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$Revision: 1.5 $	$Author: death $	$Date: 93/04/04 23:44:30 $





The File class can be used to open a file, read information from it, write information to it, and move around within it.  These facilities are, however, generic and not very rich in features.  Therefore, most commonly, specialized classes will be subclassed from it.

After allocating a File object, one can ask it to open a particular file in the file system (this initalizes the object).  Since a File object can work with a single file, all messages directed at it will affect the file it has opened.  If asked to open a second file while it has one opened, the File object will return an error.  Closing the File will free the object.

An open file in a File object has a current position, which is where any reading or writing can occurr.  Reading or writing can occur in byte sized, or arbitrarily sized chunks.  One can move the current position forward or backward by a specified number of bytes, or to an absolute position in the file.  Writing at the end of the file will increase the file's size.  All these methods that manipultate the file's contents return ErrorInfo objects when errors occurr.

One can also obtain certain information about the File, including the full pathname, just the file name, or just the basename of the file it has opened, and its total size.

This is 'beta', in so far as all the things described here are not implemented, and nothing is set in stone.
NOTE that methods return Reply objects, not plain-jane id's as suggested here!


Inherited from Object	Class	isa;

Declared in File	Cstring	fileName;
	long int	accessType;
	FILE*	theFile;
	Integer	state;

fileName 	The full pathname of the file being opened

accessType 	Indicates what kind of file access we are doing

theFile 	The file that the object makes use of.

state	A flag indicating what 'state' the file is in.


Creating/Initializing, and Freeing	- openFile:For:
- openFile:
- closeFile

Accessing info about the file name	- getPathname
- getPath
- getFilename 
- getBasename
- getExtension

Accessing info about the file state	- getCurrentPosition

Changing position in the file	- moveTo:
- advanceBytes:
- backupBytes:

Performing I/O on the file	- readByte
- writeByte:
- read:bytesInto:retrieving:
- write:bytesFrom:writing:




- (id) advanceBytes: (FilePosDelta) byteLoc

Moves the current position in the file forward byteLoc number of bytes.  If an attempt is made to move beyond the end of the file, the current position is not moved, and an error is returned.

- (id) backupBytes: (FilePosDelta) byteLoc

Moves the current position backwards byteLoc number of bytes.  If one attempts to back up beyond the beginning of the file, and error is generated, and the current position is not moved.

- closeFile

Closes the files, disposes of the instance values of the method and frees the object.

- (id) fileSize

Returns the size of the file in a Reply object.  Gads. this means one has to know that the
underlying data type is a unsigned long.....

- (Cstring) getBasename

Returns the name of the file without a path or an extension.  Thus,  if the file name is /usr/djb/super.eps this will return super. The string that is generated must be disposed by the caller.

- (FilePos) getCurrentPosition

This returns the position in the file as a byte count.

- (Cstring) getDirectory

Returns the path to the file, without including the file name itself.  Note that it does include the final / in the pathname (e.g. /usr/djb/super.eps returns /usr/djb/). The string that is generated must be disposed by the caller.

- (Cstring) getExtension

Like getFilename, but this returns only the extension of the file name Thus, the file /usr/djb/super.eps returns merely eps.The string that is generated must be disposed by the caller.

- (Cstring) getFilename

Returns a new string that contains the name of the file without its full path.  E.g. if the full name is /usr/djb/super.eps, this returns just super.eps.The string that is generated must be disposed by the caller.

- (Cstring) getPathname

Returns the full pathname to the file the object has open.  This provides a new string which the recipient is responsible for disposing.

- (id) initFile: (const char *) filename For: (long int) operation

This acts identically to openFile:For:, below, and is provided merely to remain compatabile with what NeXT says one should provide (init menthods that start with the characters `init').

- (id) moveTo: (FilePos) byteLoc

Moves to the specified location in the file.  If the byteLoc is out of range, an error is returned.  If the file access method is FILE_APPEND, then this method will always return an error.  If one tries to move beyond the end of a file, and error is generated (note that because FilePos is an unsigned quantity, one can not move past the beginning).

- (id) openFile: (const char *) filename For: (long int) operation

Creates a new File object, opening the file filename, if possible, for the specified operation.  The operation can be one of FILE_READ, FILE_WRITE, FILE_READWRITE and FILE_APPEND.  In all cases save FileAPPEND, the file is opened with the current position at the beginning of the file.  In the case of FileAPPEND, it is at the end of the file.

- (id) openFile: (const char *) filename

Calls openFile:For: using FileREADWROTE for the operation parameter.  This, then, simply serves as a more common case wrapper around the preceeding method.

- (id) readByte: (byte*) theByte

Reads a byte from the file, and returns it in theByte.  If an error occurrs, including detection of EOF and reads during FILE_WRITE or FILE_APPEND, an error is returned.

- (id) read: (long int) numBytes bytesInto: (byte*) buffer retrieving: (long int*) bytesFound

This reads up to numBytes into buffer from the file.  If buffer is not of the proper size, the results are unpredictable.  If any errors are encountered while reading, no further reading is done, and an error is returned.  In all cases, the number of bytes actually read is returned in bytesFound.

- (id) writeByte: (byte) theByte

writes a byte to the file at the current position, and advances the position one byte. If an error occurs, including writing during FILE_READ, an error is returned.

- (id) write: (long int) numBytes bytesFrom: (byte*) buffer writing: (long int*) bytesWrote

This writes up to numBytes from buffer into the file.  If buffer is not of the proper size, the results are unpredictable.  If any errors are encountered while writing, no further writing is done, and an error is returned.  In all cases, the number of bytes actually written is returned in bytesWrote.


I suspect a lot of this will break when things other than plain old files are added.
there should probably be a free method corresponding to the close.
There should be a FILE_MODIFY and a FILE_READMODIFY.  These are the same as write, except that write creates or clears a file to start with.  Perhaps pick better terms overall.  Maybe FILE_NEWWRITE, FILE_NEWREADWRITE, FILE_WRITE, FILE_READWRITE.  ? That would not be backwared compatable.  But this isn't 'final' anyway.  Tough luck on the macpaint and macpict converters! =)  Also, the error diagnostics from the open routine should reflect error codes more accurately (tried to open, but it wasn't there!)


Add support for other types of streams


/* Types of ways to access a file */
#define FILE_READ	0
#define FILE_WRITE	1
#define FILE_APPEND	3

FilePos	An unsigned number for specifying a byte position in a file.
FilePosDelta	An unsigned number for specifying a change in position in a file.


$Log:	File.rtf,v $Revision 1.5  93/04/04  23:44:30  deathSun Apr  4 23:44:30 PDT 1993
Revision 1.4  93/01/10  15:07:57  deathSun Jan 10 15:07:56 PST 1993
Revision 1.3  92/07/26  13:58:16  deathprobably no changes here (sigh).Revision 1.2  92/04/05  22:52:03  deathReflects  some of the miscelaneous revisions that have taken place.  Last version of version 1.Revision 1.1  92/03/29  12:19:01  deathInitial revision

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