
This is Rules.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * Rules
 * description: abstract superclass for a rules object for board games
 * history:
 *	2/15/93 [Erik Kay] - created
 *	6/13/93	[Erik Kay] - made into abstract superclass

#import "Rules.h"

@implementation Rules

- init
    [super init];
    initialBoard = nil;
    return self;

// return a list of boards that define the available moves for the player
// with the board specified
- (List *)validMoves:(Board *)b forPlayer:(square_state)piece
    return nil;

// is a given move valid?
- (BOOL)validMove:(move *)mv onBoard:(Board *)b
    return NO;

// actually do a move on a board
- doMove:(move *)mv onBoard:(Board *)b
    return self;

// undo the last move
- (Board *)undoMove:(move_list *)mvlist
    return nil;

// set the initial board.  This is what should be used by undo.  Also, 
// a good optimization strategy is to build up a list of valid moves on the
// board into a table from this initial board.
- setInitialBoard:(Board *)b
    if (initialBoard)
	[initialBoard free];
    initialBoard = [b trueCopy];
    return self;

// does this player have any available moves?
- (BOOL)gameOver:(Board *)b forPlayer:(square_state)player
    return YES;

// who is the winner of the game
- winner:game
    return nil;


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