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/* SCCS Id: @(#)read.c 3.0 89/11/15 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ #include "hack.h" #ifdef OVLB boolean known; static const char readable[] = { '#', SCROLL_SYM, #ifdef SPELLS SPBOOK_SYM, #endif 0 }; #endif /* OVLB */ static void FDECL(explode, (struct obj *)); static void NDECL(do_class_genocide); static void FDECL(stripspe,(struct obj *)); static void FDECL(p_glow1,(struct obj *)); static void FDECL(p_glow2,(struct obj *,const char *)); static void FDECL(recharge,(struct obj *,int)); static void FDECL(forget,(BOOLEAN_P)); OSTATIC void FDECL(show_map_spot,(int,int)); #ifdef OVLB int doread() { register struct obj *scroll; register boolean confused = (Confusion != 0); known = FALSE; scroll = getobj(readable, "read"); /* "#-" added by GAN 10/22/86 */ if(!scroll) return(0); /* below added to allow reading of fortune cookies */ if(scroll->otyp == FORTUNE_COOKIE) { if(flags.verbose) You("break up the cookie and throw away the pieces."); outrumor(bcsign(scroll), TRUE); useup(scroll); return(1); } else if(scroll->olet != SCROLL_SYM #ifdef SPELLS && scroll->olet != SPBOOK_SYM #endif ) { pline("That is a silly thing to read."); return(0); } if(Blind) #ifdef SPELLS if (scroll->olet == SPBOOK_SYM) { pline("Being blind, you cannot read the mystic runes."); return(0); } else #endif if (!scroll->dknown) { pline("Being blind, you cannot read the formula on the scroll."); return(0); } #ifndef NO_SIGNAL scroll->in_use = TRUE; /* now being read */ #endif #ifdef SPELLS if(scroll->olet == SPBOOK_SYM) { if(confused) { You("cannot grasp the meaning of this tome."); useup(scroll); return(0); } else return(study_book(scroll)); } #endif if(scroll->otyp != SCR_BLANK_PAPER) { if(Blind) pline("As you pronounce the formula on it, the scroll disappears."); else pline("As you read the scroll, it disappears."); if(confused) { if (Hallucination) pline("Being so trippy, you screw up..."); else pline("Being confused, you mispronounce the magic words..."); } } if(!seffects(scroll)) { if(!objects[scroll->otyp].oc_name_known) { if(known && !confused) { makeknown(scroll->otyp); more_experienced(0,10); } else if(!objects[scroll->otyp].oc_uname) docall(scroll); } if(!(scroll->otyp == SCR_BLANK_PAPER) || confused) useup(scroll); #ifndef NO_SIGNAL else scroll->in_use = FALSE; #endif } return(1); } static void stripspe(obj) register struct obj *obj; { if (obj->blessed) pline(nothing_happens); else { if (obj->spe > 0) { obj->spe = 0; Your("%s vibrates briefly.",xname(obj)); } else pline(nothing_happens); } } static void p_glow1(otmp) register struct obj *otmp; { Your("%s %s briefly.", xname(otmp), Blind ? "vibrates" : "glows"); } static void p_glow2(otmp,color) register struct obj *otmp; register const char *color; { Your("%s %s%s for a moment.", xname(otmp), Blind ? "vibrates" : "glows ", Blind ? (const char *)"" : Hallucination ? hcolor() : color); } /* * recharge an object; curse_bless is -1 if the recharging implement * was cursed, +1 if blessed, 0 otherwise. */ static void recharge(obj, curse_bless) struct obj *obj; int curse_bless; { register int n; boolean is_cursed, is_blessed; is_cursed = curse_bless < 0; is_blessed = curse_bless > 0; if (obj->olet != WAND_SYM) { switch(obj->otyp) { case MAGIC_MARKER: if (is_cursed) stripspe(obj); else if (obj->recharged) { if (obj->spe < 