt:PACKBITS:0]; return self; } - doJPEG:sender { compression = NX_TIFF_COMPRESSION_JPEG; [compressiontype selectCellAt:JPEG:0]; return self; } - doNONE:sender { compression = NX_TIFF_COMPRESSION_NONE; [compressiontype selectCellAt:NONE:0]; return self; } - doEQUALIZE:sender { equalize = ![equalizeswitch state]; [equalizeswitch setState:equalize]; return self; } - toTIFFMethod:sender { char filename[MAXPATHLEN+1], tempfilename[MAXPATHLEN+1]; id myImage; unsigned char *myImagePlanes[3]; int width, height, startframe, endframe, currentframe; int bytecount, redbytes=0, greenbytes=0, bluebytes=0; char *bitmapsdirectory, *redfile, *greenfile, *bluefile; char *tempredfile, *tempgreenfile, *tempbluefile; unsigned char *redbuffer=NULL, *greenbuffer=NULL, *bluebuffer=NULL; /* allocate space for strings */ bitmapsdirectory = (char *)malloc(100); redfile = (char *)malloc(200); greenfile = (char *)malloc(200); bluefile = (char *)malloc(200); tempredfile = (char *)malloc(200); tempgreenfile = (char *)malloc(200); tempbluefile = (char *)malloc(200); /* store user's table entries into variables */ width = [bitmapinfo intValueAt:0]; height = [bitmapinfo intValueAt:1]; strcpy(bitmapsdirectory, [bitmapinfo stringValueAt:2]); strcpy(redfile, [bitmapinfo stringValueAt:3]); strcpy(greenfile,[bitmapinfo stringValueAt:4]); strcpy(bluefile, [bitmapinfo stringValueAt:5]); startframe = [bitmapinfo intValueAt:6]; endframe = [bitmapinfo intValueAt:7]; /* prefix redfile, greenfile and bluefile with bitmapsdirectory */ prefixdirectory(bitmapsdirectory, redfile); prefixdirectory(bitmapsdirectory, greenfile); prefixdirectory(bitmapsdirectory, bluefile); bytecount = width*height; /* read in the frames, beginning with startframe, ending with endframe */ currentframe = startframe; while(currentframe <= endframe) { /* tack the current frame number onto the end of each filename */ strcpy(tempredfile, redfile); strcpy(tempgreenfile, greenfile); strcpy(tempbluefile, bluefile); postfixframe(tempredfile, currentframe); postfixframe(tempgreenfile, currentframe); postfixframe(tempbluefile, currentframe); /* read in the bitmap files for this particular frame */ /* and put bytes into 3 buffers */ if((redbuffer = loadbyteimage(tempredfile, &redbytes))==NULL) return self; if((greenbuffer = loadbyteimage(tempgreenfile, &greenbytes))==NULL) return self; if((bluebuffer = loadbyteimage(tempbluefile, &bluebytes))==NULL) return self; if ((redbytes==bytecount)&&(greenbytes==bytecount)&&(bluebytes==bytecount)) { /* apply appropriate stretch, if requested */ if(equalize) { if(equalizebyteimage(redbuffer, redbytes)==NULL) return self; if(equalizebyteimage(greenbuffer,greenbytes)==NULL)return self; if(equalizebyteimage(bluebuffer, bluebytes)==NULL)return self; } /* assign them to myImagePlanes */ myImagePlanes[0] = (unsigned char *)redbuffer; myImagePlanes[1] = (unsigned char *)greenbuffer; myImagePlanes[2] = (unsigned char *)bluebuffer; myImage = [[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initDataPlanes:myImagePlanes pixelsWide:width pixelsHigh:height bitsPerSample:8 samplesPerPixel:3 hasAlpha:NO isPlanar:YES colorSpace:NX_RGBColorSpace bytesPerRow:width bitsPerPixel:8]; if (myImage) { NXStream *s = NXOpenMemory (NULL, 0, NX_READWRITE); if(currentframe == startframe) { id mySavePanel = [SavePanel new]; [mySavePanel runModal]; if([mySavePanel filename]) strcpy(filename,[mySavePanel filename]); } strcpy(tempfilename, filename); postfixframe(tempfilename, currentframe); strcat(tempfilename,".tiff"); if (s) { [myImage writeTIFF:s usingCompression:compression]; NXFlush (s); if (NXSaveToFile (s, tempfilename)) NXRunAlertPanel("Error Saving File", "Filename: %s","OK",NULL,NULL,filename); NXCloseMemory (s, NX_FREEBUFFER); } } [myImage free]; } else { NXRunAlertPanel("Incorrect byte count !", "%d in red, %d in blue, %d in green.\nAll should = width*height = %d", "OK",NULL,NULL,redbytes, greenbytes, bluebytes, bytecount); } currentframe++; } return self; } @end
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