This is stereo.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#include <stdio.h> #include <forms.h> #include <gl/gl.h> #include <gl/device.h> #include <gl/get.h> #include <ooglutil.h> #include <streampool.h> #include <camera.h> #include <window.h> #include <lisp.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include "sterui.h" extern HandleOps CamOps, WindowOps; static void monitor(int mode); #define CURRENT 0 #define ST_MONO 1 #define ST_CROSSEYED 2 #define ST_HARDWARE 3 #define ST_COLORED 4 #define FOR_SOMETHING 0 #define FOR_FOCUS 1 #define FOR_REDRAW 2 Camera *cam; WnWindow *win; int camwinseq; int expectredraw; Pool *io; Lake *lake; long mainwin = -1, helpwin = -1, morewin = -1; /* GL window id's */ /* Values cached from current camera & window */ int isstereo = 0; float pixelaspect = 1; /* pixel aspect */ float camaspect = 1.3; /* Camera aspect ratio, xsize/ysize */ float halffield = .4; /* half linear field (= tan(fov/2)) */ float halfyfield = .4; /* half Y-axis linear field */ float focallen = 3; /* focal length */ char *camname = "focus"; /* Use this camera */ int smode = ST_MONO; /* Last known mode */ WnPosition curpos; int xsize, ysize; /* Stereo convergence angle to an object in the nominal plane of view */ float halfconv = .1; /* tan(current convergence angle/2) */ float halfmaxconv = .22; /* tan(max allowable convergence/2) */ int swapeyes = 1; /* Hardware parameters */ float pixperinch; int xscreen, yscreen; float screenwidth; /* Warmware parameter? */ float ocularsep = 1.15; /* 2*ocularsep inches between human eyes */ current_mode() { if(cam == NULL || win == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Hey? -- stereo sleeping...\n"); unqdevice(WINSHUT); unqdevice(WINQUIT); pause(); return ST_MONO; } CamGet(cam, CAM_STEREO, &isstereo); CamGet(cam, CAM_HALFYFIELD, &halfyfield); CamGet(cam, CAM_HALFFIELD, &halffield); CamGet(cam, CAM_FOCUS, &focallen); CamGet(cam, CAM_ASPECT, &camaspect); WnGet(win, WN_PIXELASPECT, &pixelaspect); WnGet(win, WN_CURPOS, &curpos); xsize = curpos.xmax - curpos.xmin + 1; ysize = curpos.ymax - curpos.ymin + 1; return smode; } void set_mode(int mode, int why) { char *layout = "no"; int stereo = 1; int gap = 0; int dx, hvpwidth; float halfxfield, newxfield, newyfield, newfocallen, newaspect, focalscale; int got; char winstuff[80]; char camstuff[80]; char advice[120]; static int oldxsize = -1, oldysize; request_camwin(); got = camwinseq; do { LFree( LEvalSexpr(lake) ); } while(got == camwinseq); /* Keep reading until we see a camera/window. */ got = current_mode(); if(mode == 0) mode = got; if(why == FOR_REDRAW && oldxsize == xsize && oldysize == ysize) { expectredraw = 0; return; } #ifdef notdef fprintf(stderr, "# halfyfield %.3f halffield %.3f fov %.3f\r\n", halfyfield, halffield, 2*DEGREES(atan(halffield))); #endif winstuff[0] = '\0'; camstuff[0] = '\0'; hvpwidth = xsize/2; newyfield = halfyfield; focalscale = 1; printf("(progn\n"); switch(mode) { case ST_MONO: monitor(HZ60); pixelaspect = 1; layout = "no"; stereo = 0; camaspect = (double)xsize / ysize; newxfield = camaspect>1 ? camaspect*halffield : halffield; break; case ST_CROSSEYED: monitor(HZ60); hvpwidth = xsize/4; dx = xsize/2; pixelaspect = 1; layout = "horizontal"; camaspect = .5*xsize / ysize; /* Field-of-view is related to convergence angle in crosseyed view: * tan(xfov/2) = tan(conv/2) / (1 + ocularsep/(viewportwidth/2)). * Push the camera back so as to frame the same object, assuming its * "focus" distance correctly reflects