3) Your("marker seems permanently dried out."); else pline(nothing_happens); } else if (is_blessed) { n = obj->spe; if (n < 50) obj->spe = 50; if (n >= 50 && n < 75) obj->spe = 75; if (n >= 75) obj->spe += 10; p_glow2(obj,blue); obj->recharged = 1; } else { if (obj->spe < 50) obj->spe = 50; else obj->spe++; p_glow2(obj,white); obj->recharged = 1; } break; case LAMP: if (is_cursed) stripspe(obj); else if (is_blessed) { n = rn2(11); if (obj->spe < n) obj->spe = n; else obj->spe += rnd(3); p_glow2(obj,blue); } else { obj->spe++; p_glow1(obj); } break; case MAGIC_LAMP: if (is_cursed) stripspe(obj); else if (is_blessed > 0) { if (obj->spe == 1 || obj->recharged) pline(nothing_happens); else { obj->spe = 1; obj->recharged = 1; p_glow1(obj); } } else { if (obj->spe == 1 || obj->recharged) pline(nothing_happens); else { n = rn2(2); if (!n) { obj->spe = 1; obj->recharged = 1; p_glow1(obj); } else pline(nothing_happens); } } break; case CRYSTAL_BALL: if (is_cursed) stripspe(obj); else if (is_blessed) { obj->spe = 6; p_glow2(obj,blue); } else { if (obj->spe < 5) { obj->spe++; p_glow1(obj); } else pline(nothing_happens); } break; case BAG_OF_TRICKS: if (is_cursed) stripspe(obj); else if (is_blessed) { if (obj->spe <= 10) obj->spe += (5 + rnd(10)); else obj->spe += (5 + rnd(5)); p_glow2(obj,blue); } else { obj->spe += rnd(5); p_glow1(obj); } break; default: You("have a feeling of loss."); return; } /* switch */ } else { if (obj->otyp == WAN_WISHING) { if (obj->recharged) { /* recharged once already? */ explode(obj); return; } if (is_cursed) stripspe(obj); else if (is_blessed) { if (obj->spe != 3) { obj->spe = 3; p_glow2(obj,blue); } else { explode(obj); return; } } else { if (obj->spe < 3) { obj->spe++; p_glow2(obj,blue); } else pline(nothing_happens); } obj->recharged = 1; /* another recharging disallowed */ } else { if (is_cursed) stripspe(obj); else if (is_blessed) { if (objects[obj->otyp].bits & NODIR) { n = rn1(5,11); if (obj->spe < n) obj->spe = n; else obj->spe++; } else { n = rn1(5,4); if (obj->spe < n) obj->spe = n; else obj->spe++; } p_glow2(obj,blue); } else { obj->spe++; p_glow1(obj); } } } } /* * forget some things (e.g. after reading a scroll of amnesia). abs(howmuch) * controls the level of forgetfulness; 0 == part of the map, 1 == all of * of map, 2 == part of map + spells, 3 == all of map + spells. */ static void forget(howmuch) boolean howmuch; { register int zx, zy; known = TRUE; for(zx = 0; zx < COLNO; zx++) for(zy = 0; zy < ROWNO; zy++) if(howmuch & 1 || rn2(7)) if(!cansee(zx,zy)) levl[zx][zy].seen = levl[zx][zy].new = levl[zx][zy].scrsym = 0; docrt(); #ifdef SPELLS if(howmuch & 2) losespells(); #endif } int seffects(sobj) register struct obj *sobj; { register int cval = 0; register boolean confused = (Confusion != 0); register struct obj *otmp; switch(sobj->otyp) { #ifdef MAIL case SCR_MAIL: known = TRUE; if (sobj->spe) pline("This seems to be junk mail addressed to the finder of the Eye of Larn."); /* note to the puzzled: the game Larn actually sends you junk * mail if you win! */ else readmail(/* scroll */); break; #endif case SCR_ENCHANT_ARMOR: { register schar s = 0; otmp = some_armor(); if(!otmp) { strange_feeling(sobj, !Blind ? "Your skin glows then fades." : "Your skin feels warm for a moment."); return(1); } if(confused) { if(Blind) Your("%s feels warm for a moment.", xname(otmp)); else Your("%s is covered by a %s %s %s!", xname(otmp), sobj->cursed ? "mottled" : "shimmering", Hallucination ? hcolor() : sobj->cursed ? black : (const char *)"gold", sobj->cursed ? "glow" : (is_shield(otmp) ? "layer" : "shield")); if(!