This is mgri.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#include "mgriP.h" #include "mgrishade.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #import <appkit/appkit.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/resource.h> /* For enlarging stack size */ mgcontext * mgri_ctxcreate(int a1, ...); void mgri_ctxset( int a1, ... ); int mgri_feature( int feature ); void mgri_ctxdelete( mgcontext *ctx ); int mgri_ctxget( int attr, void* valueptr ); int mgri_ctxselect( mgcontext *ctx ); void mgri_sync( void ); void mgri_worldbegin( void ); void mgri_worldend( void ); void mgri_reshapeviewport( void ); void mgri_identity( void ); void mgri_transform( Transform T ); void mgri_pushtransform( void ); void mgri_poptransform( void ); void mgri_gettransform( Transform T ); void mgri_settransform( Transform T ); void mgri_material( struct mgastk *mastk, int merge ); int mgri_pushappearance( void ); int mgri_popappearance( void ); Appearance *mgri_setappearance( Appearance* app, int merge ); Appearance *mgri_getappearance( void ); int mgri_setcamera( Camera* cam ); mgricontext *mgri_newcontext( mgricontext *ctx ); extern void mgri_polygon(); extern void mgri_mesh(); extern void mgri_line(); extern void mgri_polyline(); extern void mgri_polylist(); void _mgri_ctxset(int a1, va_list *alist); extern int mgri_nxwindow(int x, int y, int xsize, int ysize, char *name, int noborder, unsigned int *globalNum); extern void mgri_closewindow(mgricontext *thectx); extern void mgri_display(); extern void mgri_getnxrect(float *f); extern void mgri_clear(); extern void mgri_flush(); extern RtPointer mgri_vieworigin(); extern void mgri_startdebugcontext(); extern void mgri_stopdebugcontext(); extern void mgri_errorhandler(); WnWindow *mgriwindow(WnWindow *win); struct mgfuncs mgrifuncs = { MGD_RI, mgdevice_RI, mgri_feature, (mgcontext *(*)())mgri_ctxcreate, mgri_ctxdelete, (void (*)())mgri_ctxset, mgri_ctxget, mgri_ctxselect, mgri_sync, mgri_worldbegin, mgri_worldend, mgri_reshapeviewport, mgri_settransform, mgri_gettransform, mgri_identity, mgri_transform, mgri_pushtransform, mgri_poptransform, mgri_pushappearance, mgri_popappearance, mgri_setappearance, mgri_getappearance, mgri_setcamera, mgri_polygon, mgri_polylist, mgri_mesh, mgri_line, mgri_polyline, mg_quads, mg_bezier, }; /* for debugging simplification: */ static mgricontext *MGRI; /* our renderman<->oogl z axis flip transform */ Transform cam2ri = {{1, 0,0,0}, {0,1,0,0}, {0,0,-1,0},{0,0,0,1}}; /* our QRMAN interface buffers */ RtPoint *ript; /* points */ RtColor *ricolor; /* rgb color */ RtPoint *rinormal; /* normals */ int *rippi; /* PointsPolygon polygon index array */ int rippis; /* PointsPolygon polygon index array size */ int *ripvi; /* PointsPolygon vertex index array */ int ripvis; /* PointsPolygon vertex index array size */ RtPoint *plpt; /* verticees for buffered polylines */ RtColor *plcolor; /* colors for buffered polylines */ RtPoint *plp; /* vertices */ RtColor *plc; /* colors */ int *plvca; /* polyline vertex count array */ int *plvia; /* vertex index array */ int mgdevice_RI() { _mgf = mgrifuncs; if (_mgc != NULL && _mgc->devno != MGD_RI) _mgc = NULL; return(0); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_ctxcreate * Date: Thu Jul 18 18:55:18 1991 * Author: