
This is FontConverter.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Converter class for Convert FONT which converts Mac fonts to NeXT fonts.
Copyright (C) 1993 David John Burrowes

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

The author, David John Burrowes, can be reached at:
	David John Burrowes
	1926 Ivy #10
	San Mateo, CA 94403-1367

This is the interface file for the FontConverter class.  Full documentation for this class can be found in the FontConverter.rtf file (someday).  I will not duplicate all that fine information here.
The quick summary: This just reads the binary file that contains a Macintosh Font definitino (bitmap, not that new-fangled TrueType stuff) and writes it out at a Type 3 PS font....
	This is $Revision: 1.2 $ of this file
	It was last modified by $Author: death $ on $Date: 93/04/04 23:42:46 $
Note that this file was created while using the New Century Schoolbook Roman typeface.  You may find that some things line up strangely if you don't use that family.
 *$Log:	FontConverter.h,v $
 * Revision 1.2  93/04/04  23:42:46  death
 * Sun Apr  4 23:42:46 PDT 1993
 * Revision 1.1  93/01/10  15:01:47  death
 * Sun Jan 10 15:01:47 PST 1993

//	Import our parent class' definition
#import "AbstractConverter.h"
#import "common.h"
#import "MacTypes.h"

//	Define the Font record.

typedef struct {
	INTEGER	fontType; 		/*font type*/
	INTEGER	firstChar;		/*ASCII code of first character*/
	INTEGER	lastChar; 		/*ASCII code of last character*/
	INTEGER	widMax;			/*maximum character width*/
	INTEGER	kernMax;		/*negative of maximum character kern*/
	INTEGER	nDescent; 		/*negative of descent*/
	INTEGER	fRectWidth;		/*width of font rectangle*/
	INTEGER	fRectHeight;		/*height of font rectangle*/
	INTEGER	owTLoc;			/*offset to offset/width table*/
	INTEGER	ascent;			/*ascent*/
	INTEGER	descent;			/*descent*/
	INTEGER	leading;			/*leading*/
	INTEGER	rowWords; 		/*row width of bit image / 2 */
	Byte		ImageAndTables;
} FontRec, *FontRecPtr;

typedef struct {
	CHAR	offset, width;
} OWEntry;

#define	propFont	0x9000
#define	fixedFont 0xB000

@interface FontConverter:AbstractConverter
	CString	EncodingVector[256];
	CString	NSEncodingVector[256];
	CString	StoredName;
	Boolean	UseNSEncoding;
	Integer	MacToNeXTLookup[256];

- init;
- free;
- (Boolean) isThisAGoodFile: theFile;

- SetNSEncodingUse: (Boolean) NSEncodingFlag;

- (ByteString) Copy: (PositiveInteger) sourceSize
	BitsAtOffset: (PositiveInteger) offset
	From: (ByteString) source
	Into: (ByteString) dest;
- ConvertMacFONT: SourceFile ToType3Font: DestFile AndAFM: afmFile;
- (FontRecPtr) GetFontRecordWithLength: (PositiveInteger) fontLength From: SourceFile;
-SetFullNameTo: (ConstCString) filename;


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