(sobj->cursed)) otmp->rustfree = TRUE; break; } #ifdef TOLKIEN if((otmp->spe > ((otmp->otyp == ELVEN_MITHRIL_COAT) ? 5 : 3)) #else if((otmp->spe > 3) #endif && rn2(otmp->spe) && !sobj->cursed) { Your("%s violently %s%s for a while, then evaporates.", xname(otmp), Blind ? "vibrates" : "glows ", Blind ? nul : Hallucination ? hcolor() : silver); if(is_cloak(otmp)) (void) Cloak_off(); if(is_boots(otmp)) (void) Boots_off(); if(is_helmet(otmp)) (void) Helmet_off(); if(is_gloves(otmp)) (void) Gloves_off(); if(is_shield(otmp)) (void) Shield_off(); if(otmp == uarm) (void) Armor_gone(); useup(otmp); break; } s = sobj->blessed ? rnd(3) : sobj->cursed ? -1 : 1; Your("%s %s%s for a %s.", xname(otmp), Blind ? "vibrates" : "glows ", Blind ? nul : Hallucination ? hcolor() : sobj->cursed ? black : silver, (s*s>1) ? "while" : "moment"); otmp->cursed = sobj->cursed; if (!otmp->blessed || sobj->cursed) otmp->blessed = sobj->blessed; otmp->spe += s; adj_abon(otmp, s); break; } case SCR_DESTROY_ARMOR: { otmp = some_armor(); if(confused) { if(!otmp) { strange_feeling(sobj,"Your bones itch."); return(1); } otmp->rustfree = sobj->cursed; p_glow2(otmp,purple); break; } if(!sobj->cursed || (sobj->cursed && (!otmp || !otmp->cursed))) { if(!destroy_arm(otmp)) { strange_feeling(sobj,"Your skin itches."); return(1); } } else { /* armor and scroll both cursed */ Your("%s vibrates.", xname(otmp)); otmp->spe--; make_stunned(HStun + rn1(10, 10), TRUE); } } break; case SCR_CONFUSE_MONSTER: #ifdef SPELLS case SPE_CONFUSE_MONSTER: #endif if(u.usym != S_HUMAN || sobj->cursed) { if(!HConfusion) You("feel confused."); make_confused(HConfusion + rnd(100),FALSE); } else if(confused) { if(!sobj->blessed) { Your("%s begin to %s%s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)), Blind ? "tingle" : "glow ", Blind ? nul : Hallucination ? hcolor() : purple); make_confused(HConfusion + rnd(100),FALSE); } else { pline("A %s%s surrounds your %s.", Blind ? nul : Hallucination ? hcolor() : red, Blind ? "faint buzz" : " glow", body_part(HEAD)); make_confused(0L,TRUE); } } else { if (!sobj->blessed) { Your("%s%s %s%s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)), Blind ? "" : " begin to glow", Blind ? (const char *)"tingle" : Hallucination ? hcolor() : red, u.umconf ? " even more" : ""); u.umconf++; } else { if (Blind) Your("%s tingle %s sharply.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)), u.umconf ? "even more" : "very"); else Your("%s glow a%s brilliant %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)), u.umconf ? "n even more" : "", Hallucination ? hcolor() : red); u.umconf += (1 + rnd(8)); } } break; case SCR_SCARE_MONSTER: #ifdef SPELLS case SPE_CAUSE_FEAR: #endif { register int ct = 0; register struct monst *mtmp; for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) if(cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)) { if(confused || sobj->cursed) { mtmp->mflee = mtmp->mfrozen = mtmp->msleep = 0; mtmp->mcanmove = 1; } else if (! resist(mtmp, sobj->olet, 0, NOTELL)) mtmp->mflee = 1; if(!mtmp->mtame) ct++; /* pets don't laugh at you */ } if(!ct) You("hear %s in the distance.", (confused || sobj->cursed) ? "sad wailing" : "maniacal laughter"); else #ifdef SPELLS if(sobj->otyp == SCR_SCARE_MONSTER) #endif You("hear %s close by.", (confused || sobj->cursed) ? "sad wailing" : "maniacal laughter"); break; } case SCR_BLANK_PAPER: if(confused) You("try to read the strange patterns on this scroll, but it disappears."); else { pline("This scroll seems to be blank."); known = TRUE; } break; case SCR_REMOVE_CURSE: #ifdef SPELLS case SPE_REMOVE_CURSE: #endif { register struct obj *obj; if(confused) if (Hallucination) You("feel the power of the Force against you!"); else You("feel like you need some help."); else if (Hallucination) You("feel in touch with the Universal Oneness."); else You("feel like someone is helping you."); if(sobj->cursed) pline("The scroll disintegrates."); else { for(obj = invent; obj ; obj = obj->nobj) if(sobj->blessed || obj->owornmask || (obj->otyp == LOADSTONE)) { if(confused) blessorcurse(obj, 2); else obj->cursed = 0; } } if(Punished && !confused) unpunish(); break; } case SCR_CREATE_MONSTER: #if defined(WIZARD) || defined(EXPLORE_MODE) if (wizard || discover) known = TRUE; #endif /* WIZARD || EXPLORE_MODE */ #ifdef SPELLS case SPE_CREATE_MONSTER: #endif { register int cnt = 1; if(!rn2(73)) cnt += rnd(4); if(confused || sobj->cursed) cnt += 12; while(cnt--) { #if defined(WIZARD) || defined(EXPLORE_MODE) if((!wizard && !discover) || !create_particular()) #endif /* WIZARD || EXPLORE_MODE */ (void) makemon (confused ? &mons[PM_ACID_BLOB] : (struct permonst *) 0, u.ux,; } break; } /* break; /*NOTREACHED*/ case SCR_ENCHANT_WEAPON: if(uwep && (uwep->olet == WEAPON_SYM || uwep->otyp == PICK_AXE || uwep->otyp == UNICORN_HORN) && confused) { /* olet check added 10/25/86 GAN */ uwep->rustfree = !(sobj->cursed); if(Blind) Your("weapon feels warm for a moment."); else Your("%s covered by a %s %s %s!", aobjnam(uwep, "are"), sobj->cursed ? "mottled" : "shimmering", Hallucination ? hcolor() : sobj->cursed ? purple : (const char *)"gold", sobj->cursed ? "glow" : "shield"); } else return !chwepon(sobj, bcsign(sobj)*2+1); break; case SCR_TAMING: #ifdef SPELLS case SPE_CHARM_MONSTER: #endif { register int i,j; register int bd = confused ? 5 : 1; register struct monst *mtmp; for(i = -bd; i <= bd; i++) for(j = -bd; j <= bd; j++) if(MON_AT(u.ux+i, && (mtmp = m_at(u.ux+i, { if(sobj->cursed) { if(!mtmp->mtame) mtmp->mpeaceful = 0; } else { if (mtmp->isshk) { if (!mtmp->mpeaceful) { kludge("%s calms down.", Monnam(mtmp)); mtmp->mpeaceful = 1; } } else if(!resist(mtmp, sobj->olet, 0, NOTELL)) (void) tamedog(mtmp, (struct obj *) 0); } } break; } case SCR_GENOCIDE: You("have found a scroll of genocide!"); #ifdef SPELLS case SPE_GENOCIDE: #endif known = TRUE; if (sobj->blessed) do_class_genocide(); else do_genocide(!sobj->cursed | (2 * !!Confusion)); break; case SCR_LIGHT: if(!Blind) known = TRUE; litroom(!confused && !sobj->cursed); break; case SCR_TELEPORTATION: if(confused || sobj->cursed) level_tele(); else { register int uroom = inroom(u.ux,; if (sobj->blessed && !Teleport_control) { known = TRUE; #ifndef MACOS pline("Do you wish to teleport? "); if (yn()=='n') break; #else if(!flags.silent) SysBeep(1); if(UseMacAlertText(128, "Do you wish to teleport ?") == 2) break; #endif } tele(); if(uroom != inroom(u.ux, known = TRUE; if(Teleport_control) known = TRUE; } break; case SCR_GOLD_DETECTION: if (confused || sobj->cursed) return(trap_detect(sobj)); else return(gold_detect(sobj)); case SCR_FOOD_DETECTION: #ifdef SPELLS case SPE_DETECT_FOOD: #endif if (food_detect(sobj)) return(1); /* nothing detected */ break; #ifdef SPELLS case SPE_IDENTIFY: cval = rn2(5); goto id; #endif case SCR_IDENTIFY: /* known = TRUE; */ if(confused) You("identify this as an identify scroll."); else pline("This is an identify scroll."); if (sobj->blessed || (!sobj->cursed && !rn2(5))) cval = rn2(5); /* Note: if rn2(5)==0, identify all items */ else cval = 1; useup(sobj); makeknown(SCR_IDENTIFY); #ifdef SPELLS id: #endif if(!confused) while(invent && !ggetobj("identify", identify, cval)); return(1); case SCR_CHARGING: if (confused) { You("feel charged up!"); break; } known = TRUE; pline("This is a charging scroll."); otmp = getobj("0#", "charge"); if (!otmp) break; recharge(otmp, sobj->cursed ? -1 : (sobj->blessed ? 1 : 0)); break; case SCR_MAGIC_MAPPING: known = TRUE; pline("On this scroll %s a map.", confused ? "was" : "is"); #ifdef SPELLS case SPE_MAGIC_MAPPING: #endif cval = (sobj->cursed && !confused); if(cval) HConfusion = 1; /* to screw up map */ do_mapping(); if(cval) { HConfusion = 0; /* restore */ pline("Unfortunately, it is of a very poor quality."); } break; case SCR_AMNESIA: known = TRUE; forget( ((!sobj->blessed) << 1) | (!confused || sobj->cursed) ); if (Hallucination) /* Ommmmmm! */ Your("mind releases itself from mundane concerns."); else if (!strncmp(plname, "Maud", 4)) pline("As your mind turns inward on itself, you forget everything else."); else if (rn2(2)) pline("Who was that Maud person anyway?"); else pline("Thinking of Maud you forget everything else."); break; case SCR_FIRE: { register int num; register struct monst *mtmp; /* * Note: Modifications have been made as of 3.0 to allow for some damage * under all potential cases. */ cval = bcsign(sobj); useup(sobj); makeknown(SCR_FIRE); if(confused) { if(Fire_resistance) { shieldeff(u.ux,; if(!Blind) pline("Oh, look, what a pretty fire in your %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND))); else You("feal a pleasant warmth in your %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND))); } else { pline("The scroll catches fire and you burn your %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND))); losehp(1, "scroll of fire", KILLED_BY_AN); } return(1); } pline("The scroll erupts in a tower of flame!"); num = rnd(6) - 3 * cval; if(num <= 0 || Fire_resistance) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You("are uninjured."); } else { u.uhpmax -= num; losehp(num, "scroll of fire", KILLED_BY_AN); } destroy_item(SCROLL_SYM, AD_FIRE); #ifdef SPELLS destroy_item(SPBOOK_SYM, AD_FIRE); #endif destroy_item(POTION_SYM, AD_FIRE); num = (2*(rn1(3, 3) + 2 * cval) + 1)/3; for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) { if(dist(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) < 3) { if (resists_fire(mtmp->data)) continue; if (u.uswallow) { if (mtmp != u.ustuck) continue; if (is_animal(u.ustuck->data)) pline("%s gets heartburn.", Monnam(u.ustuck)); else You("toast %s slightly.", Monnam(u.ustuck)); num *= 2; } mtmp->mhp -= num; /* No saving throw! */ if(resists_cold(mtmp->data)) mtmp->mhp -= 3*num; if(mtmp->mhp < 1) { killed(mtmp); break; /* primitive */ } } } return(1); } case SCR_PUNISHMENT: known = TRUE; if(confused || sobj->blessed) { You("feel