the object of interest. */ halfxfield = camaspect>1 ? halffield*camaspect : halffield; newxfield = halfconv / (1 + ocularsep*pixperinch / hvpwidth); focalscale = halfxfield / newxfield; break; case ST_HARDWARE: monitor(STR_RECT); gap = 40; dx = 0; pixelaspect = .5; layout = "vertical"; sprintf(winstuff, "position %d %d %d %d\n", curpos.xmin, curpos.xmax, 0, yscreen-1); camaspect = (double)xsize / ((yscreen - gap) / 2); halfxfield = camaspect>1 ? halffield*camaspect : halffield; newxfield = halfconv / (pixelaspect * ocularsep*pixperinch / hvpwidth); focalscale = halfxfield / newxfield; break; case ST_COLORED: monitor(HZ60); gap = 0; dx = 0; pixelaspect = 1; layout = "colored"; camaspect = (double)xsize / ysize; halfxfield = halfyfield*camaspect; newxfield = halfconv / (ocularsep*pixperinch / hvpwidth); focalscale = halfxfield / newxfield; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "set_mode(%d)?\n", mode); } halfyfield = newxfield/camaspect; halffield = newxfield < halfyfield ? newxfield : halfyfield; newfocallen = focallen * focalscale; #ifdef notdef fprintf(stderr, "# NEW halfxfield %.3f halfyfield %.3f aspect %.3f focus %.2f fov %.3f hconv %.1f\r\n", halfxfield, halfyfield, camaspect, newfocallen, 2*DEGREES(atan(halffield)), 2*DEGREES(atan(halfconv))); #endif if(fabs(focalscale - 1) > .02 && why == FOR_SOMETHING && !fl_get_button(FixedCamButton)) { float near, far; CamGet(cam, CAM_NEAR, &near); CamGet(cam, CAM_FAR, &far); printf("(transform %s self self translate 0 0 %g)\n", camname, focallen - newfocallen); sprintf(camstuff, "focus %g near %g far %g\n", newfocallen, near*focalscale, far*focalscale); focallen = newfocallen; } printf("(stereowin %s %s %d)\n", camname, layout, gap); printf("(merge window %s { pixelaspect %g %s })\n", camname, pixelaspect, winstuff); printf("(merge camera %s {\n\ %s perspective 1 frameaspect %g halfyfield %g\n\ stereyes\n\ transform { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 %g 0 1 0 %g 0 0 1 }\n\ transform { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 %g 0 1 0 %g 0 0 1 }\n\ }))", camname, camstuff, camaspect, halfyfield, -swapeyes*halfconv, -swapeyes*halfconv*focallen, swapeyes*halfconv, swapeyes*halfconv*focallen); fflush(stdout); /* Advise viewing from distance such that the field-of-view is correct. */ halfxfield = halffield * (camaspect>1 ? camaspect : 1); sprintf(advice, "%.1f degree field of view\nBest view ~%.0f\" from screen", 2*DEGREES(atan(halffield)), hvpwidth/pixperinch / halfxfield); fl_set_object_label(BestViewText, advice); isstereo = stereo; expectredraw = 1; oldxsize = xsize; oldysize = ysize; if(stereo) fl_show_object(SwapButton); else fl_hide_object(SwapButton); if(fl_get_browser(StereoBrowser) != mode) fl_select_browser_line(StereoBrowser, mode); } void ConvProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { float v = fl_get_slider_value(obj); halfconv = tan(RADIANS(v/2)); if(isstereo) set_mode(CURRENT, FOR_SOMETHING); } void StereoProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { set_mode(fl_get_browser(obj), FOR_SOMETHING); } void SwapProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { swapeyes = fl_get_button(obj) ? -1 : 1; set_mode(CURRENT, FOR_SOMETHING); } LDEFINE(stereowin, LVOID, "") { char *cam = NULL, *mode = NULL; LDECLARE(("stereowin", LBEGIN, LSTRING, &cam, LSTRING, &mode, LREST, NULL, LEND)); if(mode == NULL) return Lnil; switch(mode[0]) { case 'n': smode = ST_MONO; break; /* "no" */ case 'h': smode = ST_CROSSEYED; break; /* "horizontal" */ case 'v': smode = ST_HARDWARE; break; /* "vertical" */ case 'c': smode = ST_COLORED; break; /* "colored" */ default: fprintf(stderr, "stereo: Can't understand '(stereowin %s %s)' from geomview.