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/* SCCS Id: @(#)trap.c 3.0 89/11/20 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ #include "hack.h" #include "edog.h" #ifdef OVLB const char *traps[] = { "", " monster trap", " statue trap", " bear trap", "n arrow trap", " dart trap", " trapdoor", " teleportation trap", " pit", " sleeping gas trap" ," magic trap" ," squeaky board" ," web" ," spiked pit" ," level teleporter" #ifdef SPELLS ,"n anti-magic field" #endif ," rust trap" #ifdef POLYSELF ," polymorph trap" #endif ," land mine" }; #endif /* OVLB */ void NDECL(domagictrap); OSTATIC boolean FDECL(thitm, (int, struct monst *, struct obj *, int)); #ifdef OVLB /* Generic rust-armor function. Returns TRUE if a message was printed; * "print", if set, means to print a message (and thus to return TRUE) even * if the item could not be rusted; otherwise a message is printed and TRUE is * returned only for rustable items. */ boolean rust_dmg(otmp, ostr, type, print) register struct obj *otmp; register const char *ostr; int type; boolean print; { static const char *gook[] = { "slag", "rust", "rot", "corrosion" }; static const char *action[] = { "smolder", "rust", "rot", "corrode" }; static const char *msg[] = { "burnt", "rusted", "rotten", "corroded" }; boolean vulnerable = FALSE; boolean plural; if (!otmp) return(FALSE); switch(type) { case 0: case 2: vulnerable = is_flammable(otmp); break; case 1: vulnerable = is_rustprone(otmp); break; case 3: vulnerable = is_corrodeable(otmp); break; } if (!print && (!vulnerable || otmp->rustfree || otmp->spe < -2)) return FALSE; plural = is_gloves(otmp) || is_boots(otmp); if (!vulnerable) Your("%s %s not affected!", ostr, plural ? "are" : "is"); else if (otmp->spe >= -2) { if (otmp->rustfree) pline("The %s on your %s vanishes instantly!", gook[type], ostr); else if (otmp->blessed && !rnl(4)) pline("Somehow, your %s %s not affected!", ostr, plural ? "are" : "is"); else { Your("%s %s%s!", ostr, action[type], plural ? "" : "s"); otmp->spe--; adj_abon(otmp, -1); } } else Your("%s %s%s quite %s.", ostr, Blind ? "feel" : "look", plural ? "" : "s", msg[type]); return(TRUE); } struct trap * maketrap(x,y,typ) register int x, y, typ; { register struct trap *ttmp; register struct permonst *ptr; if (ttmp = t_at(x,y)) { if (u.utrap && ((u.utraptype == TT_BEARTRAP && typ != BEAR_TRAP) || (u.utraptype == TT_WEB && typ != WEB) || (u.utraptype == TT_PIT && typ != PIT && typ != SPIKED_PIT))) u.utrap = 0; ttmp->ttyp = typ; return ttmp; } ttmp = newtrap(); ttmp->ttyp = typ; ttmp->tx = x; ttmp->ty = y; switch(typ) { case MONST_TRAP: /* create a monster in "hiding" */ { int tryct = 0; if(rn2(5) && (ptr = mkclass(S_PIERCER))) ttmp->pm = monsndx(ptr); else do { ttmp->pm = rndmonnum(); } while ((noattacks(&mons[ttmp->pm]) || !mons[ttmp->pm].mmove) && ++tryct < 100); if (tryct == 100) { free((genericptr_t)ttmp); return(struct trap *)0; } break; } case STATUE_TRAP: /* create a "living" statue */ ttmp->pm = rndmonnum(); (void) mkcorpstat(STATUE, &mons[ttmp->pm], x, y); break; default: ttmp->pm = -1; break; } ttmp->tseen = 0; ttmp->once = 0; ttmp->ntrap = ftrap; ftrap = ttmp; return(ttmp); } int teleok(x, y) register int x, y; { /* might throw him into a POOL * removed by GAN 10/20/86 */ #ifdef STUPID boolean tmp1, tmp2, tmp3; # ifdef POLYSELF tmp1 = isok(x,y) && (!IS_ROCK(levl[x][y].typ) || passes_walls(uasmon)) && !MON_AT(x, y); # else tmp1 = isok(x,y) && !IS_ROCK(levl[x][y].typ) && !MON_AT(x, y); # endif tmp2 = !sobj_at(BOULDER,x,y) && !t_at(x,y); tmp3 = !(is_pool(x,y) && !(Levitation || Wwalking #ifdef POLYSELF || is_flyer(uasmon) #endif )) && !closed_door(x,y); return(tmp1 && tmp2 && tmp3); #else return( isok(x,y) && # ifdef POLYSELF (!IS_ROCK(levl[x][y].typ) || passes_walls(uasmon)) && # else !IS_ROCK(levl[x][y].typ) && # endif !MON_AT(x, y) && !sobj_at(BOULDER,x,y) && !t_at(x,y) && !(is_pool(x,y) && !(Levitation || Wwalking #ifdef POLYSELF || is_flyer(uasmon) #endif )) && !closed_door(x,y)); #endif /* Note: gold is permitted (because of vaults) */ } static void vtele() { register struct mkroom *croom; for(croom = &rooms[0]; croom->hx >= 0; croom++) if(croom->rtype == VAULT) { register int x, y; x = rn2(2) ? croom->lx : croom->hx; y = rn2(2) ? croom->ly : croom->hy; if(teleok(x,y)) { teleds(x,y); return; } } tele(); } void dotrap(trap) register struct trap *trap; { register int ttype = trap->ttyp; register struct monst *mtmp; register struct obj *otmp; nomul(0); if(trap->tseen && !Fumbling && !