mbp * Notes: see mg.doc for rest of spec */ mgcontext * mgri_ctxcreate(int a1, ...) { va_list alist; struct rlimit rl; /* Since we depend on alloca() for copying some OOGL data structures, * ensure we're allowed a reasonable amount of stack space. * NeXT default seems to be .5MB, not enough. */ getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &rl); if(rl.rlim_cur < 24*1024*1024) { rl.rlim_cur = 24*1024*1024; setrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &rl); } _mgc = (mgcontext*)(MGRI = mgri_newcontext( OOGLNewE(mgricontext, "mgri_ctxcreate") )); /* Ensure some sensible default Window */ WnSet(_mgc->win, WN_XSIZE, 500, WN_YSIZE, 400, WN_END); va_start(alist, a1); _mgri_ctxset(a1, &alist); va_end(alist); return _mgc; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: _mgri_ctxset * Description: internal ctxset routine * Args: a1: first attribute * *alist: rest of attribute-value list * Returns: nothing * Author: mbp, wisdom * Date: Fri Sep 20 11:08:13 1991 * Notes: mgri_ctxcreate() and mgri_ctxset() call this to actually * parse and interpret the attribute list. */ void _mgri_ctxset(int a1, va_list *alist) { int attr; char *name; for (attr = a1; attr != MG_END; attr = va_arg (*alist, int)) { switch (attr) { case MG_ApSet: { Appearance *ap; ap = _ApSet(NULL, va_arg(*alist, int), alist); mgri_setappearance(ap, MG_MERGE); ApDelete(ap); } break; case MG_WnSet: _WnSet( _mgc->win, va_arg(*alist, int), alist); if(_mgc->shown) { WnGet(_mgc->win, WN_NAME, &name); if(_mgric->born) if(name) [(id)_mgric->nxwindow setTitle:name]; //wintitle(name); } break; case MG_CamSet: _CamSet( _mgc->cam, va_arg(*alist, int), alist); break; case MG_APPEAR: mgsetappearance(va_arg(*alist, Appearance *), MG_SET); break; case MG_WINDOW: if (_mgc->win) WnDelete(_mgc->win); _mgc->win = va_arg(*alist, WnWindow*); RefIncr((Ref*) (_mgc->win)); break; case MG_CAMERA: mgri_setcamera( va_arg(*alist, Camera*) ); break; case MG_SETOPTIONS: _mgc->opts |= va_arg(*alist, int); case MG_UNSETOPTIONS: _mgc->opts &= ~va_arg(*alist, int); break; case MG_SHOW: _mgc->shown = va_arg(*alist, int); break; case MG_PARENT: _mgc->parent = va_arg(*alist, mgcontext*); break; case MG_BACKGROUND: _mgc->background = *va_arg(*alist, ColorA*); break; case MG_ZNUDGE: _mgc->zfnudge = va_arg(*alist, double); break; case MG_SPACE: { int space = va_arg(*alist, int); _mgc->space = space; if(! ((space & TM_EUCLIDEAN) || (space & TM_HYPERBOLIC) || (space & TM_SPHERICAL))) fprintf(stderr, "_mgri_ctxset: Illegal space value %1d\n", space); } break; case MG_SHADER: mgri_setshader( va_arg(*alist, mgshadefunc) ); break; case MG_SHADERDATA: _mgc->astk->shaderdata = va_arg(*alist, void*); break; case MG_NDINFO: _mgc->NDinfo = va_arg(*alist, void *); break; case MG_NDMAP: _mgc->NDmap = va_arg(*alist, mgmapfunc); break; /* NeXT specific */ case MG_NXWINDOW: _mgric->nxwindow = va_arg(*alist, char *); break; case MG_NXVIEW: _mgric->nxview = va_arg(*alist, char *); break; case MG_RICALLBACK: _mgric->callback = va_arg(*alist, void *); break; case MG_RISTANDALONE: _mgric->standalone = va_arg(*alist, int); break; default: OOGLError (0, "_mgri_ctxset: undefined option: %d\n", attr); return; break; } } if (_mgc->shown && !