sphere.c Varun Mitroo March 1, 1991 To compile, type: cc sphere.c -o sphere Options: -r <number> Radius of the sphere. Default 150 -la <number> Number of latitude sections. Default 10 -lo <number> Number of longitude sections. Default 18 -theta <number> Horizontal angle in degrees. Default 30 degrees -phi <number> Vertical angle in degrees. Default 45 degrees -clip Activate hidden-line removal -noclip Deactivate hidden-line removal. On by default -shade Activate shading -noshade Deactivate shading. On by default This program outputs to stdout. Output should be redirected to a file. Example: sphere > test.ps - Creates file test.ps with default settings sphere -clip > test.ps - Same file as above with hidden line removal sphere -shade -la 20 -theta -40 -phi 25 -lo 25 -r 100 > test.ps Above line sets shading on with 20 latitude sections, 25 longitude sections, theta 40 degrees, phi 25 degrees, and a radius of 100.
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