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(* $Header: /usrb/gcg/ngrap/src/bin/geomutil/math2oogl/RCS/OOGL.m,v 1.10 1993/10/28 03:35:01 slevy Exp $ *) BeginPackage["OOGL`"] (* If you want to be able to use this package from a directory other than the geomview distribution directory, or if you want to be able to run it from a remote host, then EITHER ensure that the programs "geomview", "math2oogl", "togeomview", and "oogl2rib" are in your search path (e.g. copy them to /usr/local/bin), OR - Change the value of $GeomviewPath below to be the absolute pathname of the "geomview" shell script on your system and - Change the value of $GeomRoot below to be the absolute pathname of the geomview distribution directory on your system. The first alternative is preferred when possible. *) $GeomviewPath = "geomview"; $GeomRoot = "."; (* DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE *) (*******************************************************************) (* Copyright (c) 1993 The Geometry Center; University of Minnesota 1300 South Second Street Suite 500; Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA; This is file OOGL.m. OOGL.m is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it only under the terms given in the file COPYING, which you should have received along with this file. this and other related software may be obtained via anonymous ftp from; email: *) (* Authors: Nils McCarthy ( Stuart Levy ( Tamara Munzner ( Silvio Levy ( *) (* To use this, you also need to install the math2oogl and oogl2rib C programs. They actually do the grunt work, as Mathematica is too slow to do it in any reasonable amount of time. *) WriteOOGL::usage = " WriteOOGL[filename,-Graphics3D or SurfaceGraphics-] writes the given graphics object or list of graphics objects to filename. Graphics3D objects are converted to OOGL OFF format, SurfaceGraphics objects are converted to OOGL MESH format. WriteOOGL understands only Polygon, Line, and RGBColor Graphics3D directives. If WriteOOGL encounters any errors in the Graphics3D object, it silently tries to cope. Depends on the C program math2oogl."; Geomview::usage= " Geomview [-Graphics3D or SurfaceGraphics-]\n Geomview [\"name\", -Graphics3D or SurfaceGraphics-] writes the given graphics object or list of graphics objects to geomview, starting a copy of geomview if necessary. Graphics3D objects are converted to OOGL OFF format, SurfaceGraphics objects are converted to OOGL MESH format. Polygons, Lines, Points, and RGBColor Graphics3D directives are understood. Geomview[\"name\", ...] creates geomview object with that name; default is \"Mathematica\". Depends on the C program math2oogl."; WriteRIB::usage= " WriteRIB [filename,-Graphics3D or SurfaceGraphics-]\n WriteRIB [filename,-Graphics3D or SurfaceGraphics-, \"options\"]] writes the given graphics object or list of graphics objects as RenderMan .rib files. It actually converts the Mathematica graphics object to the OOGL data format, and then converts the OOGL files to rib format. Graphics3D objects become lists of Polygons, and SurfaceGraphics objects become PatchMeshes. Polygons, Lines, Points, and RGBColor Graphics3D directives are understood. Depends on the C programs math2oogl and oogl2rib. WriteRIB[ ..., \"options\"] appends the given text string to the invocation of oogl2rib."; WriteChunk::usage= " WriteChunk [filename,-Graphics3D or SurfaceGraphics-] is only for use on machines that cannot start up a remote Unix shell on a machine