(ttype == PIT || ttype == SPIKED_PIT #ifdef SPELLS || ttype == ANTI_MAGIC #endif ) && !rn2(5)) You("escape a%s.", traps[ttype]); else { trap->tseen = 1; if(Invisible && ttype != MONST_TRAP) newsym(trap->tx,trap->ty); switch(ttype) { case SLP_GAS_TRAP: if(Sleep_resistance) { You("are enveloped in a cloud of gas!"); break; } pline("A cloud of gas puts you to sleep!"); flags.soundok = 0; nomul(-rnd(25)); afternmv = Hear_again; break; case BEAR_TRAP: if(Levitation #ifdef POLYSELF || is_flyer(uasmon)) { You("%s over a bear trap.", Levitation ? "float" : "fly"); #else ) { You("float over a bear trap."); #endif break; } #ifdef POLYSELF if(amorphous(uasmon)) { pline("A bear trap closes harmlessly through you."); break; } #endif u.utrap = 4 + rn2(4); u.utraptype = TT_BEARTRAP; pline("A bear trap closes on your %s!", body_part(FOOT)); #ifdef POLYSELF if(u.umonnum == PM_OWLBEAR || u.umonnum == PM_BUGBEAR) You("howl in anger!"); #endif break; case STATUE_TRAP: deltrap(trap); for(otmp=level.objects[u.ux][]; otmp; otmp = otmp->nexthere) if(otmp->otyp == STATUE && otmp->corpsenm == trap->pm) if(mtmp=makemon(&mons[trap->pm],u.ux, { pline("The statue comes to life!"); delobj(otmp); break; } break; case MONST_TRAP: if(mtmp=makemon(&mons[trap->pm],u.ux, { switch(mtmp->data->mlet) { case S_PIERCER: pline("%s suddenly drops from the ceiling!", Xmonnam(mtmp)); if(uarmh) pline("Its blow glances off your helmet."); else (void) thitu(3,d(4,6),(struct obj *)0, "falling piercer"); break; default: /* monster surprises you. */ pline("%s attacks you by surprise!", Xmonnam(mtmp)); break; } } deltrap(trap); break; case ARROW_TRAP: pline("An arrow shoots out at you!"); if(!thitu(8,rnd(6),(struct obj *)0,"arrow")){ (void) mksobj_at(ARROW, u.ux,; fobj->quan = 1; fobj->owt = weight(fobj); } break; case TRAPDOOR: if(is_maze_lev #ifdef STRONGHOLD && (dlevel > stronghold_level) #endif ) { pline("A trap door in the ceiling opens and a rock falls on your %s!", body_part(HEAD)); if(uarmh) pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a helmet!"); losehp(uarmh ? 2 : d(2,10),"falling rock", KILLED_BY_AN); (void) mksobj_at(ROCK, u.ux,; fobj->quan = 1; fobj->owt = weight(fobj); stackobj(fobj); if(Invisible #ifdef POLYSELF || u.uundetected #endif ) newsym(u.ux,; } else { register int newlevel = dlevel + 1; while(!rn2(4) && newlevel < 29) newlevel++; pline("A trap door opens up under you!"); if(Levitation || u.ustuck || dlevel == MAXLEVEL #ifdef POLYSELF || is_flyer(uasmon) || u.umonnum == PM_WUMPUS #endif #ifdef ENDGAME || dlevel == ENDLEVEL #endif ) { You("don't fall in."); break; } #ifdef WALKIES if(!next_to_u()) You("are jerked back by your pet!"); else { #endif if(in_shop(u.ux, shopdig(1); unsee(); (void) fflush(stdout); goto_level(newlevel, FALSE, TRUE); #ifdef WALKIES } #endif } break; case DART_TRAP: pline("A little dart shoots out at you!"); if(thitu(7,rnd(3),(struct obj *)0,"little dart")) { if(!rn2(6)) poisoned("dart",A_CON,"poison dart",10); } else { (void) mksobj_at(DART, u.ux,; fobj->quan = 1; if(!rn2(6)) fobj->opoisoned = 1; fobj->owt = weight(fobj); } break; case TELEP_TRAP: if(trap->once) { #ifdef ENDGAME if(dlevel == ENDLEVEL) { You("feel a wrenching sensation."); break; } #endif if(Antimagic) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You("feel a wrenching sensation."); } else { deltrap(trap); newsym(u.ux,; vtele(); } } else { #ifdef ENDGAME if(dlevel == ENDLEVEL) { You("feel a wrenching sensation."); break; } #endif if(Antimagic) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You("feel a wrenching sensation."); } else { newsym(u.ux,; tele(); } } break; case RUST_TRAP: #ifdef POLYSELF # ifdef GOLEMS if (u.umonnum == PM_IRON_GOLEM) { pline("A gush of water hits you!"); You("are covered with rust!"); rehumanize(); break; } else # endif /* GOLEMS */ if (u.umonnum == PM_GREMLIN && rn2(3)) { pline("A gush of water hits you!"); if(mtmp = cloneu()) { mtmp->mhpmax = (u.mhmax /= 2); You("multiply."); } break; } #endif /* Unlike monsters, traps cannot aim their rust attacks at * you, so instead of looping through and taking either the * first rustable one or the body, we take whatever we get, * even if it is not rustable. */ switch (rn2(5)) { case 0: pline("A gush of water hits you on the %s!", body_part(HEAD)); (void) rust_dmg(uarmh, "helmet", 1, TRUE); break; case 1: pline("A gush of water hits your left %s!", body_part(ARM)); if (rust_dmg(uarms, "shield", 1, TRUE)) break; if (uwep && bimanual(uwep)) goto two_hand; /* Two goto statements in a row--aaarrrgggh! */ glovecheck: (void) rust_dmg(uarmg, "gauntlets", 1, TRUE); /* Not "metal gauntlets" since it gets called * even if it's leather for the message */ break; case 2: pline("A gush of water hits your right %s!", body_part(ARM)); two_hand: corrode_weapon(); goto glovecheck; default: pline("A gush of water hits you!"); if (uarmc) (void) rust_dmg(uarmc, "cloak", 