\n", cam, mode); } return Lt; } LDEFINE(redraw, LVOID, "") { LDECLARE(("redraw", LBEGIN, LREST, NULL, LEND)); if(expectredraw-- <= 0) { expectredraw = 1; /* Prevent reentrant calls */ set_mode(CURRENT, FOR_REDRAW); } return Lt; } static char simplepick[] = "(pick %s nil * nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)"; LDEFINE(pick, LVOID, "") { float z; HPoint3 pt; char *me, *it; int npt = 4; static int picking = 0; LDECLARE(("pick", LBEGIN, LSTRING, &me, LSTRING, &it, LHOLD, LARRAY, LFLOAT, &pt, &npt, LREST, NULL, LEND)); fl_set_object_boxtype(FocalButton, FL_UP_BOX); if(picking) return Lnil; picking = 1; printf("(progn (uninterest\n"); printf(simplepick, camname); printf(")"); if(npt == 4) { printf("(merge camera %s { focus %g }))\n", camname, -pt.z / pt.w); fflush(stdout); set_mode(CURRENT, FOR_FOCUS); } else { printf(")\n"); /* Close the progn */ fflush(stdout); } picking = 0; return Lt; } static char simplemerge[] = "(merge camera %s *)"; LDEFINE(merge, LVOID, "(merge camera CAM-ID { CAMERA ... } )") { char *opsname = NULL; int c, id; LObject *kw = NULL, *idarg = NULL; float newfocallen = focallen; if (lake == NULL) return Lt; /* All the work of this function is done at parse time. */ /* parse first arg [ops]: */ if (! LakeMore(lake,c) || (kw = LSexpr(lake)) == Lnil || !LFROMOBJ(LSTRING)(kw, &opsname) || strcmp(opsname, "camera") != 0) { OOGLSyntax(stdin, "merge: expected \"camera\", got \"%s\"", opsname); goto parsefail; } /* parse 2nd arg; it's a string (id) */ if (! LakeMore(lake,c) || (idarg = LEvalSexpr(lake)) == Lnil) { OOGLSyntax(stdin,"\"merge\": expected CAM-ID"); goto parsefail; } cam = NULL; if(CamOps.strmin(POOL(lake), NULL, &cam) == 0) { OOGLSyntax(stdin, "\"merge\": error reading camera"); goto parsefail; } CamGet(cam, CAM_FOCUS, &focallen); if(fabs(focallen - newfocallen) > .01) { focallen = newfocallen; if(!expectredraw) set_mode(CURRENT, FOR_FOCUS); } parsefail: LFree(kw); LFree(idarg); return Lt; } request_camwin() { printf("\ (progn (echo (stereowin %s)) (echo \"(camwin \") (write camera - %s) (write window - %s) (echo \"\\n)\\n\") )\n", camname, camname, camname); fflush(stdout); } LDEFINE(camwin, LVOID, "") { if(lake == NULL) return Lt; camwinseq++; if(CamStreamIn(POOL(lake), NULL, &cam) <= 0) { OOGLSyntax(stdin, "stereo: couldn't read camera"); return Lnil; } if(WnStreamIn(POOL(lake), NULL, &win) <= 0) { OOGLSyntax(stdin, "stereo: couldn't read window"); return Lnil; } return Lt; } void FocalProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { printf("(interest "); printf(simplepick, camname); printf(")\n"); fflush(stdout); fl_set_object_label(BestViewText, "Click right mouse on point"); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_DOWN_BOX); } static char *HelpText[] = { #include "help.c" }; void HelpProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { helpwin = fl_show_form(Help, FL_PLACE_SIZE, TRUE, "Stereo Help"); } int validinput(FL_OBJECT *obj, float *val) { char *s = fl_get_input(obj); char *s0 = s; float v; v = strtod(s, &s); if(s == s0) return 0; if(*val == v) return -1; *val = v; return 1; } void updateMore() { char s[80]; fl_freeze_form(More); sprintf(s, "%.2f", screenwidth); fl_set_input(ScreenWidthInput, s); sprintf(s, "%.2f", 2*ocularsep); fl_set_input(OcularInput, s); fl_unfreeze_form(More); } void OcularSepProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { if(validinput(obj, &ocularsep) > 0) { ocularsep *= .5; set_mode(CURRENT, FOR_SOMETHING); } updateMore(); } void ScreenWidthProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { if(validinput(obj, &screenwidth) > 0 && screenwidth > 0) { pixperinch = xscreen / screenwidth; set_mode(CURRENT, FOR_SOMETHING); } updateMore(); } void CamNameProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { char *is = fl_get_input(CamNameInput); if(strcmp(camname, is) && is[0] != '\0') { camname = is; request_camwin(); } } void MoreProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { updateMore(); morewin = fl_show_form(More, FL_PLACE_SIZE, TRUE, "Stereo Parameters"); } static void monitor(int mode) { if((mode == STR_RECT) != (getmonitor() == STR_RECT) && !getenv("NOMON")) setmonitor(mode); } void die(int sig) { monitor(HZ60); exit(0); } void QuitProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { die(0); } void DoneProc(FL_OBJECT *obj, long arg) { fl_hide_form(obj->form); } main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, c; io = PoolStreamOpen("stdio", stdin, 0, &CamOps); PoolStreamOpen("stdio", stdout, 1, &CamOps); lake = LakeDefine(stdin, stdout, io); LInit(); LDefun("pick", Lpick, Hpick); LDefun("redraw", Lredraw, Hredraw); LDefun("merge", Lmerge, Hmerge); LDefun("camwin", Lcamwin, Hcamwin); LDefun("stereowin", Lstereowin, Hstereowin); foreground(); fl_init(); create_the_forms(); signal(SIGHUP, die); signal(SIGINT, die); /* This order must match that of the ST_* define's */ fl_add_browser_line(StereoBrowser, "Monoscopic"); fl_add_browser_line(StereoBrowser, "Crosseyed"); fl_add_browser_line(StereoBrowser, "Hardware"); fl_add_browser_line(StereoBrowser, "Red/Cyan"); fl_set_slider_bounds(ConvSlider, 1.5, DEGREES(atan(halfmaxconv))); fl_set_slider_value(ConvSlider, 2*DEGREES(atan(halfconv))); mainwin = fl_show_form(stereo, FL_PLACE_SIZE, TRUE, "Stereo View"); fl_qdevice(WINSHUT); fl_qdevice(WINQUIT); fl_set_input(CamNameInput, camname); for(i = 0; i < COUNT(HelpText); i++) fl_add_browser_line(HelpBrowser, HelpText[i]); /* Screen pixel density */ xscreen = getgdesc(GD_XPMAX); yscreen = getgdesc(GD_YPMAX); screenwidth = getgdesc(GD_XMMAX) * .03937; pixperinch = xscreen / screenwidth; printf("(interest (redraw))\n"); printf("(interest (merge camera))\n"); request_camwin(); for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-fixed")) { fl_set_button(FixedCamButton, 1); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-unfixed")) { fl_set_button(FixedCamButton, 0); } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-cam", 4)) { /* -cam or -camera */ fl_set_input(CamNameInput, argv[++i]); CamNameProc(CamNameInput, 0); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-mode")) { /* ... */ } } for(;;) { if((c = async_fnextc(stdin, 0)) == NODATA) { static struct timeval tenth = { 0, 100000 }; /* 0.1 sec */ select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tenth); } else { /* Got a Lisp expression */ c = camwinseq; LFree(LEvalSexpr(lake)); /* If it was a camera/window pair, ... */ if(c != camwinseq) set_mode(current_mode(), FOR_REDRAW); } fl_check_forms(); if(fl_qtest()) { short v; switch( fl_qread(&v) ) { case WINQUIT: die(0); case WINSHUT: if(v == mainwin) die(0); else if(v == helpwin) fl_hide_form(Help), helpwin = -1; else if(v == morewin) fl_hide_form(More), morewin = -1; } } } }
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