that has math2oogl, oogl2rib, and/or geomview installed (i.e. Macs, PCs). It writes the Mathematica graphics object to a file in a format accepted by shell scripts which should be run on a machine (Iris or Next) that has the relevant programs installed. The shell scripts \"writeoogl\",\"writegv\", and \"writerib\" correspond to WriteOOGL, Geomview, and WriteRIB respectively: see their usage messages."; DisplayHost::usage= "Option to Geomview[] specifying display hostname for geomview. Automatically set to REMOTEHOST or DISPLAY shell variable if found. Setting DisplayHost to \"local\" overrides this behavior.\n To specify a different user name on the remote computer, use\n SetOptions[Geomview, DisplayHost -> \"user@host\" ];"; GeomviewCommand::usage = "Option to Geomview[] specifying the command used to start geomview if\n it is not already running. May include geomview command-line options."; MachType::usage= "Option to Geomview[] specifying machine type of DisplayHost. Should be either \"sgi\" or \"next\". The default value is set by Mathematica to be the same as the type of machine on which Mathematica is running."; (*Geomview /: Options[Geomview] := { DisplayHost -> "" };*) MeshGraphics::usage = "\n Head for mesh graphics object." Options[Geomview] ^= {DisplayHost->"", MachType->If [$System == "NeXT", "next", "sgi"], GeomviewCommand -> $GeomviewPath}; Begin["`Private`"] (* Use StringJoin not <> for backward compatibility *) WriteChunk[filename_String, gobj_List] := ( Map[ WriteChunk[filename,#] &, gobj]; ); WriteChunk[filename_String, gobj_Graphics3D] := ( Write[filename, CForm[gobj[[0]]]]; Write[filename, CForm[N[gobj[[1]]]]]; ); GoodHeadQ[gobj_] := (SameQ[gobj[[0]],SurfaceGraphics] || SameQ[gobj[[0]],MeshGraphics] || SameQ[gobj[[0]],BezierPlot`BezierPatch]) WriteChunk[filename_String, gobj_?GoodHeadQ] := ( Write[filename, CForm[gobj[[0]]]]; WriteString[filename, "Dimensions\n"]; Write[filename, Take[Dimensions[gobj[[1]]],2]]; If[SameQ[gobj[[0]],SurfaceGraphics], WriteString[filename, "MeshRange\n"]; Write[filename, MeshRange /. gobj[[-1]]]] ; (* write out the colors before the points, if they exist *) (* Backwards compatibility with v1.2: Dimensions[gobj] returns empty list *) If [$VersionNumber >= 2.0, If [Dimensions[gobj][[1]] > 2, Write[filename, CForm[gobj[[2]]]]], If [Dimensions[Dimensions[gobj[[2]]]][[1]] > 1, Write[filename, CForm[gobj[[2]]]]]]; Write[filename, CForm[N[gobj[[1]]]]]; ); If[$VersionNumber < 2.0, ( StringTake[str_, take_] := Apply[StringJoin, Take[Characters[str], take]]; StringPosition[str_, ch_] := Block[{chars = Characters[str]}, Select[ Table[{i,i}, {i,1,StringLength[str]}], (chars[[ #[[1]] ]] == ch)&] ]; $Failed = Fail; )]; BinPrefix[mach_] := StringJoin[ $GeomRoot, "/bin/", mach ]; BinShPrefix[mach_] := StringJoin[ "PATH=$PATH:", BinPrefix[mach], " " ]; WriteOut[filename_String, gobj_, postpend_String:"", prepend_String:"", options___] :=( (* math2oogl expects '{}(), ' to be translated into newlines *) tr = "tr -s '{}(), ' '\\12\\12\\12\\12\\12\\12' | "; (* Do the right thing if we've got a command instead of a file name. *) tmpfilename = If[StringMatchQ[filename, "!