1, TRUE); else if (uarm) (void) rust_dmg(uarm, "armor", 1, TRUE); #ifdef SHIRT else if (uarmu) (void) rust_dmg(uarmu, "shirt", 1, TRUE); #endif } break; case PIT: if (Levitation #ifdef POLYSELF || is_flyer(uasmon) || u.umonnum == PM_WUMPUS #endif ) { pline("A pit opens up under you!"); You("don't fall in!"); break; } You("fall into a pit!"); #ifdef POLYSELF if (!passes_walls(uasmon)) #endif u.utrap = rn1(6,2); u.utraptype = TT_PIT; losehp(rnd(6),"fell into a pit", NO_KILLER_PREFIX); selftouch("Falling, you"); break; case SPIKED_PIT: if (Levitation #ifdef POLYSELF || is_flyer(uasmon) || u.umonnum == PM_WUMPUS #endif ) { pline("A pit full of spikes opens up under you!"); You("don't fall in!"); break; } You("fall into a pit!"); You("land on a set of sharp iron spikes!"); #ifdef POLYSELF if (!passes_walls(uasmon)) #endif u.utrap = rn1(6,2); u.utraptype = TT_PIT; losehp(rnd(10),"fell into a pit of iron spikes", NO_KILLER_PREFIX); if(!rn2(6)) poisoned("spikes",A_STR,"fall onto poison spikes",8); selftouch("Falling, you"); break; case LEVEL_TELEP: { int oldl = dlevel; You("%s onto a level teleport trap!", Levitation ? "float" : #ifdef POLYSELF locomotion(uasmon, "step")); #else "step"); #endif if(Antimagic) { pru(); shieldeff(u.ux,; } if(Antimagic #ifdef ENDGAME || dlevel == ENDLEVEL #endif ) { You("feel a wrenching sensation."); break; } if(!Blind) You("are momentarily blinded by a flash of light."); else You("are momentarily disoriented."); deltrap(trap); newsym(u.ux,; level_tele(); if(oldl == dlevel && !Invisible #ifdef POLYSELF && !u.uundetected #endif ) { levl[u.ux][].seen = 0; /* force atl */ atl(u.ux,,(char)u.usym); } } break; #ifdef SPELLS case ANTI_MAGIC: if(Antimagic) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You("feel momentarily lethargic."); } else drain_en(rnd((int)u.ulevel) + 1); break; #endif #ifdef POLYSELF case POLY_TRAP: if(Antimagic) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You("feel momentarily different."); /* Trap did nothing; don't remove it --KAA */ } else { You("feel a change coming over you."); polyself(); deltrap(trap); } break; #endif case MGTRP: /* A magic trap. */ if (!rn2(30)) { You("are caught in a magical explosion!"); losehp(rnd(10), "magical explosion", KILLED_BY_AN); #ifdef SPELLS Your("body absorbs some of the magical energy!"); u.uen = (u.uenmax += 2); #endif deltrap(trap); if(Invisible #ifdef POLYSELF && !u.uundetected #endif ) newsym(u.ux,; } else domagictrap(); break; case SQBRD: /* stepped on a squeaky board */ if (Levitation #ifdef POLYSELF || is_flyer(uasmon) #endif ) { if (Hallucination) You("notice a crease in the linoleum."); else You("notice a loose board below you."); } else { pline("A board beneath you squeaks loudly."); wake_nearby(); } break; case WEB: /* Our luckless player has stumbled into a web. */ You("%s into a spider web!", Levitation ? "float" : #ifdef POLYSELF locomotion(uasmon, "stumble")); #else "stumble"); #endif u.utraptype = TT_WEB; /* Time stuck in the web depends on your strength. */ if (ACURR(A_STR) == 3) u.utrap = rn1(6,6); else if (ACURR(A_STR) < 6) u.utrap = rn1(6,4); else if (ACURR(A_STR) < 9) u.utrap = rn1(4,4); else if (ACURR(A_STR) < 12) u.utrap = rn1(4,2); else if (ACURR(A_STR) < 15) u.utrap = rn1(2,2); else if (ACURR(A_STR) < 18) u.utrap = rnd(2); else if (ACURR(A_STR) < 69) u.utrap = 1; else { u.utrap = 0; You("tear through the web!"); deltrap(trap); if(Invisible) newsym(u.ux,; } break; case LANDMINE: { #ifndef LINT register struct monst *mtmp = fmon; #endif if (Levitation #ifdef POLYSELF || is_flyer(uasmon) #endif ) { You("see a trigger in a pile of soil below you."); if (rn2(3)) break; pline("KAABLAMM!!! The air currents set it off!"); } else { pline("KAABLAMM!!! You triggered a land mine!"); set_wounded_legs(LEFT_SIDE, 40 + rnd(35)); set_wounded_legs(RIGHT_SIDE, 40 + rnd(35)); } losehp(rnd(16), "land mine", KILLED_BY_AN); /* wake everything on the level */ while(mtmp) { if(mtmp->msleep) mtmp->msleep = 0; mtmp = mtmp->nmon; } deltrap(t_at(u.ux,; /* mines only explode once */ if(Invisible) newsym(u.ux,; } break; default: impossible("You hit a trap of type %u", trap->ttyp); } } } #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef WALKIES OSTATIC boolean FDECL(teleport_pet, (struct monst *)); #ifdef OVLB XSTATIC boolean teleport_pet(mtmp) register struct monst *mtmp; { register struct obj *otmp; if(mtmp->mleashed) { otmp = get_mleash(mtmp); if(!otmp) impossible("%s is leashed, without a leash.", Monnam(mtmp)); if(otmp->cursed) { # ifdef SOUNDS yelp(mtmp); # endif return FALSE; } else { Your("leash goes slack."); m_unleash(mtmp); return TRUE; } } return TRUE; } #endif /* OVLB */ #endif #ifdef OVLB XSTATIC void