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/* SCCS Id: @(#)engrave.c 3.0 89/11/15 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ #include "hack.h" VSTATIC struct engr { struct engr *nxt_engr; char *engr_txt; xchar engr_x, engr_y; unsigned engr_lth; /* for save & restore; not length of text */ long engr_time; /* moment engraving was (will be) finished */ xchar engr_type; #define DUST 1 #define ENGRAVE 2 #define BURN 3 #define MARK 4 #define POLY 5 /* temporary type - for polymorphing engraving */ } *head_engr; OSTATIC void FDECL(del_engr, (struct engr *)); OSTATIC struct engr * FDECL(engr_at,(XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P)); #ifdef OVLB /* random engravings */ const char *random_engr[] = {"Elbereth", "ad ae?ar um", "?la? ?as he??", /* more added by Eric Backus */ "?ilroy wa? h?re", "?ala??iel", "Fo? a ?ood time c?ll 6?6-4311", /* some other famous engravings -3. */ "Lasc?ate o?ni sp?ranz? o vo? c?'en?rate", "Y?u won?t get i? up ?he ste?s", "A.S. ->"}; #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef OVL0 XSTATIC struct engr * engr_at(x,y) register xchar x,y; { register struct engr *ep = head_engr; while(ep) { if(x == ep->engr_x && y == ep->engr_y) return(ep); ep = ep->nxt_engr; } return((struct engr *) 0); } #ifdef ELBERETH int sengr_at(s,x,y) register const char *s; register xchar x,y; { register struct engr *ep = engr_at(x,y); register char *t; register int n; if(ep && ep->engr_time <= moves) { t = ep->engr_txt; /* if(!strcmp(s,t)) return(1); */ n = strlen(s); while(*t) { if(!strncmp(s,t,n)) return(1); t++; } } return(0); } #endif #endif /* OVL0 */ #ifdef OVL2 void u_wipe_engr(cnt) register int cnt; { if(!u.uswallow && !Levitation) wipe_engr_at(u.ux,, cnt); } #endif /* OVL2 */ #ifdef OVL1 void wipe_engr_at(x,y,cnt) register xchar x,y,cnt; { register struct engr *ep = engr_at(x,y); register int lth,pos; char ch; if(ep){ if(ep->engr_type != BURN) { if(ep->engr_type != DUST) { cnt = rn2(1 + 50/(cnt+1)) ? 0 : 1; } lth = strlen(ep->engr_txt); if(lth && cnt > 0 ) { while(cnt--) { pos = rn2(lth); if((ch = ep->engr_txt[pos]) == ' ') continue; ep->engr_txt[pos] = (ch != '?') ? '?' : ' '; } } while(lth && ep->engr_txt[lth-1] == ' ') ep->engr_txt[--lth] = 0; while(ep->engr_txt[0] == ' ') ep->engr_txt++; if(!ep->engr_txt[0]) del_engr(ep); } } } #endif /* OVL1 */ #ifdef OVL2 void read_engr_at(x,y) register int x,y; { register struct engr *ep = engr_at(x,y); register int canfeel; if(ep && ep->engr_txt[0]) { switch(ep->engr_type) { case DUST: if(!Blind) pline("Something is written here in the dust."); canfeel = 0; break; case ENGRAVE: pline("Something is engraved here on the floor."); canfeel = 1; break; case BURN: pline("Some text has been burned here in the floor."); canfeel = 1; break; case MARK: if(!Blind) pline("There's some graffiti here on the floor."); canfeel = 0; break; default: impossible("Something is written in a very strange way."); canfeel = 1; } if (canfeel || !Blind) You("%s: \"%s\".", (Blind) ? "feel the words" : "read", ep->engr_txt); } } #endif /* OVL2 */ #ifdef OVLB void make_engr_at(x,y,s) register int x,y; register const char *s; { register struct engr *ep; if(ep = engr_at(x,y)) del_engr(ep); ep = (struct engr *) alloc((unsigned)(sizeof(struct engr) + strlen(s) + 1)); ep->nxt_engr = head_engr; head_engr = ep; ep->engr_x = x; ep->engr_y = y; ep->engr_txt = (char *)(ep + 