
This is PictConverter.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Converter class for Convert PICT which converts graphics from PICT to eps formats.
Copyright (C) 1993 David John Burrowes

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

The author, David John Burrowes, can be reached at:
	David John Burrowes
	1926 Ivy #10
	San Mateo, CA 94403-1367

	This is $Revision: 1.10 $ of this file
	It was last modified by $Author: death $ on $Date: 93/04/04 23:29:53 $
Note that this file was created while using the New Century Schoolbook Roman typeface.  You may find that some things line up strangely if you don't use that family.

	93.07.18	djb	Added PicCommentOperation type, and instance variable for the same.	

$Log:	PictConverter.h,v $
 * Revision 1.10  93/04/04  23:29:53  death
 * Sun Apr  4 23:29:53 PDT 1993
 * Revision 1.9  93/01/09  21:07:07  death
 * Sat Jan  9 21:07:07 PST 1993
 * Revision 1.8  93/01/01  11:51:16  death
 * Fri Jan  1 11:51:16 PST 1993
 * Revision 1.7  92/12/31  15:33:53  death
 * Thu Dec 31 15:33:53 PST 1992
 * Revision 1.6  92/12/05  23:06:26  death
 * Sat Dec  5 23:06:25 PST 1992

#import "AbstractConverter.h"
#import "PICTFile.h"

//	type styles
#define boldBit 1
#define italicBit 2
#define underlineBit 4
#define outlineBit 8
#define shadowBit 0x10
#define condenseBit 0x20
#define extendBit 0x40

//	PICT modes
#define macSrcCopy 0
#define macSrcOr 1
#define macSrcXor 2
#define macSrcBic 3
#define macNotSrcCopy 4
#define macNotSrcOr 5
#define macNotSrcXor 6
#define macNotSrcBic 7
#define macPatCopy 8
#define macPatOr 9
#define macPatXor 10
#define macPatBic 11
#define macNotPatCopy 12
#define macNotPatOr 13
#define macNotPatXor 14
#define macNotPatBic 15
// Arithmetic modes defined in Inide Mac V.  
#define blend 32
#define addPin 33
#define addOver 34
#define subPin 35
#define addMax 37
#define subOver 38
#define adMin 39
// a transparent mode
#define transparent 36
//	93.07.18	djb	added.
//	A mysterious pen mode defined in a tech note.
//	It's effect is, it seems, to be to cause QuickDraw to process stuff, but not 
//	actually draw anything.
#define	magicMode	23

//	Old style colors  (what space are those numbers in?
#define	oldBlackColor	0x0021
#define	oldWhiteColor	0x001E
#define	oldRedColor		0x00D1
#define	oldGreenColor	0x0149
#define	oldBlueColor		0x0185
#define	oldCyanColor		0x010D
#define	oldMagentaColor	0x0095
#define	oldYellowColor	0x0059

//	Pixmap stuff
struct PixMap {
	PICTRect bounds;			/*encloses bitmap*/
	INTEGER pmVersion;			/*pixMap version number*/
	INTEGER packType; 			/*defines packing format*/
	LONGINT packSize;			/*length of pixel data*/
	FIXED hRes; 			/*horiz. resolution (ppi)*/
	FIXED vRes; 			/*vert. resolution (ppi)*/
	INTEGER pixelType;			/*defines pixel type*/
	INTEGER pixelSize;			/*# bits in pixel*/
	INTEGER cmpCount; 			/*# components in pixel*/
	INTEGER cmpSize;				/*# bits per component*/
	LONGINT planeBytes;			/*offset to next plane*/
	LONGINT pmTable; 			/*color map for this pixMap*/
	LONGINT pmReserved;			/*for future use. MUST BE 0*/

typedef struct PixMap modPixMap;

typedef enum piccommentoptype

@interface PictConverter:AbstractConverter
	Instance	sourceFile,
	Instance	textConverter;
	Boolean	UsedPatterns,
	CString	CodeDir;
	Boolean	PackingSetting;
	Boolean	UsersCharConvertChoice;
	Boolean	ConvertCurrentCharacters;
	PicCommentOpType	PicCommentOperation;