seetrap(trap) register struct trap *trap; { if(!trap->tseen) { trap->tseen = 1; newsym(trap->tx, trap->ty); } } #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef OVL1 int mintrap(mtmp) register struct monst *mtmp; { register struct trap *trap = t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my); register int newlev, wasintrap = mtmp->mtrapped; register boolean trapkilled = FALSE, tdoor = FALSE; struct obj *otmp; if(!trap) { mtmp->mtrapped = 0; /* perhaps teleported? */ } else if(wasintrap) { if(!rn2(40)) mtmp->mtrapped = 0; } else { register int tt = trap->ttyp; /* A bug fix for dumb messages by ab@unido. */ int in_sight = cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) && (!mtmp->minvis || See_invisible); if(mtmp->mtrapseen & (1 << tt)) { /* he has been in such a trap - perhaps he escapes */ if(rn2(4)) return(0); } mtmp->mtrapseen |= (1 << tt); switch (tt) { case BEAR_TRAP: if(mtmp->data->msize > MZ_SMALL && !amorphous(mtmp->data)) { mtmp->mtrapped = 1; if(in_sight) { pline("%s is caught in a bear trap!", Monnam(mtmp)); seetrap(trap); } else if((mtmp->data == &mons[PM_OWLBEAR] || mtmp->data == &mons[PM_BUGBEAR]) && flags.soundok) You("hear the roaring of an angry bear!"); } break; #ifdef POLYSELF case POLY_TRAP: if(!resist(mtmp, WAND_SYM, 0, NOTELL)) { (void) newcham(mtmp, (struct permonst *)0); seetrap(trap); } break; #endif case RUST_TRAP: if(in_sight) pline("A gush of water hits %s!", mon_nam(mtmp)); if(cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)) seetrap(trap); #ifdef GOLEMS if (mtmp->data == &mons[PM_IRON_GOLEM]) { if (in_sight) pline("%s falls to pieces!", Monnam(mtmp)); else if(mtmp->mtame) pline("May %s rust in peace.", mon_nam(mtmp)); mondied(mtmp); trapkilled = TRUE; } else #endif /* GOLEMS */ if (mtmp->data == &mons[PM_GREMLIN] && rn2(3)) { struct monst *mtmp2 = clone_mon(mtmp); if (mtmp2) { mtmp2->mhpmax = (mtmp->mhpmax /= 2); if(in_sight) pline("%s multiplies.", Monnam(mtmp)); } } break; case PIT: case SPIKED_PIT: /* TO DO: there should be a mtmp/data -> floating */ if(!is_flyer(mtmp->data) && mtmp->data != &mons[PM_WUMPUS]) { if (!passes_walls(mtmp->data)) mtmp->mtrapped = 1; if(in_sight) { pline("%s falls into a pit!", Monnam(mtmp)); seetrap(trap); } if(thitm(0, mtmp, (struct obj *)0, rnd((tt==PIT) ? 6 : 10))) trapkilled = TRUE; } break; case SLP_GAS_TRAP: if(!resists_sleep(mtmp->data) && !mtmp->msleep && mtmp->mcanmove) { mtmp->mcanmove = 0; mtmp->mfrozen = rnd(25); if(in_sight) pline("%s suddenly falls asleep!", Monnam(mtmp)); if(cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)) seetrap(trap); } break; case TELEP_TRAP: #ifdef WALKIES if(teleport_pet(mtmp)) { #endif /* Note: don't remove the trap if a vault. Other- * the monster will be stuck there, since the guard * isn't going to come for it... */ if (trap->once) vloc(mtmp); else rloc(mtmp); if(in_sight && !cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)) { pline("%s suddenly disappears!", Monnam(mtmp)); seetrap(trap); } #ifdef WALKIES } #endif break; case ARROW_TRAP: otmp = mksobj(ARROW, FALSE); otmp->quan = 1; otmp->owt = weight(otmp); if(in_sight) seetrap(trap); if(thitm(8, mtmp, otmp, 0)) trapkilled = TRUE; break; case DART_TRAP: otmp = mksobj(DART, FALSE); otmp->quan = 1; if (!rn2(6)) otmp->opoisoned = 1; otmp->owt = weight(otmp); if(in_sight) seetrap(trap); if(thitm(7, mtmp, otmp, 0)) trapkilled = TRUE; break; case TRAPDOOR: if(is_maze_lev #ifdef STRONGHOLD && (dlevel > stronghold_level && dlevel < MAXLEVEL) #endif ) { otmp = mksobj(ROCK, FALSE); otmp->quan = 1; otmp->owt = weight(otmp); if(in_sight) seetrap(trap); if(thitm(0, mtmp, otmp, d(2, 10))) trapkilled = TRUE; break; } if (mtmp->data == &mons[PM_WUMPUS]) break; tdoor = TRUE; /* Fall through */ case LEVEL_TELEP: if(!is_flyer(mtmp->data) #ifdef WORM && !mtmp->wormno /* long worms with tails mustn't change levels */ #endif ) { #ifdef WALKIES if(teleport_pet(mtmp)) { #endif if(tdoor) fall_down(mtmp, dlevel+1); else { newlev = rnd(3); if(!rn2(2)) newlev = -(newlev); newlev = dlevel + newlev; if(newlev > MAXLEVEL) { if(dlevel != MAXLEVEL) newlev = MAXLEVEL; else newlev = MAXLEVEL - rnd(3); } if(newlev < 1) { if(dlevel != 1) newlev = 1; else newlev = 1 + rnd(3); } fall_down(mtmp, newlev); } if(in_sight) { pline("Suddenly, %s disappears out of sight.", mon_nam(mtmp)); seetrap(trap); } return(2); /* no longer on this level */ #ifdef WALKIES } #endif } break; case MONST_TRAP: case STATUE_TRAP: break; case MGTRP: /* A magic trap. Monsters immune. */ break; case SQBRD: { register struct monst *ztmp = fmon; if(is_flyer(mtmp->data)) break; /* stepped on a squeaky board */ if (in_sight) { pline("A board beneath %s squeaks