_mgric->born) { /* open the window */ mgriwindow(_mgc->win); /* rib state is *not* in accordance with appearance state: don't set the appearance until worldbegin time */ } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_ctxget * Description: get a context attribute value * Args: attr: the attribute to get * value: place to write attr's value * Returns: 1 for success; -1 if attr is invalid * Author: mbp, wisdom * Date: Fri Sep 20 11:50:25 1991 * Notes: */ int mgri_ctxget(int attr, void* value) { #define VALUE(type) ((type*)value) switch (attr) { /* Attributes common to all MG contexts: */ case MG_APPEAR: *VALUE(Appearance*) = &(_mgc->astk->ap); break; case MG_CAMERA: *VALUE(Camera*) = _mgc->cam; break; case MG_WINDOW: if(_mgric->born) { WnPosition wp; float theRect[4]; /* origin.x, origin.y, size.width, size.height */ mgri_getnxrect(theRect); wp.xmin = theRect[0]; wp.xmax = theRect[0]+theRect[2]-1; wp.ymin = theRect[1]; wp.ymax = theRect[1]+theRect[3]-1; WnSet(_mgc->win, WN_CURPOS, &wp, WN_END); } *VALUE(WnWindow*) = _mgc->win; break; case MG_PARENT: *VALUE(mgcontext*) = _mgc->parent; break; case MG_SETOPTIONS: case MG_UNSETOPTIONS: *VALUE(int) = _mgc->opts; break; case MG_BACKGROUND: *VALUE(ColorA) = _mgc->background; break; case MG_SPACE: *VALUE(int) = _mgc->space; break; case MG_ZNUDGE: *VALUE(float) = _mgc->zfnudge; break; case MG_SHADER: *VALUE(mgshadefunc) = _mgc->astk->shader; break; case MG_SHADERDATA: *VALUE(void *) = _mgc->astk->shaderdata; break; case MG_NDINFO: *VALUE(void *) = _mgc->NDinfo; break; case MG_NDMAP: *VALUE(mgmapfunc) = _mgc->NDmap; break; /* Attributes specific to RI contexts: */ case MG_RIWINID: *VALUE(int) = _mgric->win; break; /* specific to NeXT */ case MG_NXWINDOW: *VALUE(char *) = _mgric->nxwindow; break; case MG_NXVIEW: *VALUE(char *) = _mgric->nxview; break; case MG_RICALLBACK: *VALUE(void *) = _mgric->callback; break; case MG_RISTANDALONE: *VALUE(int) = _mgric->standalone; break; default: OOGLError (0, "mgri_ctxget: undefined option: %d\n", attr); return -1; } return 1; #undef VALUE } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgriwindow * Description: create an RI window * Args: *win: the WnWindow structure to realize * Returns: win if success, NULL if not * Author: wisdom, gunn * Date: Thu May 21 15:04:42 CDT 1992 * Notes: makes the RI calls necessary to create an RI window * corresponding to *win. */ WnWindow * mgriwindow(WnWindow *win) { WnPosition pos; int xsize, ysize, flag, reconstrain; char *name; char gver[80]; double pxloc, pyloc, pxsize, pysize; int noborder=0; unsigned int globalNum; /* interpret window ...*/ if(WnGet(win, WN_PREFPOS, (void*)&pos) == 1){ pxloc = pos.xmin; pyloc = pos.ymin; pxsize = pos.xmax - pos.xmin; pysize = pos.ymax - pos.ymin; } else if ((WnGet(win, WN_XSIZE, (void*)&xsize) == 1) && (WnGet(win, WN_YSIZE, (void*)&ysize) == 1) ) { pxsize = xsize; pysize = ysize; } WnGet(win, WN_NOBORDER, &flag); if (flag) noborder=1; WnGet(win, WN_NAME, &name); mgri_nxwindow(pxloc, pyloc, pxsize, pysize, name, noborder, &globalNum); /* creat the renderman context */ _mgric->qrmContext = RiBegin(RI_NULL, RI_NULL); RiHider(RI_HIDDEN,RI_NULL); RiErrorHandler((RtFunc)mgri_errorhandler); _mgric->windowresource = RiResource("Generic", RI_IMAGE, RI_WINDOWID, (RtPointer)&globalNum, RI_NULL); _mgric->born = 