guilty."); break; } punish(sobj); break; default: impossible("What weird effect is this? (%u)", sobj->otyp); } return(0); } static void explode(obj) register struct obj *obj; { Your("%s vibrates violently, and explodes!",xname(obj)); bell(); losehp(rn2(2*(u.uhpmax+1)/3),"exploding wand", KILLED_BY_AN); useup(obj); } void litroom(on) register boolean on; { register int zx,zy; /* first produce the text (provided he is not blind) */ if(Blind) goto do_it; if(!on) { if(u.uswallow || is_maze_lev || levl[u.ux][].typ == CORR || !levl[u.ux][].lit) { pline("It seems even darker in here than before."); return; } else pline("It suddenly becomes dark in here."); } else { if(u.uswallow){ if (is_animal(u.ustuck->data)) pline("%s's stomach is lit.", Monnam(u.ustuck)); else if (is_whirly(u.ustuck->data)) pline("%s shines briefly.", Monnam(u.ustuck)); else pline("%s glistens.", Monnam(u.ustuck)); return; } if(is_maze_lev){ pline(nothing_happens); return; } if(levl[u.ux][].typ == CORR) { pline("The corridor lights up around you, then fades."); return; } else if(levl[u.ux][].lit) { pline("The light here seems better now."); return; } else pline("The room is lit."); } do_it: if(levl[u.ux][].lit == on) return; if (inroom(u.ux, < 0) return; getcorners(&seelx,&seehx,&seely,&seehy,&seelx2,&seehx2,&seely2,&seehy2); for(zy = seely; zy <= seehy; zy++) for(zx = seelx; zx <= seehx; zx++) { levl[zx][zy].lit = on; if(!Blind && dist(zx,zy) > 2) if(on) prl(zx,zy); else nosee(zx,zy); } for(zy = seely2; zy <= seehy2; zy++) for(zx = seelx2; zx <= seehx2; zx++) { levl[zx][zy].lit = on; if(!Blind && dist(zx,zy) > 2) if(on) prl(zx,zy); else nosee(zx,zy); } if(!on) seehx = 0; } static void do_class_genocide() { register int i, j, immunecnt, gonecnt, goodcnt; char buf[BUFSZ]; for(j=0; ; j++) { if (j >= 5) { pline(thats_enough_tries); return; } do { pline("What class of monsters do you wish to genocide? [type a letter] "); getlin(buf); } while (buf[0]=='\033' || strlen(buf) != 1); immunecnt = gonecnt = goodcnt = 0; for(i=0; mons[i].mlet; i++) { if(mons[i].mlet == buf[0]) { if (!(mons[i].geno & G_GENO)) immunecnt++; else if(mons[i].geno & G_GENOD) gonecnt++; else goodcnt++; } } if (!goodcnt && buf[0] != S_HUMAN) { if (gonecnt) pline("All such monsters are already nonexistent."); else if (immunecnt) You("aren't permitted to genocide such monsters."); else pline("That symbol does not represent any monster."); continue; } for(i=0; mons[i].mlet; i++) { if(mons[i].mlet == buf[0]) { register struct monst *mtmp, *mtmp2; char *n = makeplural(mons[i].mname); if (&mons[i]==player_mon() || ((mons[i].geno & G_GENO) && !(mons[i].geno & G_GENOD))) { /* This check must be first since player monsters might * have G_GENOD or !G_GENO. */ pline("Wiped out all %s.", n); if (&mons[i] == player_mon()) { u.uhp = -1; killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN; killer = "scroll of genocide"; #ifdef POLYSELF if (u.umonnum >= 0) You("feel dead inside."); else #endif done(GENOCIDED); } /* for simplicity (and fairness) let's avoid * alignment changes here... */ #ifdef POLYSELF if (i==u.umonnum) rehumanize(); #endif mons[i].geno |= G_GENOD; for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp2) { mtmp2 = mtmp->nmon; if(mtmp->data == &mons[i]) mondead(mtmp); } } else if (mons[i].geno & G_GENOD) pline("All %s are already nonexistent.", n); else You("aren't permitted