loudly.", mon_nam(mtmp)); seetrap(trap); } else You("hear a distant squeak."); /* wake up nearby monsters */ while(ztmp) { if(dist2(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my,ztmp->mx,ztmp->my) < 40) if(ztmp->msleep) ztmp->msleep = 0; ztmp = ztmp->nmon; } break; } case WEB: /* Monster in a web. */ if(mtmp->data->mlet != S_SPIDER) { if(in_sight) pline("%s is caught in a web.", Monnam(mtmp)); else /* Eric Backus */ if(mtmp->data == &mons[PM_OWLBEAR] || mtmp->data == &mons[PM_BUGBEAR]) You("hear the roaring of a confused bear!"); mtmp->mtrapped = 1; } break; #ifdef SPELLS case ANTI_MAGIC: break; #endif case LANDMINE: { register struct monst *mntmp = fmon; if(rn2(3)) break; /* monsters usually don't set it off */ if(in_sight) pline("KAABLAMM!!! %s triggers a land mine!", Monnam(mtmp)); else if (flags.soundok) pline("Kaablamm! You hear an explosion in the distance!"); deltrap(t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)); if(thitm(0, mtmp, (struct obj *)0, rnd(16))) trapkilled = TRUE; /* wake everything on the level */ while(mntmp) { if(mntmp->msleep) mntmp->msleep = 0; mntmp = mntmp->nmon; } break; } default: impossible("Some monster encountered a strange trap of type %d.", tt); } } if(trapkilled) return 2; else return mtmp->mtrapped; } #endif /* OVL1 */ #ifdef OVLB void selftouch(arg) const char *arg; { if(uwep && (uwep->otyp == CORPSE && uwep->corpsenm == PM_COCKATRICE) #ifdef POLYSELF && !resists_ston(uasmon) #endif ){ pline("%s touch the cockatrice corpse.", arg); You("turn to stone..."); killer_format = KILLED_BY; killer = "touching a cockatrice corpse"; done(STONING); } } void float_up() { if(u.utrap) { if(u.utraptype == TT_PIT) { u.utrap = 0; You("float up, out of the pit!"); } else { You("float up, only your %s is still stuck.", body_part(LEG)); } } else if (Hallucination) pline("Up, up, and awaaaay! You're walking on air!"); else You("start to float in the air!"); } int float_down() { register struct trap *trap; if(Levitation) return(0); /* maybe another ring/potion/boots */ /* check for falling into pool - added by GAN 10/20/86 */ if(is_pool(u.ux, && !(Wwalking #ifdef POLYSELF || is_flyer(uasmon) #endif )) drown(); You("float gently to the ground."); if(trap = t_at(u.ux, switch(trap->ttyp) { case MONST_TRAP: case STATUE_TRAP: break; case TRAPDOOR: if(is_maze_lev #ifdef STRONGHOLD && (dlevel >= stronghold_level || dlevel < MAXLEVEL) #endif || u.ustuck) break; /* fall into next case */ default: dotrap(trap); } if(!flags.nopick && (OBJ_AT(u.ux, || levl[u.ux][].gmask)) pickup(1); return 0; } void tele() { coord cc; register int nux,nuy; #ifdef STRONGHOLD /* Disable teleportation in stronghold && Vlad's Tower */ if(dlevel == stronghold_level || # ifdef ENDGAME dlevel == ENDLEVEL || # endif (dlevel >= tower_level && dlevel <= tower_level + 2)) { # ifdef WIZARD if (!wizard) { # endif pline("A mysterious force prevents you from teleporting!"); return; # ifdef WIZARD } # endif } #endif /* STRONGHOLD /**/ if((u.uhave_amulet || dlevel == wiz_level) && !rn2(3)) { You("feel disoriented for a moment."); return; } if(Teleport_control) { if (unconscious()) pline("Being unconscious, you cannot control your teleport."); else { pline("To what position do you want to be teleported?"); cc.x = u.ux; cc.y =; getpos(&cc, 1, "the desired position"); /* 1: force valid */ /* possible extensions: introduce a small error if magic power is low; allow transfer to solid rock */ if(teleok(cc.x, cc.y)){ teleds(cc.x, cc.y); return; } pline("Sorry..."); } } do { nux = rnd(COLNO-1); nuy = rn2(ROWNO); } while(!teleok(nux, nuy)); teleds(nux, nuy); } void teleds(nux, nuy) register int nux,nuy; { if(Punished) unplacebc(); unsee(); u.utrap = 0; u.ustuck = 0; u.ux0 = u.ux; u.uy0 =; u.ux = nux; = nuy; #ifdef POLYSELF if (hides_under(uasmon)) u.uundetected = (OBJ_AT(nux, nuy) || levl[nux][nuy].gmask); else u.uundetected = 0; if (u.usym == S_MIMIC_DEF) u.usym = S_MIMIC; #endif if(Punished) placebc(1); if(u.uswallow){ u.uswldtim = u.uswallow = 0; docrt(); } setsee(); nomul(0); spoteffects(); } int dotele() { struct trap *trap; #ifdef SPELLS boolean castit = FALSE; # ifdef __GNULINT__ register int sp_no = 0; # else register int sp_no; # endif #endif trap = t_at(u.ux,; if (trap && (!trap->tseen || trap->ttyp != TELEP_TRAP)) trap = 0; if (trap) { if (trap->once) { pline("This is a vault teleport, usable once only."); pline("Jump in? "); if (yn() == 'n') trap = 0; else { deltrap(trap); newsym(u.ux,; } } if (trap) #ifdef POLYSELF You("%s onto the teleportation trap.", locomotion(uasmon, "jump")); #else You("jump onto the teleportation trap."); #endif } if(!trap && (!Teleportation || (u.ulevel < (pl_character[0] == 'W' ? 