This is Quinto.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Quinto.m * Copyright Edmund Ronald 1991. * This source code, may be duplicated and distributed * by anyone, provided that the icon er.tiff and makefile are distributed together with any copy . */ #import <appkit/appkit.h> // the kitchen sink? id theArray[5][5]; @interface MyView:View - ButtonClicked:sender; - newGame; @end @implementation MyView - newGame { int i, j; for(i=0; i<5; i++) for(j=0; j<5; j++) [theArray[i][j] setState:0]; return self; } - ButtonClicked:sender { int i,j,t; t= [sender tag]; j = t/5; i = t % 5; if(i>0) [(theArray[i-1][j]) setState:![(theArray[i-1][j])state]]; if(i<4) [(theArray[i+1][j]) setState:![(theArray[i+1][j])state]]; if(j>0) [(theArray[i][j-1]) setState:![(theArray[i][j-1])state]]; if(j<4) [(theArray[i][j+1]) setState:![(theArray[i][j+1])state]]; return self; } @end void setUp(void) { id myWindow, myPanel, myMenu, windowText, myButton, theView; NXRect aRect; int i,j,t; // set up main window NXSetRect(&aRect, 100.0, 100.0, 210.0, 210.0); // location, extent myWindow = [[Window alloc] initContent:&aRect style:NX_TITLEDSTYLE backing:NX_BUFFERED buttonMask:NX_MINIATURIZEBUTTONMASK defer:NO]; [myWindow setTitle:"QUINTO 1.0"]; // set up a subview NXSetRect(&aRect, 0.0, 0.0, 210.0, 210.0); theView = [[MyView alloc] initFrame:&aRect]; [[myWindow contentView] addSubview:theView]; //set up the buttons in the subview j=0; while(j<5) { i=0; while(i<5){ NXSetRect(&aRect,i*30.0+30.0, j*30.0+30.0, 30.0, 30.0); myButton = [[Button alloc] initFrame:&aRect] ; t=(5*j +i); [myButton setTag:t ]; [myButton setTarget:theView]; [myButton setAction:@selector(ButtonClicked:)]; [myButton setType:NX_PUSHONPUSHOFF ]; [theView addSubview:myButton]; theArray[i][j] = myButton; i++;} j++;} //set up info text NXSetRect(&aRect, 0.0, 0.0, 400.0, 200.0); windowText = [[Text alloc] initFrame:&aRect text:"\nCopyright Edmund Ronald 1991\n" "Use and distribute freely for non-commercial purposes\n" "but do not change copyright or program name\n" "NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER\n\n" "\n" "\n" "AIM OF GAME: HILITE ALL BUTTONS\n *IT©S POSSIBLE*" alignment:NX_CENTERED]; [windowText setOpaque:YES]; //set up info panel NXSetRect(&aRect, 200.0, 500.0, 400.0, 200.0); myPanel = [[Panel alloc] initContent:&aRect style:NX_TITLEDSTYLE backing:NX_BUFFERED buttonMask:NX_CLOSEBUTTONMASK defer:YES]; [myPanel setTitle:"About Quinto"]; [[myPanel contentView] addSubview:windowText]; [myPanel removeFromEventMask:(NX_KEYDOWNMASK | NX_KEYUPMASK)]; myMenu = [[Menu alloc] initTitle:"Quinto"]; [[myMenu addItem:"Info..." action:@selector(orderFront:) keyEquivalent:'\0'] setTarget:myPanel]; [[myMenu addItem:"New Game" action:@selector(newGame) keyEquivalent:'n'] setTarget:theView]; [myMenu addItem:"Hide" action:@selector(hide:) keyEquivalent:'h']; [myMenu addItem:"Quit" action:@selector(terminate:) keyEquivalent:'q']; [myMenu sizeToFit]; [NXApp setMainMenu:myMenu]; [myWindow display]; [myWindow orderFront:nil]; [myWindow makeKeyWindow]; } int main() { [Application new]; setUp(); [NXApp run]; [NXApp free]; return 0; }
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