*"], StringJoin[" | ",StringDrop[filename,1]], If[filename != "", StringJoin[" > ", filename], filename]]; newfilename = StringJoin["!",tr,prepend," ", BinShPrefix[ MachType /. {options} /. Options[Geomview]], "math2oogl ",postpend, tmpfilename]; (* We might prepend 'rsh hostname' to the command, which must then be * quoted so that what comes after the pipes gets interpreted on * the remote not the local machine. The open quote is already in the * middle of the prepended string. * If we did prepend 'rsh hostname', also add a command to be executed in * case the rsh failed, to avoid e.g. mysterious "permission denied" errors. * StringMatchQ[prepend,"rsh*"] fails mysteriously in Math 1.2. *) If[StringLength[prepend]>3 && StringTake[prepend,3] == "rsh", newfilename = StringJoin[newfilename, "'\\' || (echo Geomview graphics: Cannot rsh to machine ", rshhost, " as ", If[rshuser != "", StringJoin["user ", rshuser], "yourself"], ".; echo Check DisplayHost option, or your .rhosts file on ", rshhost, ".)"]]; OpenWrite[newfilename]; WriteChunk[newfilename, gobj]; Close[newfilename]; ); WriteOOGL[filename_String,gobj_] :=( WriteOut[filename, gobj]; gobj ); WriteRIB[filename_String,gobj_, riboptions_String:"", options___] :=( WriteOut[filename,gobj, StringJoin[" | oogl2rib -n mma.tiff ",riboptions]]; gobj ); (* * If the given filename is on the $PATH, returns the directory it's in, * else returns Null. Used for load-time warning messages. *) OnPathQ[filename_] := Block[{pdir, i, posen, path = StringJoin[":",Environment["PATH"],":"] }, ( posen = StringPosition[path, ":"]; Do[ (pdir = StringTake[path, {posen[[i]][[2]]+1, posen[[i+1]][[1]]-1}]; If[FileType[StringJoin[pdir,"/",filename]] === File, Return[pdir]]), {i, 1, Length[posen]-1} ] )]; xhost[display_] := StringTake[display, StringPosition[StringJoin[display,":"], ":"] [[1]] [[1]]-1]; remotehost[host_String] := ( newhost=""; If[host != "", newhost = If[host == "local", "", host], ( If[(rshhost = Environment["REMOTEHOST"]) =!= $Failed || (rshhost = Environment["DISPLAY"]) =!= $Failed, newhost = xhost[rshhost]; ] )]; If[newhost == $MachineName, newhost = ""]; If[newhost != "" && Length[StringPosition[newhost, "@"]] == 0 && ((ruser = Environment["REMOTEUSER"]) =!= $Failed || (ruser = Environment["USER"]) =!= $Failed || (ruser = Environment["LOGNAME"]) =!= $Failed), newhost = StringJoin[ruser, "@", newhost]]; newhost ); toGV[host_] :=( newhost = remotehost[host]; {rshuser, rshhost} = If[Length[atposn = StringPosition[newhost, "@"]] > 0, {StringTake[newhost, {1,atposn[[1]][[1]]-1}], StringTake[newhost, {atposn[[1]][[2]]+1,StringLength[newhost]}]}, {"", newhost}]; (* Return our rsh command if any, else the empty string. *) If[newhost != "", StringJoin["rsh ", rshhost, If[StringLength[rshuser] > 0, " -l ", ""], rshuser, " /bin/sh -c \\'' DISPLAY=:0 export DISPLAY; "], "" ] ); Geomview[ name_String, gobj_, options___] := ( WriteOut["", gobj, StringJoin[" -togeomview ",name," ", GeomviewCommand /. {options} /. Options[Geomview]], toGV[DisplayHost /. {options} /. Options[Geomview]], options]; gobj ); Geomview[ gobj_, options___] := ( Geomview[ "Mathematica", gobj, options ]; gobj ); bpref = BinPrefix[MachType /. Options[Geomview]]; If[Not[StringQ[OnPathQ["math2oogl"]]], (Print["Warning: the program 'math2oogl' is not on your search path,\n", Environment["PATH"], "\n"]; If[ FileType[StringJoin[bpref, "/math2oogl"]]===File, Print["using default path (in OOGL.m) of ", bpref, " instead."], Print[ "the Mathematica->geomview graphics package won't be able to work;\n change the value of $Geomroot in OOGL.m, or ensure that the math2oogl programs\n are installed somewhere on your search path."] ]) ]; End[] EndPackage[] SetOptions[Geomview, DisplayHost -> OOGL`Private`remotehost[""] ];
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