1); Strcpy(ep->engr_txt, s); ep->engr_time = 0; ep->engr_type = DUST; ep->engr_lth = strlen(s) + 1; } /* * freehand - returns true if player has a free hand */ int freehand(){ return(!uwep || !uwep->cursed || (!bimanual(uwep) && (!uarms || !uarms->cursed))); /* if ((uwep && bimanual(uwep)) || (uwep && uarms)) return(0); else return(1);*/ } static const char styluses[] = { '#', '-', TOOL_SYM, WEAPON_SYM, WAND_SYM, 0 }; static const char too_large[] = { ARMOR_SYM, BALL_SYM, ROCK_SYM, 0 }; static const char paper[] = { SCROLL_SYM, #ifdef SPELLS SPBOOK_SYM, #endif 0 }; int doengrave(){ register int len, tmp; register char *sp, *sptmp; register struct engr *ep, *oep = engr_at(u.ux,; char buf[BUFSZ]; boolean jello = FALSE; xchar type, polytype = 0; int spct; /* number of leading spaces */ register struct obj *otmp; multi = 0; if(u.uswallow) { if (is_animal(u.ustuck->data)) { pline("What would you write? \"Jonah was here\"?"); return(0); } else if (is_whirly(u.ustuck->data)) { You("can't reach the ground."); return(0); } else jello = TRUE; } /* one may write with finger, weapon or wand */ /* edited by GAN 10/20/86 so as not to change * weapon wielded. */ otmp = getobj(styluses, "write with"); if(!otmp) return(0); /* There's no reason you should be able to write with a wand * while both your hands are tied up. */ if (!freehand() && otmp != uwep && !otmp->owornmask) { You("have no free %s to write with!", body_part(HAND)); return(0); } #ifdef POLYSELF if (cantwield(uasmon)) { You("can't even hold anything!"); return(0); } #endif if(otmp == ublindf) { pline("That is a bit difficult to engrave with, don't you think?"); return(1); } if(otmp != &zeroobj && index(too_large,otmp->olet)) { You("can't engrave with such a large object!"); return(1); } if (jello) { You("tickle %s with your %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck), (otmp == &zeroobj) ? makeplural(body_part(FINGER)) : xname(otmp)); Your("message dissolves..."); return(0); } if(otmp != &zeroobj && index(paper,otmp->olet)) { Your("%s would get dirty.",xname(otmp)); return(1); } if(Levitation && otmp->olet != WAND_SYM){ /* riv05!a3 */ You("can't reach the floor!"); return(0); } if(otmp == &zeroobj) { You("write in the dust with your %s.", makeplural(body_part(FINGER))); type = DUST; } else if(otmp->olet == WAND_SYM && zappable(otmp)) { /* changed so any wand gets zapped out */ if((objects[otmp->otyp].bits & NODIR)) { zapnodir(otmp); type = DUST; } else { switch(otmp->otyp) { case WAN_LIGHTNING: if(!objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name_known) { if(flags.verbose) pline("The %s is a wand of lightning!", xname(otmp)); makeknown(otmp->otyp); more_experienced(0,10); } type = BURN; break; case WAN_FIRE: if(!objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name_known) { if(flags.verbose) pline("The %s is a wand of fire!", xname(otmp)); makeknown(otmp->otyp); more_experienced(0,10); } type = BURN; break; case WAN_DIGGING: if(!objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name_known) { if(flags.verbose) pline("The %s is a wand of digging!", xname(otmp)); makeknown(otmp->otyp); more_experienced(0,10); } type = ENGRAVE; break; case WAN_POLYMORPH: if(oep) { del_engr(oep); oep = 0; type = POLY; } else type = DUST; break; case WAN_COLD: type = DUST; if(!oep || (oep->engr_type != BURN)) break; case WAN_CANCELLATION: case WAN_MAKE_INVISIBLE: if(!oep) { /* Eric Backus */ type = DUST; break; } del_engr(oep); pline("The engraving on the floor vanishes!"); return(1); /* break; */ case WAN_TELEPORTATION: if(!oep) type = DUST; else { register int tx,ty; do { tx = rn1(COLNO-3,2); ty = rn2(ROWNO); } while(!goodpos(tx,ty,(struct permonst *)0)); oep->engr_x = tx; oep->engr_y = ty; pline("The engraving on the floor vanishes!"); return(1); } break; default: type = DUST; } } if (otmp->spe < 0 && type != POLY) { dust: /* If POLY, polymorph the writing and _then_ become dust. */ pline("The %s %sturns to dust.", xname(otmp), Blind ? "" : "glows violently, then "); You("are not going to get anywhere writing in the dust with your dust..."); useup(otmp); return(1); } if(type == DUST) You("write in the dust with %s.", doname(otmp)); } else { if((otmp->otyp >= DAGGER && otmp->otyp <= AXE) || #ifdef WORM otmp->otyp == CRYSKNIFE || #endif is_sword(otmp)) { type = ENGRAVE; if((int)otmp->spe <= -3) { Your("%s too dull for engraving.", aobjnam(otmp, "are")); type = DUST; /* following messaged added 10/20/86 - GAN */ You("write in the dust with %s.", doname(otmp)); } else You("engrave with %s.", doname(otmp)); } else if(otmp->otyp == MAGIC_MARKER) { if(otmp->spe <= 0) { Your("marker is dried out."); You("write in the dust with the marker."); type = DUST; } else { You("write with %s.", doname(otmp)); type = MARK; } } else { You("write in the dust with %s.", doname(otmp)); type = DUST; } } if(type != POLY && oep && oep->engr_type == DUST){ You("wipe out the message that was written here."); del_engr(oep); oep = 0; } if(oep) { You("cannot wipe out the message that is %s in the rock.", (oep->engr_type == BURN) ? "burned" : (oep->engr_type == ENGRAVE) ? "engraved" : "scribbled"); return(1); } if(type == POLY) { polytype = rnd(4); Strcpy(buf,random_engr[rn2(SIZE(random_engr))]); switch(polytype){ case DUST: pline("\"%s\" is now written on the ground.",buf); break; case ENGRAVE: pline("\"%s\" is now engraved in the rock.",buf); break; case BURN: pline("\"%s\" is now burned in the rock.",buf); break; case MARK: pline("\"%s\" is now scribbled on the rock.",buf); break; default: impossible("\"%s\" is now written in a very strange way.", buf); } } else { pline("What do you want to %s on the floor here? ", (type == ENGRAVE) ? "engrave" : (type == BURN) ? "burn" : "write"); getlin(buf); clrlin(); } spct = 0; sp = buf; while(*sp == ' ') spct++, sp++; len = strlen(sp); if(!len || *buf == '\033') { /* changed by GAN 11/01/86 to not recharge wand */ return(1); } if(otmp->otyp == WAN_FIRE) { if (!Blind) pline("Flames fly from the wand."); else You("feel the wand heat up."); } else if(otmp->otyp == WAN_LIGHTNING) { if (!Blind) { pline("Lightning arcs from the wand."); You("are blinded by the flash!"); make_blinded((long)rnd(50),FALSE); } else You("hear crackling!"); } else if(otmp->otyp == WAN_DIGGING) { if (!Blind) pline("Gravel flies up from the floor."); else You("hear drilling!"); } /* kludge by stewr 870708 */ for (sptmp = sp, tmp=0; !