to genocide %s%s.", i == PM_WIZARD_OF_YENDOR ? "the " : "", type_is_pname(&mons[i]) ? mons[i].mname : n); } } return; } } #define REALLY 1 #define PLAYER 2 void do_genocide(how) int how; /* 0 = no genocide; create monsters (cursed scroll) */ /* 1 = normal genocide */ /* 3 = forced genocide of player */ { char buf[BUFSZ]; register int i, j, killplayer = 0; register struct permonst *ptr; register struct monst *mtmp, *mtmp2; if (how & PLAYER) { ptr = player_mon(); Strcpy(buf, ptr->mname); killplayer++; } else { for(j = 0; ; j++) { if(j >= 5) { pline(thats_enough_tries); return; } pline("What monster do you want to genocide? [type the name] "); getlin(buf); if(strlen(buf) && (!strncmp(buf, pl_character, PL_CSIZ))) { /* Note: pl_character starts with capitals and player_mon does not */ ptr = player_mon(); killplayer++; goto deadmeat; } else { i = name_to_mon(buf); if(i == -1 || (mons[i].geno & G_GENOD)) { pline("Such creatures do not exist in this world."); continue; } ptr = &mons[i]; if (ptr == player_mon()) { killplayer++; goto deadmeat; } if (is_human(ptr)) adjalign(-sgn(u.ualigntyp)); if (is_demon(ptr)) adjalign(sgn(u.ualigntyp)); if(!(ptr->geno & G_GENO)) { if(flags.soundok) { if(flags.verbose) pline("A thunderous voice booms though the caverns:"); pline("\"No, mortal! That will not be done.\""); } continue; } break; } } } deadmeat: if (Hallucination) { #ifdef POLYSELF if (u.umonnum != -1) Strcpy(buf,uasmon->mname); else #endif { Strcpy(buf, pl_character); buf[0] += 'a' - 'A'; } } else Strcpy(buf,ptr->mname); /* make sure we have standard singular */ if (how & REALLY) { pline("Wiped out all %s.", makeplural(buf)); if(killplayer) { u.uhp = -1; killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN; killer = "genocide spell"; #ifdef POLYSELF /* A polymorphed character will die as soon as he is rehumanized. */ if(u.umonnum >= 0) You("feel dead inside."); else #endif done(GENOCIDED); return; } #ifdef POLYSELF else if (ptr == uasmon) rehumanize(); #endif ptr->geno |= G_GENOD; for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp2) { mtmp2 = mtmp->nmon; if(mtmp->data == ptr) mondead(mtmp); } } else { pline("Sent in some %s.", makeplural(buf)); j = rnd(3) + 3; for(i=1; i<=j; i++) (void) makemon(ptr, u.ux,; } } #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef OVL0 XSTATIC void show_map_spot(x, y) register int x, y; { register struct rm *lev; register int num; if((Confusion != 0) && rn2(7)) return; lev = &(levl[x][y]); if((num = lev->typ) == 0) return; if(num == SCORR) { lev->typ = CORR; lev->scrsym = CORR_SYM; /* * magic mapping shouldn't find secret doors, * especially on the stronghold level */ } else if(lev->seen) return; if(num != ROOM) { lev->seen = lev->new = 1; if(lev->scrsym == STONE_SYM || !lev->scrsym) newsym(x, y); else on_scr(x, y); } } void do_mapping() { register int zx, zy; for(zy = 0; zy < ROWNO; zy++) for(zx = 0; zx < COLNO; zx++) show_map_spot(zx, zy); } #endif /* OVL0 */ #ifdef OVLB void do_vicinity_map() { register int zx, zy; for(zy = ( < 0 ? 0 :; zy < ( > ROWNO ? ROWNO :; zy++) for(zx = (u.ux-9 < 0 ? 