
This is CubeView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */
				/* TODO: create a buffer as an */
				/* instance variable and remove the */
				/* thisline stuff from readData*/
#import <appkit/View.h>
#import <appkit/NXImage.h>
#import <sys/loader.h>
#import "AzimuthMat.h"

typedef enum {
  NEITHER = 0,
  } pts_or_lines;

typedef struct {
  float **all;
  float **displayed;
  int   npts;
  pts_or_lines type;
} datapoints;

@interface CubeView:View
  float cube[3][16], axes[3][54], *path;
  float dot_offset[2];
  int max_path, dotgstate;
  float boundingBox[4];
  AzimuthMat *vm;
  datapoints **toshow;
  id    AngleDisplay;
  id    PhiSlider;
  float currentPhi;
  id    ThetaSlider;
  float currentTheta;
  id    DistanceSlider;
  float currentDist;
  id openReq;
  id viewSound;
  id soundButton;
  NXRect sndBtnRect;
  BOOL showCube, showAxes, PSonly;
  NXImage *dot;
  char ops[3];
  struct mach_header *machHeader;
  id  myController;
  int  tag;
  char *dataFileName;

+ newFrame:(const NXRect *) frameRect;
+ new;

- (id)class;
- (const char *)name;
- (int)tag;
- (id)controllerObj;

- setmachHeader:(struct mach_header *)mH;
- setController:(id)ctrlr;

- (void)showError:(char *)errorMessage;
- (void)initStatus;
- Reset:sender;
- (void)ShowAngles:sender;
- openData:sender;
- toggleAxes:sender;
- toggleCube:sender;
- reScale:sender;
- setTheta:sender;
- setPhi:sender;
- setdist:sender;
- setinvdist:sender;
- setTheta_degrees:sender;
- setPhi_degrees:sender;
- setAngleDisplay:anObject;
- setDistanceSlider:anObject;
- setPhiSlider:anObject;
- setSoundButton:anObject;
- setThetaSlider:anObject;
- setlimits:(float *) limits;
- (BOOL) readData:(const char *)filename;
- (void)showSoundButton;
- (void)setViewSound:(id)sndObj;
- (void)deleteViewSound;
- playSound:sender;
- (char *)currentDataFile;
- (float)readTheta;
- (float)readPhi;
- (float)readInvdist;
- (BOOL)writeTheta:(float)tht;
- (BOOL)writePhi:(float)phi;
- (BOOL)writeInvdist:(float)invd;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.