


This is a public domain ray tracing program with the following features:
    * shadows
    * specular reflection
    * transparency with refraction
    * antialiasing
    * high speed

It computes ray-object intersections very fast by exploiting ray coherence.
For many scenes, the program can compute ray-object intersections
in constant time, regardless of the number of objects.

The technique is described in the paper "Ray Coherence Theorem
and Constant Time Ray Tracing Algorithm",
"Computer Graphics 1987, Proceedings of CG International '87"
Springer-Verlag, pp. 303-314.

Any suggestions or beautiful pictures generated
using this program are welcome.

			Masataka Ohta

			Computer Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
			2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152, JAPAN



To test the program:

	"make test.pic" will produce a beautiful(?) image of nine spheres.

	"make test1000.pic" will produce an image of 1,000 spheres.

Usage: ray [options] <scene file> <picture file>


		do anti-aliasing

	-r res
		set resolution to res (default 128)

		output timing information

		use classical slow algorithm
		disable object ordering optimization


		no shading

File format: 
	scene file: (an ascii file, see test.v or "make test1000.v" for example)
		f <field of view>
		l <x coordinate of the first light source>
		  <y coordinate of the first light source>
		  <z coordinate of the first light source>
		l <x coordinate of the second light source>
		  <y coordinate of the second light source>
		  <z coordinate of the second light source>
		o <shape number (integer) of the first object>
		  <shade number (integer) of the first object>
		  <first shape parameter of the first object>
		  <first shade parameter of the first object>
		o <shape number (integer) of the second object>
		  <shade number (integer) of the second object>

	picture file: (a binary file, make test.pic for an example)
		<long int xres>
		<long int yres>
		<pixel array of yres*xres*3 bytes>
	pixel array has the form:
		struct {unsigned char r, g, b;} array[yres][xres];
	screen space y=0 is at the top

Currently supported light source types: (should be programmable)

	point light source with constant intensity of (1,1,1)
	regardless to the distance to the light source

Currently supported shapes: (may be changed by modifying shape.c)

	number:			0
	shape:			sphere
	number of parameters:	4
		first parameter:	x coordinate value of the center
		second parameter:	y coordinate value of the center
		third parameter:	z coordinate value of the center
		forth parameter:	radius

Currently supported shades: (may be changed by modifying shade.c)

	number:			0
	shade:			lambert with shadows
	number of parameters:	6
		first to third parameters:	RGB value of ambient
		4th to 6th parameters:		RGB value of diffuse

	number:			1
	shade:			phong type specular with shadows
	number of parameters:	10
		first to third parameters:	RGB value of ambient
		4th to 6th parameters:		RGB value of diffuse
		7th to 9th parameters:		RGB value of specular
		10th parameter:			specular width factor

	number:			2
	shade:			mirror (i.e. reflective ) with phong
				type specular with shadows
	number of parameters:	13
		first to third parameters:	RGB value of ambient
		4th to 6th parameters:		RGB value of diffuse
		7th to 9th parameters:		RGB value of specular
		10th parameter:			specular width factor
		11th to 13th parameters:	RGB ratio of reflection

	number:			3
	shade:			glass (i.e. reflective and refractive)
				with phong type specular with shadows
	number of parameters:	17
		first to third parameters:	RGB value of ambient
		4th to 6th parameters:		RGB value of diffuse
		7th to 9th parameters:		RGB value of specular
		10th parameter:			specular width factor
		11th to 13th parameters:	RGB ratio of reflection
		14th to 16th parameters:	RGB ratio of refraction
		17th parameter:			refractive index

Viewing parameters:

	eye:			fixed at (0,0,0)
	eye direction:		fixed to (0,0,1)
	field of view:		variable from 0 to 180 degree (with 'f' option)


	set with 'r' option, defaults to 128
	picture is always square


	coordinate transformation should be supported

	light source type should be programmable

	more complex shapes should be supported

	more sophisticated syntax should be used (eg. comments, symbolic names)

	dynamic loading of light source, shape and shade functions
	should be possible

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.