This is CubeView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Generated by Interface Builder */ #import <appkit/appkit.h> #import "CubeView.h" #import "StoreData.h" #import "dotAt.h" #define MAXLINE 10000 #define MAXNUM 10000 #define rad_to_deg (180./M_PI) #define defRadius 0.01 extern id NXApp; @implementation CubeView - initFrame:(const NXRect *) frameRect { self = [super initFrame: frameRect]; [self initialize]; [self setCube:YES]; [self setAxes:NO]; return self; } - initialize { [self setDrawSize:(NXCoord) 2:(NXCoord) 2]; [self setDrawOrigin:(NXCoord) -1:(NXCoord) -1]; PSonly = NO; vm = [AzimuthMat new]; // establish the ops array and // bounding box for DPSDoUserPath() ops[0] = dps_moveto; ops[1] = 32 + 15; ops[2] = dps_lineto; boundingBox[0] = bounds.origin.x; boundingBox[1] = bounds.origin.y; boundingBox[2] = bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width; boundingBox[3] = bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height; /* [self setAutosizing:NX_WIDTHSIZABLE || NX_HEIGHTSIZABLE]; */ /* [self reScale:self]; */ max_path = 4096; path = (float *) calloc(2*max_path, sizeof(float)); return self; } - showError:(char *)errorMessage { NXRunAlertPanel("Error", errorMessage, "OK", NULL, NULL); return self; } - clear:sender { [self reScale:self]; [self Reset:self]; return self; } - Reset:sender { [vm setTheta:0.]; [vm setPhi:0.]; [vm setdist:2.0]; // [self display]; return self; } - printPSCode:sender { PSonly = YES; return self; } - setTheta:(float)floatValue { [vm setTheta:floatValue]; // [self display]; return self; } - setPhi:(float)floatValue { [vm setPhi:-floatValue]; // [self display]; return self; } - setdist:(float)floatValue { [vm setdist:floatValue]; // [self display]; return self; } - setCube:(int)intValue { showCube = intValue; // [self display]; return self; } - setAxes:(int)intValue { showAxes = intValue; // [self display]; return self; } - toggleCube:sender { showCube = showCube ? NO : YES; // [self display]; return self; } - toggleAxes:sender { showAxes = showAxes ? NO : YES; // [self display]; return self; } - reScale:sender { float maxval[3], minval[3], limits[6], **displayed; short int i, j, k, ntypes, count; if ([dataList count] == 0) { /* no data - set to defaults */ limits[0] = limits[1] = limits[2] = 0.; limits[3] = limits[4] = limits[5] = 1.; [self setlimits:limits]; return self; } ntypes = [dataList count]; myStorage = [dataList objectAt:0]; displayed = [myStorage displayed]; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) minval[i] = maxval[i] = *displayed[i]; for (j=0;j<ntypes;j++) { myStorage = [dataList objectAt:j]; displayed = [myStorage displayed]; count = [myStorage howMany]; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (k=0;k<count/3;k++) { if (displayed[i][k] < minval[i]) minval[i] = displayed[i][k]; if (displayed[i][k] > maxval[i]) maxval[i] = displayed[i][k]; } } for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (minval[i] >= maxval[i]) minval[i] = maxval[i] - 1; limits[i] = minval[i] - 0.035*(maxval[i] - minval[i]); limits[i + 3] = maxval[i] + 0.035*(maxval[i] - minval[i]); } [self setlimits:limits]; return self; } static int x_seq[] = {0,3,3,0,0,0,3,3,0,0,3,3,3,3,0,0}; static int y_seq[] = {1,1,4,4,1,1,1,4,4,1,1,1,4,4,4,4}; static int z_seq[] = {2,2,2,2,2,5,5,5,5,5,5,2,2,5,5,2}; -setlimits:(float *)newlimits { int i, n, tickdir; float tick, width; for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) { /* create cube */ cube[0][n] = newlimits[x_seq[n]]; cube[1][n] = newlimits[y_seq[n]]; cube[2][n] = newlimits[z_seq[n]]; } for (n = 0; n < 54; n++) { /* create axes */ axes[0][n] = newlimits[0]; axes[1][n] = newlimits[1]; axes[2][n] = newlimits[2]; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tickdir = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0; tick = 0.03 * (newlimits[tickdir + 3] - newlimits[tickdir]); width = newlimits[i + 3] - newlimits[i]; n = 18 * i; axes[i][n+1] = axes[i][n+2] = axes[i][n+3] = axes[i][n+4] = newlimits[i] + 0.25 * width; axes[i][n+5] = axes[i][n+6] = axes[i][n+7] = axes[i][n+8] = newlimits[i] + 0.5 * width; axes[i][n+9] = axes[i][n+10] = axes[i][n+11] = axes[i][n+12] = newlimits[i] + 0.75 * width; axes[i][n+13] = axes[i][n+17] = newlimits[i] + 0.87 * width; axes[i][n+14] = axes[i][n+16] = newlimits[i] + 0.84 * width; axes[i][n+15] = newlimits[i] + width; axes[tickdir][n+2] = axes[tickdir][n+6] = axes[tickdir][n+10] = axes[tickdir][n+14] = newlimits[tickdir] + tick; axes[tickdir][n+3] = axes[tickdir][n+7] = axes[tickdir][n+11] = axes[tickdir][n+16] = newlimits[tickdir] - tick; } [vm setlimits:newlimits]; /* [self Reset:self]; */ return self; } - getStruct:(id)listptr { dataList = listptr; [self reScale:self]; return self; } - drawSelf:(NXRect*)r :(int)c { int ntypes, j, count, type; float *argv; float radius = defRadius; float shade = NX_BLACK; float **displayed; NXEraseRect(&bounds); /* * We would set defaults, but overide if data is not null; * */ PSsetgray(NX_BLACK); PSsetlinewidth(0.0); // NXSetColor(NX_Whatever you'd do for the default);? if (showCube) { ops[1] = 32 + 16 - 1; DPSDoUserPath ([vm as_DPSpath :16 :cube[0] :cube[1] :cube[2] :path], 32, dps_float, ops, 3, boundingBox, dps_ustroke); } if (showAxes) { ops[1] = 32 + 54 - 1; DPSDoUserPath ([vm as_DPSpath :54 :axes[0] :axes[1] :axes[2] :path], 108, dps_float, ops, 3, boundingBox, dps_ustroke); } ntypes = [dataList count]; if(ntypes > 0) for (j=0;j<ntypes;j++) { myStorage = [dataList objectAt:j]; type = [myStorage dataType]; count = [myStorage howMany]; if(count/3*2 > max_path) { [self showError:"max_path exceeded in CubeView"]; return self; } if (type == NEITHER) continue; if (type & LINES) { /* draw the line */ ops[1] = count/3 + 32 - 1; argv = [myStorage args]; PSsetlinewidth(argv[1]); PSsetgray(argv[2]); // if(argv[3] != 0) NXSetColor(NX_RED);? displayed = [myStorage displayed]; DPSDoUserPath([vm as_DPSpath :count/3 :displayed[0] :displayed[1] :displayed[2] :path], 2*count/3, dps_float, ops, 3, boundingBox, dps_ustroke); } if (type & POINTS) { /* draw points */ /* * Here we pull out thisline->radius and thisline->shade * If they are not the default(?) then set them and pass * Otherwise use default. */ argv = [myStorage args]; // if(argv[3] != 0) NXSetColor(NX_RED);? displayed = [myStorage displayed]; dotAtPSonly([vm as_DPSpath :count/3 :displayed[0] :displayed[1] :displayed[2] :path], 2*count/3, argv[1], argv[2]); } } PSonly = NO; return self; } - debug:(id)storage /* Debuggin output */ { int i, k, nitems, type; float *xx, *gpt, **displayed; nitems = [storage howMany]; printf("This storage item has %d points\n",nitems); xx = [storage args]; type = [storage dataType]; gpt = [storage array]; printf("Type = %d, argv is %10.6f, %10.6f, %10.6f\n", type,xx[1],xx[2],xx[3]); displayed = [myStorage displayed]; printf(" Data via displayed array\n"); for(i=0;i<nitems/3;i++) { printf("%d) ",i); for (k=0;k<3;k++) printf(" %10.6f",displayed[k][i]); printf("\n"); } return self; } @end
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