1; return(win); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_ctxset * Description: set some context attributes * Args: a1, ...: list of attribute-value pairs * Returns: nothing * Author: mbp * Date: Fri Sep 20 12:00:18 1991 */ void mgri_ctxset( int a1, ... ) { va_list alist; va_start( alist, a1 ); _mgri_ctxset(a1, &alist); va_end(alist); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_feature * Description: report whether the GL device has a particular feature * Args: feature: the feature to report on * Returns: an int giving info about feature * Author: mbp * Date: Fri Sep 20 12:00:58 1991 * Notes: -1 means the feature is not present. * * NO FEATURES SUPPORTED YET. ALWAYS RETURNS -1. */ int mgri_feature( int feature ) { return(-1); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_ctxdelete * Description: delete a GL context * Args: *ctx: context to delete * Returns: nothing * Author: slevy * Date: Tue Nov 12 10:29:04 CST 1991 * Notes: Deleting the current context leaves the current-context * pointer set to NULL. */ void mgri_ctxdelete( mgcontext *ctx ) { if(ctx->devno != MGD_RI) { mgcontext *was = _mgc; mgctxselect(ctx); mgctxdelete(ctx); if(was != ctx) mgctxselect(was); } else { if(((mgricontext *)ctx)->born) { mgricontext *current = _mgric; RiContext(((mgricontext *)ctx)->qrmContext, RI_NULL); RiEnd(); /* no context active now, choose what was active if we can */ if(current!=((mgricontext *)ctx)) RiContext(current->qrmContext, RI_NULL); mgri_closewindow((mgricontext *)ctx); } mg_ctxdelete(ctx); if(ctx == _mgc) _mgc = NULL; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_ctxselect * Description: select an RI context --- make it current * Args: *ctx: the context to become current * Returns: 0 * Author: mbp, wisdom * Date: Fri Sep 20 12:04:41 1991 */ int mgri_ctxselect( mgcontext *ctx ) { if(ctx == NULL || ctx->devno != MGD_RI) { return mg_ctxselect(ctx); } _mgc = ctx; MGRI = (mgricontext *)ctx; if(_mgric->born) RiContext(_mgric->qrmContext,RI_NULL); return(0); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_sync * Description: flush buffered commands * Returns: nothing * Author: wisdom * Date: Wed May 13 14:34:02 CDT 1992 * Notes: */ void mgri_sync( void ) { /* qrman docs say RI_WAIT performs a flush, but net reports*/ /* indicate that this is not the case, so we flush before */ /* we wait. this may not be a necessary for NS3.1 or higher*/ RiSynchronize(RI_FLUSH); RiSynchronize(RI_WAIT); mgri_flush(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_worldbegin * Description: prepare to draw a frame * Returns: nothing * Author: gunn, wisdom * Date: Sat Mar 7 16:28:35 GMT-0600 1992 */ void mgri_worldbegin( void ) { int persp; RtFloat fov, aspect, near, far; WnWindow *win; WnPosition wp; int xsize, ysize; Transform T; static Transform *O2SP, *W2SP; /* to ease gdb'ing */ /* NOTE 1: Regarding cam2ri transform; in mgrib, we use an identity matrix * with a -1 value in the z position to mirror the z axis. QuickRenderman, * however, considers this matrix as non isometric (an error). Therefore, we * also mirror the y axis (-1 in y pos) to retain the isometric property. * reversing the y components of RiScreenWindow from -1,0,1.0 to 1.0,-1.0 * effectively mirrors that change back, and QRM is happy. sw7/92 */ /* debug, if necessary */ if(_mgric->debug) { mgri_startdebugcontext(); } /* Interpret Options...