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/* * geomview custom lisp object types */ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "ooglutil.h" #include "drawer.h" #include "lisp.h" #include "lispext.h" #include "streampool.h" #include "handleP.h" #include "camera.h" #include "geom.h" #include "appearance.h" #include "window.h" #include "transform.h" #include "fsa.h" #include "lang.h" extern HandleOps TransOps, GeomOps, CamOps, WindowOps; LObject *L0, *L1; static Fsa lang_fsa = NULL; #define REJECT -1 /************************************************************************ CAMERA LISP OBJECT ************************************************************************/ static CameraStruct *camcopy(CameraStruct *old) { CameraStruct *new = OOGLNew(CameraStruct); if(old) *new = *old; else new->cam = NULL, new->h = NULL; if (new->cam) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->cam)); if (new->h) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->h)); return new; } int camfromobj(obj, x) LObject *obj; CameraStruct * *x; { if (obj->type != LCAMERA) return 0; *x = LCAMERAVAL(obj); return 1; } LObject *cam2obj(x) CameraStruct * *x; { CameraStruct *copy = camcopy(*x); return LNew( LCAMERA, © ); } void camfree(x) CameraStruct * *x; { if (*x) { if ((*x)->cam) CamDelete( (*x)->cam ); if ((*x)->h) HandleDelete( (*x)->h ); } OOGLFree(*x); } int cammatch(a, b) CameraStruct **a,**b; { if ((*a)->h && ((*a)->h == (*b)->h)) return 1; if ((*a)->cam && ((*a)->cam == (*b)->cam)) return 1; return 0; } void camwrite(fp, x) FILE *fp; CameraStruct * *x; { CamFSave( (*x)->cam, fp, "lisp output stream" ); } void campull(a_list, x) va_list *a_list; CameraStruct * *x; { *x = va_arg(*a_list, CameraStruct*); } LObject *camparse(Lake *lake) { CameraStruct *new = OOGLNew(CameraStruct); new->h = NULL; new->cam = NULL; if (CamOps.strmin(POOL(lake), (Handle **)&(new->h), (Ref **)&(new->cam)) == 0) { return Lnil; } else return LNew( LCAMERA, &new ); } LType LCamerap = { "camera", sizeof(CameraStruct*), camfromobj, cam2obj, camfree, camwrite, cammatch, campull, camparse, LTypeMagic }; /************************************************************************ * WINDOW LISP OBJECT * ************************************************************************/ static WindowStruct *wncopy(WindowStruct *old) { WindowStruct *new = OOGLNew(WindowStruct); if(old) *new = *old; else new->wn = NULL, new->h = NULL; if (new->wn) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->wn)); if (new->h) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->h)); return new; } int wnfromobj(obj, x) LObject *obj; WindowStruct * *x; { if (obj->type != LWINDOW) return 0; *x = LWINDOWVAL(obj); return 1; } LObject *wn2obj(x) WindowStruct * *x; { WindowStruct *copy = wncopy(*x); return LNew( LWINDOW, © ); } void wnfree(x) WindowStruct * *x; { if (*x) { if ((*x)->wn) WnDelete( (*x)->wn ); if ((*x)->h) HandleDelete( (*x)->h ); } OOGLFree(*x); } int wnmatch(a, b) WindowStruct **a,**b; { if ((*a)->h && ((*a)->h == (*b)->h)) return 1; if ((*a)->wn && ((*a)->wn == (*b)->wn)) return 1; return 0; } void wnwrite(fp, x) FILE *fp; WindowStruct * *x; { Pool *p = PoolStreamTemp("", fp, 1, &WindowOps); if(p == NULL) return; (void) WnStreamOut(p, (*x)->h, (*x)->wn); PoolDelete(p); } void wnpull(a_list, x) va_list *a_list; WindowStruct * *x; { *x = va_arg(*a_list, WindowStruct*); } LObject *wnparse(Lake *lake) { WindowStruct *new = OOGLNew(WindowStruct); new->h = NULL; new->wn = NULL; if (WindowOps.strmin(POOL(lake),(Handle **)&(new->h), (Ref **)&(new->wn)) == 0) { return Lnil; } else return LNew( LWINDOW, &new ); } LType LWindowp = { "window", sizeof(WindowStruct*), wnfromobj, wn2obj, wnfree, wnwrite, wnmatch, wnpull, wnparse, LTypeMagic }; /************************************************************************ * GEOM LISP OBJECT * ************************************************************************/ static GeomStruct *geomcopy(GeomStruct *old) { GeomStruct *new = OOGLNew(GeomStruct); if(old) *new = *old; else new->geom = NULL, new->h = NULL; if (new->geom) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->geom)); if (new->h) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->h)); return new; } int geomfromobj(obj, x) LObject *obj; GeomStruct * *x; { if (obj->type != LGEOM) return 0; *x = LGEOMVAL(obj); return 1; } LObject *geom2obj(x) GeomStruct * *x; { GeomStruct *copy = geomcopy(*x); return LNew( LGEOM, © ); } void geomfree(x) GeomStruct * *x; { if (*x) { if ((*x)->geom) GeomDelete( (*x)->geom ); if ((*x)->h) HandleDelete( (*x)->h ); } OOGLFree(*x); } int geommatch(a, b) GeomStruct **a,**b; { if ((*a)->h && ((*a)->h == (*b)->h)) return 1; if ((*a)->geom && ((*a)->geom == (*b)->geom)) return 1; return 0; } void geomwrite(fp, x) FILE *fp; GeomStruct * *x; { GeomFSave( (*x)->geom, fp, "lisp output stream" ); } void geompull(a_list, x) va_list *a_list; GeomStruct * *x; { *x = va_arg(*a_list, GeomStruct*); } LObject *geomparse(Lake *lake) { GeomStruct *new = OOGLNew(GeomStruct); new->h = NULL; new->geom = NULL; if (GeomOps.strmin(POOL(lake), (Handle **)&(new->h), (Ref **)&(new->geom)) == 0) { return Lnil; } else { /* the following line should appear in all our parse routines. Actually, this whole procedure and others like it should be consolidated into one "ooglparse" thing... */ if(new->h && !new->h->permanent) new->h = NULL; return LNew( LGEOM, &new ); } } LType LGeomp = { "geometry", sizeof(GeomStruct*), geomfromobj, geom2obj, geomfree, geomwrite, geommatch, geompull, geomparse, LTypeMagic }; /************************************************************************ * AP LISP OBJECT * ************************************************************************/ static ApStruct *apcopy(ApStruct *old) { ApStruct *new = OOGLNew(ApStruct); if(old) *new = *old; else new->ap = NULL, new->h = NULL; if (new->ap) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->ap)); #if 0 /* no one uses ap handles yet, and callers don't bother to initialize the 'h' member to NULL, so don't do this yet */ if (new->h) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->h)); #endif return new; } int apfromobj(obj, x) LObject *obj; ApStruct * *x; { if (obj->type != LAP) return 0; *x = LAPVAL(obj); return 1; } LObject *ap2obj(x) ApStruct * *x; { ApStruct *copy = apcopy(*x); return LNew( LAP, © ); } void apfree(x) ApStruct * *x; { if (*x) { if ((*x)->ap) ApDelete( (*x)->ap ); #if 0 /* don't do the handle; see comment above */ if ((*x)->h) HandleDelete( (*x)->h ); #endif } OOGLFree(*x); } int apmatch(a, b) ApStruct **a,**b; { #if 0 /* don't do the handle; see comment above */ if ((*a)->h && ((*a)->h == (*b)->h)) return 1; #endif if ((*a)->ap && ((*a)->ap == (*b)->ap)) return 1; return 0; } void apwrite(FILE *fp, ApStruct * *x) { ApFSave( (*x)->ap, (*x)->ap->handle, fp, "lisp output stream" ); } void appull(a_list, x) va_list *a_list; ApStruct * *x; { *x = va_arg(*a_list, ApStruct*); } LObject *apparse(Lake *lake) { ApStruct *new = OOGLNew(ApStruct); new->h = NULL; new->ap = NULL; if (ApStreamIn(POOL(lake), &(new->h), &(new->ap)) == 0) { return Lnil; } else return LNew( LAP, &new ); } LType LApp = { "ap", sizeof(ApStruct *), apfromobj, ap2obj, apfree, apwrite, apmatch, appull, apparse, LTypeMagic }; /************************************************************************ * TRANSFORM LISP OBJECT * ************************************************************************/ static TransformStruct *tmcopy(TransformStruct *old) { TransformStruct *new = OOGLNew(TransformStruct); if(old) *new = *old; else new->h = NULL; if (new->h) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->h)); return new; } int tmfromobj(obj, x) LObject *obj; TransformStruct * *x; { if (obj->type != LTRANSFORM) return 0; *x = LTRANSFORMVAL(obj); return 1; } LObject *tm2obj(x) TransformStruct * *x; { TransformStruct *copy = tmcopy(*x); return LNew( LTRANSFORM, © ); } void tmfree(x) TransformStruct * *x; { if (*x) { if ((*x)->h) HandleDelete( (*x)->h ); } OOGLFree(*x); } int tmmatch(a, b) TransformStruct **a,**b; { if ((*a)->h && ((*a)->h == (*b)->h)) return 1; if ((*a)->tm && ((*a)->tm == (*b)->tm)) return 1; return TmCompare( (*a)->tm, (*b)->tm, (float)0.0 ); } void tmwrite(fp, x) FILE *fp; TransformStruct * *x; { fputtransform(fp, 1, (float*)((*x)->tm), 0); } void tmpull(a_list, x) va_list *a_list; TransformStruct * *x; { *x = va_arg(*a_list, TransformStruct*); } LObject *tmparse(Lake *lake) { TransformStruct *new = OOGLNew(TransformStruct); new->h = NULL; if (TransOps.strmin(POOL(lake), (Handle **)&(new->h), (Ref **)&(new->tm)) == 0) { return Lnil; } else return LNew( LTRANSFORM, &new ); } LType LTransformp = { "transform", sizeof(TransformStruct *), tmfromobj, tm2obj, tmfree, tmwrite, tmmatch, tmpull, tmparse, LTypeMagic }; /************************************************************************ * N-D TRANSFORM LISP OBJECT * ************************************************************************/ static TmNStruct *tmncopy(TmNStruct *old) { TmNStruct *new = OOGLNew(TmNStruct); if(old) *new = *old; else new->tm = NULL, new->h = NULL; if (new->tm) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->tm)); if (new->h) RefIncr((Ref*)(new->h)); return new; } int tmnfromobj(obj, x) LObject *obj; TmNStruct * *x; { if (obj->type != LTRANSFORMN) return 0; *x = LTRANSFORMNVAL(obj); return 1; } LObject *tmn2obj( TmNStruct **x ) { TmNStruct *copy = tmncopy(*x); return LNew( LTRANSFORMN, © ); } void tmnfree(TmNStruct **x) { if (*x) { if ((*x)->tm) TmNDelete( (*x)->tm ); if ((*x)->h) HandleDelete( (*x)->h ); } OOGLFree(*x); } int tmnmatch(register TmNStruct **a, register TmNStruct **b) { if ((*a)->h && ((*a)->h == (*b)->h)) return 1; if ((*a)->tm && ((*a)->tm == (*b)->tm)) return 1; return 0; } void tmnwrite(FILE *fp, TmNStruct **x) { TmNPrint( fp, (*x)->tm ); } void tmnpull(a_list, x) va_list *a_list; TmNStruct * *x; { *x = va_arg(*a_list, TmNStruct*); } LObject *tmnparse(Lake *lake) { TransformN *T = TmNRead(lake->streamin); TmNStruct *new; if(T) { new = OOGLNew(TmNStruct); new->h = NULL; new->tm = T; return LNew( LTRANSFORMN, &new ); } return Lnil; } LType LTransformNp = { "ntransform", sizeof(TmNStruct*), tmnfromobj, tmn2obj, tmnfree, tmnwrite, tmnmatch, tmnpull, tmnparse, LTypeMagic }; /************************************************************************ * ID LISP OBJECT * ************************************************************************/ int idfromobj(obj, x) LObject *obj; int *x; { if (obj->type == LSTRING) { *x = drawer_idbyname(LSTRINGVAL(obj)); if (*x == NOID) return 0; } else if (obj->type == LID) { *x = LIDVAL(obj); } else return 0; return 1; } LObject *id2obj(x) int *x; { return LNew( LID, x ); } static void idfree(int *x) {} int idmatch(a, b) int *a,*b; { return drawer_idmatch(*a,*b); } void idwrite(fp, x) FILE *fp; int *x; { fprintf(fp, "%s", drawer_id2name(*x)); } LObject *idparse(Lake *lake) { LObject *obj = LSexpr(lake); int id; if (obj->type == LSTRING) { id = drawer_idbyname(LSTRINGVAL(obj)); if (id == NOID) return Lnil; OOGLFree(LSTRINGVAL(obj)); obj->type = LID; obj->cell.i = id; return obj; } else { LFree(obj); return Lnil; } } static void idpull(a_list, x) va_list *a_list; int *x; { *x = va_arg(*a_list, int); } LType LIdp = { "id", sizeof(int), idfromobj, id2obj, idfree, idwrite, idmatch, idpull, LSexpr, LTypeMagic }; /************************************************************************ * KEYWORD LISP OBJECT * ************************************************************************/ int keywordfromobj(obj, x) LObject *obj; int *x; { if (obj->type == LSTRING) { *x = (int)fsa_parse(lang_fsa, LSTRINGVAL(obj)); if (*x == REJECT) return 0; } else if (obj->type == LKEYWORD) { *x = LKEYWORDVAL(obj); } else return 0; return 1; } LObject *keyword2obj(x) int *x; { return LNew( LKEYWORD, x ); } static int keywordmatch(a, b) int *a,*b; { return *a == *b; } void keywordwrite(fp, x) FILE *fp; int *x; { fprintf(fp, "%s", keywordname(*x)); } static void keywordfree(void *value) {} static void keywordpull(a_list, x) va_list *a_list; int *x; { *x = va_arg(*a_list, int); } LObject *keywordparse(Lake *lake) { LObject *obj = LSexpr(lake); int key; if (obj->type == LSTRING) { key = (int)fsa_parse(lang_fsa, LSTRINGVAL(obj)); if (key == REJECT) return Lnil; OOGLFree(LSTRINGVAL(obj)); obj->type = LKEYWORD; obj->cell.i = key; return obj; } else { LFree(obj); return Lnil; } } LType LKeywordp = { "keyword", sizeof(int), keywordfromobj, keyword2obj, keywordfree, keywordwrite, keywordmatch, keywordpull, LSexpr, LTypeMagic }; /************************************************************************ * STRINGS LISP OBJECT * * (a "strings" object is a string with possibly embedded spaces) * ************************************************************************/ int stringsfromobj(obj, x) LObject *obj; char * *x; { if (obj->type != LSTRING && obj->type != LSTRINGS) return 0; *x = LSTRINGVAL(obj); return 1; } static LObject *stringsparse(Lake *lake) { char *tok; int toklen, c, first=1; static char *delims = "()"; vvec svv; VVINIT(svv, char, 80); *VVINDEX(svv, char, 0) = '\0'; while ( LakeMore(lake,c) ) { tok = fdelimtok( delims, lake->streamin, 0 ); toklen = strlen(tok); vvneeds(&svv, strlen(VVEC(svv,char))+toklen+2); if (!first) strcat(VVEC(svv,char), " "); else first = 0; strcat(VVEC(svv,char), tok); } VVCOUNT(svv) = strlen(VVEC(svv,char))+1; vvtrim(&svv); return LNew( LSTRINGS, &VVEC(svv,char) ); } LType LStringsp; /* initialized in lispext_init() */ /**********************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void lispext_init() { LStringsp = *(LSTRING); = "strings"; LStringsp.fromobj = stringsfromobj; LStringsp.parse = stringsparse; { int zero=0, one=1; L0 = LNew( LINT, &zero ); L1 = LNew( LINT, &one ); } lang_fsa = fsa_initialize(NULL, (void*)REJECT); return; } void define_keyword(char *word, int value) { fsa_install(lang_fsa, word, (void*)value); } /* returns < 0 if asked to parse something that isn't a keyword. */ int parse_keyword(char *word) { return (int)fsa_parse(lang_fsa, word); }
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