
This is QueensController.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "stdappkit.h"

@interface QueensController:Object
    id		board;					// matrix of squares
	id		stepsDisplay;			// display counter for positions tried
	id		solutionsDisplay;		// display of solutions found
	id		solutionPause;			// controls whether to stop at a solution
	BOOL	running;
	int		rows;
	int		column[8];

- motor: sender;
- pause: sender;
- step: sender;

- (BOOL)countStep;
- motorStep;
- placeQueenAt: (int)row : (int)column;
- removeQueenFrom: (int)aRow : (int)aColumn;
- (BOOL)stepFrom: (int)aRow;
- (BOOL)validate: (int)aRow : (int) aColumn;


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