(none exist now) */ /* Interpret Camera ...*/ /* the halfyfield is so confusing that I'm going to ignore it and use fov*/ /* (gunn) */ CamGet( _mgc->cam, CAM_ASPECT, &aspect); /* this may break it */ WnGet(_mgc->win, WN_CURPOS, &wp); xsize = wp.xmax - wp.xmin + 1; ysize = wp.ymax - wp.ymin + 1; CamGet( _mgc->cam, CAM_NEAR, &near); CamGet( _mgc->cam, CAM_FAR, &far); RiClipping(near, far); if(_mgric->debug) RiDisplay(_mgric->debugResource, RI_FILE, RI_RGBA,RI_NULL); else RiDisplay(_mgric->windowresource, RI_FRAMEBUFFER, RI_RGBAZ, RI_ORIGIN, (RtPointer)(_mgric->mgvorigin), RI_NULL); RiFrameBegin(1); RiFormat(xsize,ysize,1.0); RiScreenWindow(-aspect, aspect, -1.0, 1.0); CamGet( _mgc->cam, CAM_PERSPECTIVE, &persp); CamGet( _mgc->cam, CAM_FOV, &fov); if(persp) { RiProjection("perspective", "fov", &fov, RI_NULL); } else { RiProjection("orthographic",RI_NULL); } RiTransform(cam2ri); //acts as our initial (twisted) identity matrix CamGet(_mgc->cam, CAM_W2C, _mgc->W2C); CamGet(_mgc->cam, CAM_C2W, _mgc->C2W); _mgric->hascpos = _mgc->xstk->hasinv = 0; RiConcatTransform(_mgc->W2C); /* RiWorldBegin...*/ mgri_clear(); RiWorldBegin(); /* bring ri state into accordance with appearance state */ { Appearance *ap = ApCopy( &(_mgc->astk->ap), NULL ); mgri_setappearance( ap, MG_SET ); ApDelete(ap); } /* Build camera->screen matrix */ CamView(_mgc->cam, _mgric->W2S); /* world to {-1 .. +1} cube */ TmTranslate(T, 1.0, 1.0, 0); TmConcat(_mgric->W2S,T, _mgric->W2S); /* world to {0..2, 0..2, -1..+1} */ mgri_ctxget(MG_WINDOW, &win); /* Gets size of drawing area */ WnGet(_mgc->win, WN_XSIZE, &xsize); WnGet(_mgc->win, WN_YSIZE, &ysize); TmScale(T, (double)xsize*.5, (double)ysize*.5, 1.0); TmConcat(_mgric->W2S,T, _mgric->W2S); /* world to window */ TmCopy(_mgric->W2S, _mgric->O2S); /* initially world == object space */ } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_worldend * Description: finish drawing a frame * Returns: nothing * Author: wisdom * Date: Sat Mar 7 14:47:40 GMT-0600 1992 */ void mgri_worldend( void ) { /* check for any remaining buffered polylines */ if(_mgric->plni) mgri_plflush(); RiWorldEnd(); RiFrameEnd(); mgri_sync(); /* debugging */ if(_mgric->debug) mgri_stopdebugcontext(); /* if the main program doesn't use the appkit (standalone=1), then * any events are processed here. if events must be processed but mg * isn't being called to update the window, mgri_processevents() can be * called directly. */ /* if necessary, process events */ if(MGRI->standalone) mgri_processevents(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_reshapeviewport * Description: adjust to a new window size * Returns: nothing * Author: mbp * Date: Fri Sep 20 12:08:30 1991 * Notes: */ void mgri_reshapeviewport( void ) { WnWindow *win; WnPosition wp; int xsize, ysize; mgri_ctxget(MG_WINDOW, &win); /* Get window; force it to ask * NeXTStep how big the window is */ WnGet(win, WN_CURPOS, &wp); xsize = wp.xmax - wp.xmin + 1; ysize = wp.ymax - wp.ymin + 1; CamSet(_mgc->cam, CAM_ASPECT, (double)xsize/(double)ysize, CAM_END); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_identity * Description: set the current object xform to identity * Returns: nothing * Author: wisdom * Date: Tue Sep 15 14:24:24 