8 : 12) #ifdef POLYSELF && !can_teleport(uasmon) #endif ) )) { #ifdef SPELLS /* Try to use teleport away spell. */ castit = objects[SPE_TELEPORT_AWAY].oc_name_known; if (castit) { for (sp_no = 0; sp_no < MAXSPELL && spl_book[sp_no].sp_id != NO_SPELL && spl_book[sp_no].sp_id != SPE_TELEPORT_AWAY; sp_no++); if (sp_no == MAXSPELL || spl_book[sp_no].sp_id != SPE_TELEPORT_AWAY) castit = FALSE; } #endif #ifdef WIZARD if (!wizard) { #endif #ifdef SPELLS if (!castit) { if (!Teleportation) You("don't know that spell."); else #endif You("are not able to teleport at will."); return(0); #ifdef SPELLS } #endif #ifdef WIZARD } #endif } if(!trap && (u.uhunger <= 100 || ACURR(A_STR) < 6)) { You("lack the strength for a teleport spell."); #ifdef WIZARD if(!wizard) #endif return(1); } #ifdef SPELLS if (castit) # ifdef WIZARD if (!spelleffects(++sp_no, TRUE) && !wizard) return(0); # else return spelleffects(++sp_no, TRUE); # endif #endif #ifdef WALKIES if(next_to_u()) { #endif if (trap && trap->once) vtele(); else tele(); #ifdef WALKIES (void) next_to_u(); } else { You("shudder for a moment."); return(0); } #endif if (!trap) morehungry(100); return(1); } void placebc(attach) int attach; { if(!uchain || !uball){ impossible("Where are your ball and chain?"); return; } if(!carried(uball)) place_object(uball, u.ux,; place_object(uchain, u.ux,; if(attach){ uchain->nobj = fobj; fobj = uchain; if(!carried(uball)){ uball->nobj = fobj; fobj = uball; } } } void unplacebc(){ if(!carried(uball)){ freeobj(uball); unpobj(uball); } freeobj(uchain); unpobj(uchain); } void level_tele() { register int newlevel; #ifdef WALKIES register boolean pet_by_u = next_to_u(); #endif if(u.uhave_amulet #ifdef ENDGAME || dlevel == ENDLEVEL #endif ) { You("feel very disoriented for a moment."); return; } if(Teleport_control #ifdef WIZARD || wizard #endif ) { char buf[BUFSZ]; do { pline("To what level do you want to teleport? [type a number] "); getlin(buf); } while(!digit(buf[0]) && (buf[0] != '-' || !digit(buf[1]))); newlevel = atoi(buf); } else { #ifdef STRONGHOLD /* We cannot send them to Hell if STRONGHOLD is defined, since * they may find themselves trapped on the other side of the * stronghold... */ newlevel = rn2(5) ? rnd(dlevel + 3) : rnd(stronghold_level); #else newlevel = rn2(5) || !Fire_resistance ? rnd(dlevel + 3) : HELLLEVEL; #endif if(dlevel == newlevel) if(is_maze_lev) newlevel--; else newlevel++; } if(newlevel < 0) { #ifdef WALKIES if(pet_by_u) { #endif if(newlevel <= -10) { You("arrive in heaven."); verbalize("Thou art early, but we'll admit thee."); killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX; killer = "went to heaven prematurely"; done(DIED); } else if (newlevel == -9) { You("feel deliriously happy. "); pline("(In fact, you're on Cloud 9!) "); more(); } else #ifndef STRONGHOLD newlevel = 0; #else newlevel = 1; #endif You("are now high above the clouds..."); if(Levitation) { You("float gently down to earth."); #ifndef STRONGHOLD done(ESCAPED); #endif } #ifdef POLYSELF if(is_flyer(uasmon)) { You("fly down to earth."); # ifndef STRONGHOLD done(ESCAPED); # endif } #endif pline("Unfortunately, you don't know how to fly."); You("plummet a few thousand feet to your death."); dlevel = 0; killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX; killer = self_pronoun("teleported out of the dungeon and fell to %s death","his"); done(DIED); #ifdef WIZARD return; #endif #ifdef WALKIES } else { You("shudder for a moment..."); return; } #endif } /* calls done(ESCAPED) if newlevel==0 */ #ifdef WALKIES if(!pet_by_u) You("shudder for a moment..."); else #endif goto_level(newlevel, FALSE, FALSE); } void domagictrap() { register int fate = rnd(20); /* What happened to the poor sucker? */ if (fate < 10) { /* Most of the time, it creates some monsters. */ register int cnt = rnd(4); /* below checks for blindness added by GAN 10/30/86 */ if (!Blind) { You("are momentarily blinded by a flash of light!"); make_blinded((long)rn1(5,10),FALSE); } else You("hear a deafening roar!"); while(cnt--) (void) makemon((struct permonst *) 0, u.ux,; } else switch (fate) { case 10: case 11: /* sometimes nothing happens */ break; case 12: /* a flash of fire */ { register int num; /* changed to be in conformance with * SCR_FIRE by GAN 11/02/86 */ pline("A tower of flame bursts from the floor!"); if(Fire_resistance) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You("are uninjured."); break; } else { num = rnd(6); u.uhpmax -= num; losehp(num,"burst of flame", KILLED_BY_AN); break; } } /* odd feelings */ case 13: pline("A shiver runs up and down your %s!", body_part(SPINE)); break; case 14: You(Hallucination ? "hear the moon howling at you." : "hear distant howling."); break; case 15: You("suddenly yearn for %s.", Hallucination ? "Cleveland" : "your distant homeland"); break; case 16: Your("pack shakes violently!"); break; case 17: You(Hallucination ? "smell hamburgers." : "smell charred flesh."); break; /* very occasionally something nice happens. */ case 19: /* tame nearby monsters */ { register int i,j; /* below pline added by GAN 10/30/86 */ adjattrib(A_CHA,1,FALSE); for(i = -1; i <= 1; i++) for(j = -1; j <= 1; j++) if(MON_AT(u.ux+i, (void) tamedog(m_at(u.ux+i,, (struct obj *)0); break; } case 20: /* uncurse stuff */ { register struct obj *obj; /* below plines added by GAN 10/30/86 */ You(Hallucination ? "feel in touch with the Universal Oneness." : "feel like someone is helping you."); for(obj = invent; obj ; obj = obj->nobj) if(obj->owornmask || obj->otyp == LOADSTONE) obj->cursed = 0; if(Punished) unpunish(); break; } default: break; } } void drown() { register struct obj *obj; /* Scrolls and potions get affected by the water */ for(obj = invent; obj; obj = obj->nobj) { if(obj->olet == SCROLL_SYM && rn2(12) > Luck #ifdef MAIL && obj->otyp != SCR_MAIL #endif ) obj->otyp = SCR_BLANK_PAPER; if(obj->olet == POTION_SYM && rn2(12) > Luck) { if (obj->spe == -1) { obj->otyp = POT_WATER; obj->blessed = obj->cursed = 0; obj->spe = 0; } else obj->spe--; } } #ifdef POLYSELF if(u.umonnum == PM_GREMLIN && rn2(3)) { struct monst *mtmp; if(mtmp = cloneu()) { mtmp->mhpmax = (u.mhmax /= 2); You("multiply."); } } if(is_swimmer(uasmon)) return; #endif You("fell into %s!", levl[u.ux][].typ == POOL ? "a pool" : "the moat"); You("can't swim!"); if( #ifdef WIZARD wizard || #endif rn2(3) < Luck+2) { You("attempt a teleport spell."); /* utcsri!carroll */ (void) dotele(); if(!is_pool(u.ux, return; } You("drown."); killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN; killer = levl[u.ux][].typ == POOL ? "pool of water" : "moat"; done(DROWNING); } #ifdef SPELLS void drain_en(n) register int n; { if (!u.uenmax) return; You("feel your magical energy drain away!"); u.uen -= n; if(u.uen < 0) { u.uenmax += u.uen; if(u.uenmax < 0) u.uenmax = 0; u.uen = 0; } flags.botl = 1; } #endif int dountrap() { /* disarm a trapped object */ register struct obj *otmp; register boolean confused = (Confusion > 0 || Hallucination > 0); register int x,y; int ch; struct trap *ttmp; #ifdef POLYSELF if(nohands(uasmon)) { pline("And just how do you expect to do that?"); return(0); } #endif if(!getdir(TRUE)) return(0); x = u.ux + u.dx; y = + u.dy; if(!u.dx && !u.dy) { for(otmp = level.objects[x][y]; otmp; otmp = otmp->nexthere) if(Is_box(otmp)) { pline("There is %s here, check for traps? ", doname(otmp)); switch (ynq()) { case 'q': return(0); case 'n': continue; } if((otmp->otrapped && !confused && rn2(MAXLEVEL+2-dlevel) < 10) || confused && !rn2(3)) { You("find a trap on the %s! Disarm it? ", xname(otmp)); switch (ynq()) { case 'q': return(1); case 'n': continue; } if(otmp->otrapped) { ch = 15 + (pl_character[0] == 'R') ? u.ulevel*3 : u.ulevel; if(confused || Fumbling || rnd(75+dlevel/2) > ch) { You("set it off!"); chest_trap(otmp, FINGER); } else { You("disarm it!"); otmp->otrapped = 0; } } else pline("That %s was not trapped.", doname(otmp)); return(1); } else { You("find no traps on the %s.", xname(otmp)); return(1); } } if ((ttmp = t_at(x,y)) && ttmp->tseen) You("cannot disable this trap."); else You("know of no traps here."); return(0); } if (!IS_DOOR(levl[x][y].typ)) { if ((ttmp = t_at(x,y)) && ttmp->tseen) You("cannot disable that trap."); else You("know of no traps there."); return(0); } switch (levl[x][y].doormask) { case D_NODOOR: You("%s no door there.", Blind ? "feel" : "see"); return(0); case D_ISOPEN: pline("This door is safely open."); return(0); case D_BROKEN: pline("This door is broken."); return(0); } if ((levl[x][y].doormask & D_TRAPPED && !confused && rn2(MAXLEVEL+2-dlevel) < 10) || confused && !rn2(3)) { You("find a trap on the door! Disarm it? "); if (ynq() != 'y') return(1); if (levl[x][y].doormask & D_TRAPPED) { ch = 15 + (pl_character[0] == 'R') ? u.ulevel*3 : u.ulevel; if(confused || Fumbling || rnd(75+dlevel/2) > ch) { You("set it off!"); b_trapped("door"); } else You("disarm it!"); levl[x][y].doormask &= ~D_TRAPPED; } else pline("This door was not trapped."); return(1); } else { You("find no traps on the door."); return(1); } } /* only called when the player is doing something to the chest directly */ void chest_trap(obj, bodypart) register struct obj *obj; register int bodypart; { register struct obj *otmp,*otmp2; char buf[80]; if(Luck > -13 && rn2(13+Luck) > 7) return; otmp = obj; switch(rn2(20) ? ((Luck >= 13) ? 