(tmp == len); sptmp++,tmp++) { if (((type == DUST) && !rn2(25)) || (Blind && !rn2(12)) || (Confusion && !rn2(3))) { *sptmp = '!' + rn2(93); /* ASCII-code only */ } } switch(type) { case DUST: case BURN: if(len > 15) { multi = -(len/10); nomovemsg = "You finish writing."; } break; case ENGRAVE: case MARK: { int len2; if(type == ENGRAVE) len2 = (otmp->spe + 3) * 2 + 1; else len2 = (otmp->spe) * 2; nomovemsg = "You finish writing."; if(type != MARK) nomovemsg = "You finish engraving."; if(otmp->olet != WAND_SYM && (otmp->otyp != ATHAME || otmp->cursed)) { if(otmp->olet == WEAPON_SYM) Your("%s dull.", aobjnam(otmp, "get")); if(len2 < len) { len = len2; sp[len] = 0; if(type == ENGRAVE) { otmp->spe = -3; } else { Your("marker dries out!"); otmp->spe = 0; } /* next line added by GAN 10/20/86 */ You("only write \"%s\".", sp); nomovemsg = "You cannot write more."; } else otmp->spe -= len >> 1; if(type == MARK) multi = -(len/10); else multi = -len; } else multi = -(len/10); if (multi == 0) nomovemsg = (char *)0; } break; case POLY: type = polytype; multi = 0; break; } if(oep) len += strlen(oep->engr_txt) + spct; ep = (struct engr *) alloc((unsigned)(sizeof(struct engr) + len + 1)); ep->nxt_engr = head_engr; head_engr = ep; ep->engr_x = u.ux; ep->engr_y =; sp = (char *)(ep + 1); /* (char *)ep + sizeof(struct engr) */ ep->engr_txt = sp; if(oep) { Strcpy(sp, oep->engr_txt); Strcat(sp, buf); del_engr(oep); } else Strcpy(sp, buf); ep->engr_lth = len+1; ep->engr_type = type; ep->engr_time = moves-multi; /* kludge to protect pline against excessively long texts */ if(len > BUFSZ-20) sp[BUFSZ-20] = 0; /* cute messages for odd wands */ switch(otmp->otyp) { case WAN_SLOW_MONSTER: pline("The bugs on the ground slow down!"); break; case WAN_SPEED_MONSTER: pline("The bugs on the ground speed up!"); break; case WAN_MAGIC_MISSILE: pline("The ground is riddled by bullet holes!"); break; case WAN_SLEEP: case WAN_DEATH: /* can't tell sleep from death - Eric Backus */ pline("The bugs on the ground stop moving!"); break; case WAN_COLD: pline("A few ice cubes drop from your %s.",xname(otmp)); break; case WAN_STRIKING: pline("The %s unsuccessfully fights your attempt to write!",xname(otmp)); } if (otmp->otyp == WAN_POLYMORPH && otmp->spe < 0) goto dust; return(1); } void save_engravings(fd) int fd; { register struct engr *ep = head_engr; register struct engr *ep2; #ifdef __GNULINT__ static long nulls[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; #endif while(ep) { ep2 = ep->nxt_engr; if(ep->engr_lth && ep->engr_txt[0]){ bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t)&(ep->engr_lth), sizeof(ep->engr_lth)); bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t)ep, sizeof(struct engr) + ep->engr_lth); } #if defined(DGK) if (!count_only) #endif free((genericptr_t) ep); ep = ep2; } #ifdef __GNULINT__ bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t)nulls, sizeof(unsigned)); #else bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t)nul, sizeof(unsigned)); #endif #if defined(DGK) if (!count_only) #endif head_engr = 0; } void rest_engravings(fd) int fd; { register struct engr *ep; unsigned lth; head_engr = 0; while(1) { mread(fd, (genericptr_t) <h, sizeof(unsigned)); if(lth == 0) return; ep = (struct engr *) alloc(sizeof(struct engr) + lth); mread(fd, (genericptr_t) ep, sizeof(struct engr) + lth); ep->nxt_engr = head_engr; ep->engr_txt = (char *) (ep + 1); /* Andreas Bormann */ head_engr = ep; } } XSTATIC void del_engr(ep) register struct engr *ep; { register struct engr *ept; if(ep == head_engr) head_engr = ep->nxt_engr; else { for(ept = head_engr; ept; ept = ept->nxt_engr) { if(ept->nxt_engr == ep) { ept->nxt_engr = ep->nxt_engr; goto fnd; } } impossible("Error in del_engr?"); return; fnd: ; } free((genericptr_t) ep); } #endif /* OVLB */
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