CDT 1992 * Notes: * */ void mgri_identity( void ) { if(_mgric->plni) mgri_plflush(); RiIdentity(); mg_identity(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_transform * Description: premultiply the object xform by T * Args: T * Returns: nothing * Author: wisdom * Date: Tue Sep 15 14:24:24 CDT 1992 * Notes: * */ void mgri_transform( Transform T ) { if(_mgric->plni) mgri_plflush(); mg_transform(T); RiTransform(_mgc->xstk->T); _mgric->hascpos = _mgc->xstk->hasinv = 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_pushtransform * Description: push the object xform stack * Returns: nothing * Author: wisdom * Date: Tue Sep 15 14:24:24 CDT 1992 * Notes: * */ void mgri_pushtransform( void ) { if(_mgric->plni) mgri_plflush(); RiTransformBegin(); mg_pushtransform(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_popransform * Description: pop the object xform stack * Returns: nothing * Author: wisdom * Date: Tue Sep 15 14:24:24 CDT 1992 * Notes: * */ void mgri_poptransform( void ) { if(_mgric->plni) mgri_plflush(); RiTransformEnd(); mg_poptransform(); _mgric->hascpos = 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_gettransform * Description: get the current object xform * Args: T: place to write the current object xform * Returns: nothing * Author: wisdom * Date: Tue Sep 15 17:16:35 CDT 1992 * Notes: * */ void mgri_gettransform( Transform T ) { TmCopy(_mgc->xstk->T, T); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_settransform * Description: set the current object xform to T * Args: T * Returns: nothing * Author: wisdom * Date: Tue Sep 15 17:06:51 CDT 1992 * Notes: * */ void mgri_settransform( Transform T ) { if(_mgric->plni) mgri_plflush(); RiTransform(T); mg_settransform( T ); _mgric->hascpos = _mgc->xstk->hasinv = 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_pushappearance * Description: push the MG context appearance stack * Returns: nothing * Author: wisdom * Date: Fri Sep 20 12:54:19 1991 */ int mgri_pushappearance( void ) { mg_pushappearance(); RiAttributeBegin(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_popappearance * Description: pop the MG context appearance stack * Returns: nothing * Author: munzner? wisdom? * Date: ? * Note: */ int mgri_popappearance( void ) { register struct mgastk *mastk = _mgc->astk; register struct mgastk *mastk_next; if (! (mastk_next=mastk->next)) { OOGLError(0, "mgri_popappearance: appearance stack has only 1 entry.\n"); return; } RiAttributeEnd(); mg_popappearance(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_setappearance * Author: munzner, mbp * Date: Wed Aug 7 01:08:07 1991 * Notes: */ Appearance * mgri_setappearance( Appearance* ap, int mergeflag ) { int changed, mat_changed, lng_changed; struct mgastk *mastk = _mgc->astk; Appearance *ma; static float nullarray[] = { 0.0 }; ma = &(mastk->ap); /* Decide what changes */ if (mergeflag == MG_MERGE) { changed = ap->valid & ~(ma->override &~ ap->override); mat_changed = ap->mat ? ap->mat->valid & ~(ma->mat->override &~ ap->mat->override) : 0; lng_changed = ap->lighting ? ap->lighting->valid & ~(ma->lighting->override &~ ap->lighting->override) : 0; } else { changed = ap->valid; mat_changed = ap->mat ? ap->mat->valid : 0; lng_changed = ap->lighting ? ap->lighting->valid : 0; } mg_setappearance( ap, mergeflag ); /* here is where everything gets set (sort of) */ if(_mgric->born) { mgri_appearance( mastk, changed); /* interpret lights ... */ mgri_lighting(_mgc->astk, lng_changed); if (ap->mat) mgri_material( mastk, mat_changed ); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_getappearance * Description: return a ptr to current appearance * Returns: ptr to current appearance * Author: mbp * Date: Fri Sep 20 13:00:41 1991 * Notes: Applications should not modify the returned appearance * in any way. */ Appearance * mgri_getappearance() { return &(_mgc->astk->ap); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_setcamera * Description: set the context's camera (pointer) * Args: *cam: the camera to use * Returns: nothing * Author: mbp * Date: Fri Sep 20 13:07:31 1991 * Notes: The context stores a pointer to the camera, not a copy * of it. */ int mgri_setcamera( Camera* cam ) { if (_mgc->cam) CamDelete(_mgc->cam); _mgc->cam = cam; RefIncr((Ref*) cam); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_newcontext * Description: initialize a new mgricontext structure * Args: *ctx: the struct to initialize * Returns: ctx * Author: wisdom (mbp) * Date: Fri Nov 5 14:29:45 CST 1993 */ mgricontext * mgri_newcontext( mgricontext *ctx ) { static int first = 1; /* mgri must do housekeeping first time around */ /* does this belong in mgdevice_RI() ? */ mg_newcontext(&(ctx->mgctx)); ctx->mgctx.devfuncs = &mgrifuncs; ctx->mgctx.devno = MGD_RI; ctx->mgctx.astk->ap_seq = 1; ctx->mgctx.astk->mat_seq = 1; ctx->mgctx.astk->light_seq = 1; ctx->born = 0; ctx->dying = 0; ctx->drawsfaces = 0; ctx->nxwindow = 0; ctx->nxview = 0; ctx->callback = NULL; TmIdentity( ctx->W2C ); TmIdentity( ctx->C2W ); #ifdef NS_3_X_FAST ctx->polymode = MGRI_POINTSPOLYGONS; ctx->fflushlimit = ctx->lflushlimit = 1e4; ctx->plbuffsize = 1e4; #endif #ifdef NS_3_0_SLOW ctx->polymode = MGRI_DEVIDEDPOLYLIST; ctx->plbuffsize = 400; #endif if(first) { /* perform general mgri housekeeping for initial context */ first = 0; /* setup the scratch buffers */ ript = (RtPoint *)malloc(SCRATCHSIZE*sizeof(RtPoint)); ricolor = (RtColor *)malloc(SCRATCHSIZE*sizeof(RtColor)); rinormal = (RtPoint *)malloc(SCRATCHSIZE*sizeof(RtPoint)); rippis = 1000; /* start at 1000 polygons limit - will adjust if needed */ rippi = (int *)malloc(rippis*sizeof(int)); ripvis = rippis*6; ripvi = (int *)malloc(ripvis*sizeof(int)); plp = (RtPoint *)malloc((ctx->plbuffsize+100)*sizeof(RtPoint)); plc = (RtColor *)malloc((ctx->plbuffsize+100)*sizeof(RtColor)); plvca = (int *)malloc(ctx->plbuffsize*sizeof(int)); plvia = (int *)malloc((ctx->plbuffsize+100)*sizeof(int)); } ctx->debug = 0; ctx->debugContext = 0; ctx->plni = 0; ctx->plvi = 0; return ctx; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: mgri_findctx * Description: Given an nxwindow , returns the associated mg context. * Returns: mgcontext * for success, NULL if none exists. * Author: wisdom * Date: Wed May 20 19:22:53 CDT 1992 * Notes: This is a public routine. */ mgcontext * mgri_findctx(char *winid) { register struct mgcontext *mgc; for(mgc = _mgclist; mgc != NULL; mgc = mgc->next) { if(mgc->devno == MGD_RI && ((mgricontext *)mgc)->nxwindow == winid) return mgc; } return NULL; }
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