0 : rn2(13-Luck)) : rn2(26)) { case 25: case 24: case 23: case 22: case 21: pline("The %s explodes!", xname(obj)); Sprintf(buf, "exploding %s", xname(obj)); delete_contents(obj); for(otmp = level.objects[u.ux][]; otmp; otmp = otmp2) { otmp2 = otmp->nexthere; delobj(otmp); } losehp(d(6,6), buf, KILLED_BY_AN); wake_nearby(); return; case 20: case 19: case 18: case 17: pline("A cloud of noxious gas billows from the %s.", xname(obj)); poisoned("gas cloud", A_STR, "cloud of poison gas",15); break; case 16: case 15: case 14: case 13: You("feel a needle prick your %s.",body_part(bodypart)); poisoned("needle", A_CON, "poison needle",10); break; case 12: case 11: case 10: case 9: pline("A tower of flame erupts from the %s", xname(obj)); if(Fire_resistance) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You("don't seem to be affected."); } else losehp(d(4, 6), "tower of flame", KILLED_BY_AN); destroy_item(SCROLL_SYM, AD_FIRE); #ifdef SPELLS destroy_item(SPBOOK_SYM, AD_FIRE); #endif destroy_item(POTION_SYM, AD_FIRE); break; case 8: case 7: case 6: You("are jolted by a surge of electricity!"); if(Shock_resistance) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You("don't seem to be affected."); } else losehp(d(4, 4), "electric shock", KILLED_BY_AN); destroy_item(RING_SYM, AD_ELEC); destroy_item(WAND_SYM, AD_ELEC); break; case 5: case 4: case 3: pline("Suddenly you are frozen in place!"); nomovemsg = "You can move again."; multi = -d(5, 6); break; case 2: case 1: case 0: pline("A cloud of %s gas billows from the %s", hcolor(), xname(obj)); if(!Stunned) if (Hallucination) pline("What a groovy feeling!"); else You("stagger and your vision blurs..."); make_stunned(HStun + rn1(7, 16),FALSE); make_hallucinated(Hallucination + rn1(5, 16),FALSE); break; default: impossible("bad chest trap"); break; } bot(); /* to get immediate botl re-display */ otmp->otrapped = 0; /* these traps are one-shot things */ } #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef OVL2 void wake_nearby() { /* Wake up nearby monsters. */ register struct monst *mtmp; for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) { if(dist(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) < u.ulevel*20) { if(mtmp->msleep) mtmp->msleep = 0; if(mtmp->mtame) EDOG(mtmp)->whistletime = moves; } } } #endif /* OVL2 */ #ifdef OVL0 struct trap * t_at(x,y) register int x, y; { register struct trap *trap = ftrap; while(trap) { if(trap->tx == x && trap->ty == y) return(trap); trap = trap->ntrap; } return((struct trap *)0); } #endif /* OVL0 */ #ifdef OVLB void deltrap(trap) register struct trap *trap; { register struct trap *ttmp; if(trap == ftrap) ftrap = ftrap->ntrap; else { for(ttmp = ftrap; ttmp->ntrap != trap; ttmp = ttmp->ntrap) ; ttmp->ntrap = trap->ntrap; } free((genericptr_t) trap); } void b_trapped(item) /* used for doors. can be used */ register const char *item; /* for anything else that opens */ { register int dmg = rnd(5+(dlevel < 5 ? dlevel : 2+dlevel/2)); pline("KABOOM!! The %s was booby-trapped!", item); if(u.ulevel < 4 && dlevel < 3 && !rnl(3)) You("are shaken, but luckily unhurt."); else losehp(dmg, "explosion", KILLED_BY_AN); make_stunned(HStun + dmg, TRUE); } /* Monster is hit by trap. */ /* Note: doesn't work if both obj and d_override are null */ XSTATIC boolean thitm(tlev, mon, obj, d_override) register int tlev; register struct monst *mon; register struct obj *obj; int d_override; { register int strike; register boolean trapkilled = FALSE; if (d_override) strike = 1; else if (obj) strike = (mon->data->ac + tlev + obj->spe <= rnd(20)); else strike = (mon->data->ac + tlev <= rnd(20)); /* Actually more accurate than thitu, which doesn't take * obj->spe into account. */ if(!strike) { if (cansee(mon->mx, mon->my)) pline("%s is almost hit by %s!", Monnam(mon), doname(obj)); } else { int dam = 1; if (obj && cansee(mon->mx, mon->my)) pline("%s is hit by %s!", Monnam(mon), doname(obj)); if (d_override) dam = d_override; else if (obj) { dam = dmgval(obj, mon->data); if (dam < 1) dam = 1; } if ((mon->mhp -= dam) <= 0) { int xx = mon->mx; int yy = mon->my; if (cansee(mon->mx, mon->my)) pline("%s is killed!", Monnam(mon)); else if (mon->mtame) You("have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes."); mondied(mon); newsym(xx, yy); trapkilled = TRUE; } } if (obj && (!strike || d_override)) { place_object(obj, mon->mx, mon->my); obj->nobj = fobj; fobj = obj; stackobj(fobj); } else if (obj) free ((genericptr_t)obj); return trapkilled; } boolean unconscious() { return (multi < 0 && (!nomovemsg || !strncmp(nomovemsg,"You wake", 8) || !strncmp(nomovemsg,"You awake", 9) || !strncmp(nomovemsg,"You regain con", 15) || !strncmp(nomovemsg,"You are consci", 15))); } #endif /* OVLB */
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