0 : u.ux-9); zx < (u.ux+10 > COLNO ? COLNO : u.ux+10); zx++) show_map_spot(zx, zy); } int gold_detect(sobj) register struct obj *sobj; { register struct gold *gtmp; if(!fgold) { if(sobj) strange_feeling(sobj, "You feel materially poor."); return(1); } else { known = TRUE; for(gtmp = fgold; gtmp; gtmp = gtmp->ngold) if(gtmp->gx != u.ux || gtmp->gy != goto outgoldmap; /* only under me - no separate display required */ You("notice some gold between your %s.", makeplural(body_part(FOOT))); return(0); outgoldmap: cls(); for(gtmp = fgold; gtmp; gtmp = gtmp->ngold) at( gtmp->gx, gtmp->gy, (uchar)(Hallucination ? rndobjsym() : GOLD_SYM), AT_OBJ); prme(); You("feel very greedy, and sense gold!"); more(); docrt(); } return(0); } /* food_detection is pulled out so that it */ /* can also be used in the crystal ball routine */ /* returns 1 if nothing was detected */ /* returns 0 if something was detected */ int food_detect(sobj) register struct obj *sobj; { register boolean confused = (Confusion || (sobj && sobj->cursed)); register int ct = 0, ctu = 0; register struct obj *obj; register char foodsym = confused ? POTION_SYM : FOOD_SYM; for(obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) if(obj->olet == foodsym) { if(obj->ox == u.ux && obj->oy == ctu++; else ct++; } if(!ct && !ctu) { if (sobj) strange_feeling(sobj,"Your nose twitches."); return(1); } else if(!ct) { known = TRUE; You("%s %s nearby.", sobj ? "smell" : "sense", confused ? "something" : "food"); } else { known = TRUE; cls(); for(obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) if(obj->olet == foodsym) at(obj->ox, obj->oy, (uchar)(Hallucination ? rndobjsym() : FOOD_SYM), AT_OBJ); prme(); if (sobj) Your("nose tingles and you smell %s.", confused ? "something" : "food"); else You("sense %s.", confused ? "something" : "food"); more(); docrt(); } return(0); } void punish(sobj) register struct obj *sobj; { You("are being punished for your misbehavior!"); if(Punished){ Your("iron ball gets heavier."); uball->owt += 15 * (1 + sobj->cursed); return; } setworn(mkobj_at(CHAIN_SYM, u.ux,, W_CHAIN); setworn(mkobj_at(BALL_SYM, u.ux,, W_BALL); uball->spe = 1; /* special ball (see save) */ } void unpunish() { /* remove the ball and chain */ freeobj(uchain); unpobj(uchain); free((genericptr_t) uchain); setworn((struct obj *)0, W_CHAIN); uball->spe = 0; setworn((struct obj *)0, W_BALL); } /* some creatures have special data structures that only make sense in their * normal locations -- if the player tries to create one elsewhere, or to revive * one, the disoriented creature becomes a zombie */ boolean cant_create(mtype) int *mtype; { if (*mtype==PM_GUARD || *mtype==PM_SHOPKEEPER #if defined(ALTARS) && defined(THEOLOGY) || *mtype==PM_TEMPLE_PRIEST || *mtype==PM_TEMPLE_PRIESTESS #endif ) { *mtype = PM_HUMAN_ZOMBIE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } #if defined(WIZARD) || defined(EXPLORE_MODE) boolean create_particular() { char buf[BUFSZ]; int which, tries = 0; do { pline("Create what kind of monster? [type the name] "); getlin(buf); which = name_to_mon(buf); if (which < 0) pline("I've never heard of such monsters."); else break; } while (++tries < 5); if (tries == 5) pline(thats_enough_tries); else { if (!(mons[which].geno & G_GENOD) && cant_create(&which) && !Blind) { if (mons[which].geno & G_GENOD) pline("An image of the creature forms, wavers momentarily, then fades."); else pline("The disoriented creature's eyes slowly glaze over."); } (void) makemon(&mons[which], u.ux,; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #endif /* WIZARD || EXPLORE_MODE */ #endif /* OVLB */
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