This is a3DViewerView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#import <appkit/Application.h> #import <appkit/Window.h> #import <appkit/Menu.h> #import <appkit/MenuCell.h> #import <appkit/Text.h> #import <appkit/Form.h> #import <soundkit/Sound.h> #import <ldsyms.h> #import <sys/loader.h> #import <strings.h> #import <libc.h> #import <text/pathutil.h> #import "a3DViewerView.h" #import "CubeView.h" static struct mach_header *header; // The header used for loading static id customSubmenu; // Submenu handle for possible extension static id inspectorPanel; static id fileName; static id parameterForm; static id recordButton; static id stopButton; static id playButton; static id deleteButton; static id tmpSound; @implementation a3DViewerView + setCustomComponentData:(struct mach_header *)hd customMenu:(id)subMenu { id box; id mCell; id classObj; header = hd; customSubmenu = subMenu; mCell = [customSubmenu addItem:"3D Viewer" action:@selector(showAlert) keyEquivalent:0]; classObj = [[a3DViewerView alloc] init]; [mCell setTarget:classObj]; [customSubmenu display]; inspectorPanel = [NXApp loadNibSection:"Inspector.nib" owner:classObj withNames:YES fromHeader:header]; box = NXGetNamedObject("3DFileBox", inspectorPanel); fileName = NXGetNamedObject("3DFileName", box); box = NXGetNamedObject("3DParameterBox", inspectorPanel); parameterForm = NXGetNamedObject("3DForm", box); [parameterForm setAction:@selector(setPhi) at:0]; [parameterForm setAction:@selector(setTheta) at:1]; [parameterForm setAction:@selector(setInvdist) at:2]; box = NXGetNamedObject("3DSoundButtonBox", inspectorPanel); recordButton = NXGetNamedObject("3DRecordSoundButton", box); [recordButton setAction:@selector(recordSound:)]; stopButton = NXGetNamedObject("3DStopSoundButton", box); [stopButton setAction:@selector(stopSound:)]; playButton = NXGetNamedObject("3DPlaySoundButton", box); [playButton setAction:@selector(playSound:)]; deleteButton = NXGetNamedObject("3DDeleteSoundButton", box); [deleteButton setAction:@selector(deleteSound:)]; tmpSound = 0x0; return classObj; } - (void) showAlert { NXRunAlertPanel(NULL, "Custom Menu Activated", NULL, NULL, NULL); } - initCustomComponent { self = [super init]; _3Dpanel = [NXApp loadNibSection:"3DViewer.nib" owner:self withNames:YES fromHeader:header]; _3DcontentView = [_3Dpanel contentView]; _3DcubeView = NXGetNamedObject("3DCubeView" , _3Dpanel); [_3DcubeView setmachHeader:header]; [_3DcubeView setController:self]; [_3Ddatasets setTarget:self]; [_3Ddatasets setAction:@selector(openData:)]; return _3DcontentView; } - recordSound:sender { if( !tmpSound ) tmpSound = [Sound new]; [tmpSound setDelegate:self]; [tmpSound record]; return self; } - playSound:sender { if( tmpSound ) [tmpSound play]; else [playButton setState:0]; return self; } - didPlay:sender { [playButton setState:0]; return self; } - didRecord:sender { [recordButton setState:0]; [_3DcubeView setViewSound:tmpSound]; return self; } - stopSound:sender { if( tmpSound ) [tmpSound stop]; return self; } - deleteSound:sender { [_3DcubeView deleteViewSound]; return self; } - inspectCustomComponent { [inspectorPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; [self refreshInspectorPanel]; return self; } - (void)refreshInspectorPanel { int index; if( [inspectorPanel isVisible] ) { [recordButton setTarget:self]; [stopButton setTarget:self]; [playButton setTarget:self]; [deleteButton setTarget:self]; [inspectorPanel orderFront:self]; if( [_3DcubeView currentDataFile] ) [fileName setStringValue:basename([_3DcubeView currentDataFile])]; [parameterForm setFloatValue:[_3DcubeView readPhi] at:0]; [parameterForm setFloatValue:[_3DcubeView readTheta] at:1]; [parameterForm setFloatValue:[_3DcubeView readInvdist] at:2]; for( index=0; index<3; index++ ) [parameterForm setTarget:self at:index]; } } - (void)setPhi { if( [_3DcubeView writePhi:[parameterForm floatValueAt:0]] ) [parameterForm setFloatValue:[_3DcubeView readPhi] at:0];; [parameterForm selectTextAt:0]; } - (void)setTheta { if( [_3DcubeView writeTheta:[parameterForm floatValueAt:1]] ) [parameterForm setFloatValue:[_3DcubeView readTheta] at:1];; [parameterForm selectTextAt:1]; } - (void)setInvdist { if( [_3DcubeView writeInvdist:[parameterForm floatValueAt:2]] ) [parameterForm setFloatValue:[_3DcubeView readInvdist] at:2];; [parameterForm selectTextAt:2]; } - openData:sender { [_3DcubeView openData:sender]; [self perform:@selector(displayAndFlush:) with:self afterDelay:1 cancelPrevious:YES]; return self; } - (void) displayAndFlush:sender { [[_3DcontentView window] disableFlushWindow]; [[_3DcontentView window] display]; [[_3DcontentView window] reenableFlushWindow]; [[_3DcontentView window] flushWindowIfNeeded]; [self resetFirstResponder:_3DcubeView]; } - setViews:(id)cv { _3DcubeView = cv; _3DcontentView = [cv superview]; return self; } - (void)resetFirstResponder:(id)frv { id vt = [_3DcontentView superview]; if ( [vt isKindOf:[Text class]] ) [vt textDidGetKeys:vt isEmpty:NO]; [[frv window] makeFirstResponder:frv]; [self refreshInspectorPanel]; } - free { if( tmpSound ) [tmpSound free]; return [super free]; } - write:(NXTypedStream *)stream { [super write:stream]; return self; } - read:(NXTypedStream *)stream { [super read:stream]; return self; } - awake { [super awake]; return self; } @end
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