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/* SCCS Id: @(#)fountain.c 3.0 88/12/22 /* Code for drinking from fountains. */ /* Scott R. Turner, srt@ucla, 10/27/86 */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ #include "hack.h" #ifdef FOUNTAINS static void NDECL(dowatersnakes); static void NDECL(dowaterdemon); static void NDECL(dowaternymph); static void FDECL(dogushforth,(int)); static void NDECL(dofindgem); static void dowatersnakes() /* Fountain of snakes! */ { register int num = rnd(6); if (!(mons[PM_WATER_MOCCASIN].geno & G_GENOD)) { if (!Blind) pline("An endless stream of snakes pours forth!"); else You("hear something hissing!"); while(num-- > 0) (void) makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_MOCCASIN],u.ux,; } else pline("The fountain bubbles furiously for a moment, then calms."); } static void dowaterdemon() /* Water demon */ { register struct monst *mtmp; if((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_DEMON],u.ux, { if (!Blind) You("have unleashed %s!", defmonnam(mtmp)); else You("feel the presence of evil."); /* Give those on low levels a (slightly) better chance of survival */ if ( rnd(100) > (80 + dlevel)) { pline("Grateful for %s release, %s grants you a wish!", Blind ? "its" : "his", Blind ? "it" : "he" ); makewish(); mongone(mtmp); } } } static void dowaternymph() /* Water Nymph */ { register struct monst *mtmp; if((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_NYMPH],u.ux, { if (!Blind) You("have attracted %s!", defmonnam(mtmp)); else You("hear a seductive voice."); mtmp->msleep = 0; } else if (!Blind) pline("A large bubble rises to the surface and pops."); else You("hear a loud pop."); } static void dogushforth(drinking) /* Gushing forth in this room */ int drinking; { register int num = rnd(10); register xchar mx,my; register int tryct = 0; register int uroom = inroom(u.ux,; register struct mkroom *croom = &rooms[uroom]; register int madepool = 0; if(croom->hx < 0 || has_upstairs(croom) || has_dnstairs(croom)) { if (drinking) Your("thirst is quenched."); else pline("Water sprays all over you."); return; } while(num--) { do { if(++tryct > 200) { if(madepool) pline("Water gushes forth from the overflowing fountain!"); else if (drinking) Your("thirst is quenched."); else pline("Water sprays all over you."); return; } mx = somex(croom); my = somey(croom); } while(nexttodoor(mx,my) || !((mx+my)%2) || (mx == u.ux && my == || (IS_POOL(levl[mx][my].typ))); /* Put a pool at mx, my */ levl[mx][my].typ = POOL; levl[mx][my].doormask = 0; mnewsym(mx,my); if (cansee(mx, my)) prl(mx, my); madepool = 1; } pline("Water gushes forth from the overflowing fountain!"); } static void dofindgem() /* Find a gem in the sparkling waters. */ { if (!Blind) You("spot a gem in the sparkling waters!"); (void) mkobj_at(GEM_SYM,u.ux,; levl[u.ux][].looted = T_LOOTED; } void dryup(){ if (!rn2(3) && IS_FOUNTAIN(levl[u.ux][].typ)) { if (!Blind) pline("The fountain dries up!"); levl[u.ux][].typ = ROOM; levl[u.ux][].looted = 0; if(Invisible) newsym(u.ux,; fountsound--; } } void drinkfountain() { /* What happens when you drink from a fountain? */ register int fate = rnd(30); if(Levitation) { You("are floating high above the fountain."); return; } else if (fate < 10) { pline("The cool draught refreshes you."); u.uhunger += rnd(10); /* don't choke on water */ } else { switch (fate) { case 19: /* Self-knowledge */ You("feel self-knowledgeable..."); more(); enlightenment(); pline("The feeling subsides."); break; case 20: /* Foul water */ pline("The water is foul! You gag and vomit."); morehungry(rnd(20)+10); vomit(); break; case 21: /* Poisonous */ pline("The water is contaminated!"); if (Poison_resistance) { #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI pline("Perhaps it is runoff from the nearby %s farm.", pl_fruit); #else pline("Perhaps it is runoff from the nearby orange farm."); #endif losehp(rnd(4),"unrefrigerated sip of juice", KILLED_BY_AN); break; } losestr(rn1(4,3)); losehp(rnd(10),"contaminated water", KILLED_BY); break; case 22: /* Fountain of snakes! */ dowatersnakes(); break; case 23: /* Water demon */ dowaterdemon(); break; case 24: /* Curse an item... */ { register struct obj *obj; pline("This water's no good!"); morehungry(rnd(20)+10); for(obj = invent; obj ; obj = obj->nobj) if (!rn2(5)) curse(obj); break; } case 25: /* See invisible */ You("see an image of someone stalking you."); pline("But it disappears."); HSee_invisible |= INTRINSIC; break; case 26: /* See Monsters */ (void) monster_detect((struct obj *)0); break; case 27: /* Find a gem in the sparkling waters. */ if (!levl[u.ux][].looted) { dofindgem(); break; } case 28: /* Water Nymph */ dowaternymph(); break; case 29: /* Scare */ { register struct monst *mtmp; pline("This water gives you bad breath!"); for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) mtmp->mflee = 1; } break; case 30: /* Gushing forth in this room */ dogushforth(TRUE); break; default: pline("This tepid water is tasteless."); break; } } dryup(); } void dipfountain(obj) register struct obj *obj; { if (Levitation) { You("are floating high above the fountain."); return; } if (obj->otyp == LONG_SWORD && u.ulevel >= 5 && !rn2(6) #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS && !is_artifact(obj) && !exist_artifact(obj, "Excalibur") #else && !strcmp(ONAME(obj), "Excalibur") #endif ) { /* The lady of the lake acts! - Eric Backus */ /* Be *REAL* nice */ pline("A murky hand from the depths reaches up to bless the sword."); pline("As the hand retreats, the fountain disappears!"); #ifndef NAMED_ITEMS if(obj->spe < 5) obj->spe = 5; #else /* otherwise +rnd(10) / +5 "Super"sword */ obj = oname(obj, "Excalibur", 1); #endif bless(obj); obj->rustfree = 1; levl[u.ux][].typ = ROOM; levl[u.ux][].looted = 0; if(Invisible) newsym(u.ux,; fountsound--; return; } else (void) get_wet(obj); switch (rnd(30)) { case 16: /* Curse the item */ curse(obj); break; case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: /* Uncurse the item */ if(obj->cursed) { if (!Blind) pline("The water glows for a moment."); obj->cursed = 0; } else { pline("A feeling of loss comes over you."); } break; case 21: /* Water Demon */ dowaterdemon(); break; case 22: /* Water Nymph */ dowaternymph(); break; case 23: /* an Endless Stream of Snakes */ dowatersnakes(); break; case 24: /* Find a gem */ dofindgem(); break; case 25: /* Water gushes forth */ dogushforth(FALSE); break; case 26: /* Strange feeling */ pline("A strange tingling runs up your %s.", body_part(ARM)); break; case 27: /* Strange feeling */ You("feel a sudden chill."); break; case 28: /* Strange feeling */ pline("An urge to take a bath overwhelms you."); if (u.ugold > 10) { u.ugold -= somegold() / 10; You("lost some of your gold in the fountain!"); levl[u.ux][].looted = 0; } break; case 29: /* You see coins */ /* We make fountains have more coins the closer you are to the * surface. After all, there will have been more people going * by. Just like a shopping mall! Chris Woodbury */ mkgold((long)(rnd((MAXLEVEL-dlevel)*2)+5), u.ux,; if (!Blind) pline("Far below you, you see coins glistening in the water."); break; } dryup(); return; } #endif #ifdef SINKS void drinksink() { if (Levitation) { You("are floating high above the sink."); return; } switch(rn2(20)) { static struct obj *otmp; case 0: You("take a sip of very cold water."); break; case 1: You("take a sip of very warm water."); break; case 2: You("take a sip of scalding hot water."); if (Fire_resistance) pline("It seems quite tasty."); else losehp(rnd(6), "sipping boiling water", KILLED_BY); break; case 3: if (mons[PM_SEWER_RAT].geno & G_GENOD) pline("The sink seems quite dirty."); else { static struct monst *mtmp; mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_SEWER_RAT], u.ux,; pline("Eek! There's %s in the sink!", Blind ? "something squirmy" : defmonnam(mtmp)); } break; case 4: do { otmp = mkobj(POTION_SYM,FALSE); } while(otmp->otyp == POT_WATER); otmp->cursed = otmp->blessed = 0; if (Blind) pline("The sink emits some odd liquid."); else pline("The sink emits a stream of %s water.", Hallucination ? hcolor() : objects[otmp->otyp].oc_descr); otmp->dknown = !(Blind || Hallucination); otmp->quan++; /* Avoid panic upon useup() */ otmp->corpsenm = 1; /* kludge for docall() */ (void) dopotion(otmp); obfree(otmp, (struct obj *)0); break; case 5: if (!levl[u.ux][].looted) { You("find a ring in the sink!"); (void) mkobj_at(RING_SYM, u.ux,; levl[u.ux][].looted = T_LOOTED; } else pline("Some dirty water backs up in the drain."); break; case 6: pline("The pipes break! Water spurts out!"); sinksound--; levl[u.ux][].doormask = 0; #ifdef FOUNTAINS levl[u.ux][].typ = FOUNTAIN; fountsound++; #else levl[u.ux][].typ = ROOM; #endif if (Invisible) newsym(u.ux,; break; case 7: pline("The water moves as though of its own will!"); if (!makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_ELEMENTAL], u.ux, pline("But it quiets down."); break; case 8: pline("Yuk, this water tastes awful."); more_experienced(1,0); newexplevel(); break; case 9: pline("Gaggg... this tastes like sewage! You vomit."); morehungry(rnd(30-ACURR(A_CON))+10); vomit(); break; #ifdef POLYSELF case 10: pline("This water contains toxic wastes!"); You("undergo a freakish metamorphosis!"); polyself(); break; #endif /* more odd messages --JJB */ case 11: You("hear clanking from the pipes...."); break; case 12: You("hear snatches of song from among the sewers..."); break; case 19: if (Hallucination) { pline("A murky hand reaches up out of the drain... --oops--"); break; } default: You("take a sip of %s water.", rn2(3) ? (rn2(2) ? "cold" : "warm") : "hot"); } } #endif /* SINKS /**/
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