//	Administrative/ setup
- init;
- free;
- SetImagePacking: (Boolean) packimages UsingPSIn: (CString) newCodeDirectory;
- SetConvertAllChars: (Boolean) convertAll;
- SetPicCommentConversion: (PicCommentOpType) picConversion;
- (Boolean) isThisAGoodFile: theFile;
- (CString) SimpleStringConvert: (CString) theString;
- BuildHeaderInto: thisFile;
- AppendFile: (CString) codeFile To: thisFile;
- BuildPrologInto: thisFile;
- ConvertPICTfile: pictfile ToEPSfile: epsfile;
//	High level opcode parsers
- (Boolean) ParseOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opCode;
//	Opcode processing.
- (Boolean) ParseMiscOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParseLineOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParseTextOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParseRectangleOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParseRoundRectangleOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParseOvalOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParseArcOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParsePolygonOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParseRegionOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParseBitmapOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- (Boolean) ParseCommentOpcode: (PICTOpcode) opcode;
- ParseShortComment: (Integer) kind;
//	Processing utilities
- Skip2PlusData;
- Skip4PlusData;
- SkipSizedObject;
- ConvertHexBytes: (PositiveInteger) theBytes;
- WritePoint: (PICTPoint*) thePoint;
- WriteRect: (PICTRect*) theRect;
- WritePSProcedureName: (CString) theName;
//	Primary data conversion routines
- ConvertArc;
- ConvertAngles;
- ConvertPolygon;
- ConvertRegion;
- ConvertMode;
- ConvertFamily;
- ConvertFace;
- WriteString: (CString) theString;
- ConvertOldColor;
- ConvertRGBColor;
//	Bitmap and pattern processing
- ConvertInvertedHexBytes: (PositiveInteger) theBytes;
- ConvertPict1Pattern;
- ConvertPict2Pattern;
- GetPixMapFrom: SourceFile  Into: (modPixMap*) nativeMap;
- ConvertBitmapWithRegion: (Boolean) hasRegion PackedData: (Boolean) isPacked;
- ConvertDirectBitmapWithRegion: (Boolean) hasRegion;  // new with 1.2
- ConvertPackType1WithHeight: (Integer) dataHigh
				AndWidth: (Integer) rowBytes
				AndOffiset: (Integer) bitmapOffset; // New with 1.2
- ConvertPackType2WithHeight: (Integer) dataHigh
				AndWidth: (Integer) rowBytes
				AndOffiset: (Integer) bitmapOffset; // New with 1.2
- ConvertPackType4WithHeight: (Integer) dataHigh
				AndWidth: (Integer) rowBytes
				AndOffiset: (Integer) bitmapOffset;  // New with 1.2
- ExtractImageDataUsingDataWidth: (PositiveInteger) rawWidth
	Scanlines: (Integer) numLines
	ScanlineLength: (Integer) bytesPerScanline
	ScanlineStart: (Integer) bitOffset
	AndPixelDepth: (Integer) numBits
	IsCompressed: (Boolean)  sourcePacked
	UsesColor: (Boolean) ColorUsed;
- ConvertColorTable;
- Unpack: (PositiveInteger) numBytes
	BytesFrom:  (ByteString) sourceLine
	Into:  (ByteString) destLine;
-(PositiveInteger) Pack: (PositiveInteger) numBytes
	BytesFrom:  (ByteString) source
	Into:  (ByteString) dest;
- Invert: (Integer) numBytes In: (ByteString) theBuffer;
- (ByteString) Copy: (PositiveInteger) sourceSize
	BitsAtOffset: (PositiveInteger) offset
	From: (ByteString) source
	Into: (ByteString) dest;


#define	ERR_UNKNOWNPACK	-1000
#define	ERR_BADPACK			1001
#define	ERR_NOSIXTEEN		-1002

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