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/* SCCS Id: @(#)eat.c 3.0 89/11/21 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ #include "hack.h" /*#define DEBUG /* uncomment to enable new eat code debugging */ #ifdef DEBUG # ifdef WIZARD #define debug if (wizard) pline # else #define debug pline # endif #endif static long FDECL(rounddiv, (long, long)); #ifndef OVERLAY static int NDECL(Meatdone); #endif static void FDECL(choke, (struct obj *)); static void NDECL(recalc_wt); static struct obj *FDECL(touchfood, (struct obj *)); static void NDECL(do_reset_eat); #ifndef OVERLAY static int NDECL(eatfood); #endif static void FDECL(done_eating, (BOOLEAN_P)); static void FDECL(cprefx, (int)); static void FDECL(cpostfx, (int)); #ifndef OVERLAY static int NDECL(opentin); #endif static void FDECL(start_tin, (struct obj *)); #ifdef POLYSELF static int FDECL(rottenfood, (struct obj *)); #else static int NDECL(rottenfood); #endif static int FDECL(eatcorpse, (struct obj *)); static void FDECL(start_eating, (struct obj *)); static void FDECL(fprefx, (struct obj *)); #ifdef POLYSELF static void NDECL(eatspecial); static const char * FDECL(foodword, (struct obj *)); #endif static void FDECL(fpostfx, (struct obj *)); static int NDECL(bite); #ifndef OVERLAY static int NDECL(unfaint); #endif #ifdef OVLB char corpsename[60]; char msgbuf[BUFSZ]; #endif /* OVLB */ /* hunger texts used on bottom line (each 8 chars long) */ #define SATIATED 0 #define NOT_HUNGRY 1 #define HUNGRY 2 #define WEAK 3 #define FAINTING 4 #define FAINTED 5 #define STARVED 6 #ifdef OVLB const char *hu_stat[] = { "Satiated", " ", "Hungry ", "Weak ", "Fainting", "Fainted ", "Starved " }; static const char comestibles[] = { FOOD_SYM, 0 }; #ifdef POLYSELF static const char everything[] = { GOLD_SYM, /* must come first */ WEAPON_SYM, ARMOR_SYM, POTION_SYM, SCROLL_SYM, WAND_SYM, #ifdef SPELLS SPBOOK_SYM, #endif RING_SYM, WAND_SYM, AMULET_SYM, FOOD_SYM, TOOL_SYM, GEM_SYM, ROCK_SYM, BALL_SYM, CHAIN_SYM, 0 }; boolean is_edible(obj) register struct obj *obj; { if (metallivorous(uasmon) && (obj->olet == GOLD_SYM || (objects[obj->otyp].oc_material > WOOD && objects[obj->otyp].oc_material < MINERAL))) return TRUE; if (u.umonnum == PM_GELATINOUS_CUBE && objects[obj->otyp].oc_material <= WOOD) return TRUE; return !!index(comestibles, obj->olet); } #endif /* calculate x/y, rounding as appropriate */ static long rounddiv(x, y) long x, y; { int divsgn = 1; long r, m; if (y == 0) panic("division by zero in rounddiv"); if (x < 0) { divsgn = -divsgn; x = -x; } if (y < 0) { divsgn = -divsgn; y = -y; } r = x/y; m = x%y; if (2*m >= y) r++; return divsgn*r; } void init_uhunger(){ u.uhunger = 900; u.uhs = NOT_HUNGRY; } const struct { const char *txt; int nut; } tintxts[] = { "deep fried", 60, "pickled", 40, "soup made from", 20, "pureed", 500, "rotten", -50, "", 0 }; #define TTSZ SIZE(tintxts) static struct { struct obj *tin; int usedtime, reqtime; } tin; static struct { struct obj *piece; /* the thing being eaten, or last thing that * was partially eaten, unless that thing was * a tin, which uses the tin structure above */ int usedtime, /* turns spent eating */ reqtime; /* turns required to eat */ int nmod; /* coded nutrition per turn */ Bitfield(canchoke,1); /* was satiated at beginning */ Bitfield(fullwarn,1); /* have warned about being full */ Bitfield(eating,1); /* victual currently being eaten */ Bitfield(doreset,1); /* stop eating at end of turn */ } victual; #ifndef OVERLAY static #endif int Meatdone() { /* called after mimicing is over */ u.usym = #ifdef POLYSELF u.mtimedone ? uasmon->mlet : #endif S_HUMAN; prme(); return 0; } /* Created by GAN 01/28/87 * Amended by AKP 09/22/87: if not hard, don't choke, just vomit. * Amended by 3. 06/12/89: if not hard, sometimes choke anyway, to keep risk. * 11/10/89: if hard, rarely vomit anyway, for slim chance. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void choke(food) /* To a full belly all food is bad. (It.) */ register struct obj *food; { /* only happens if you were satiated */ if(u.uhs != SATIATED) return; if (pl_character[0] == 'K' && u.ualigntyp == U_LAWFUL) u.ualign--; /* gluttony is unchivalrous */ #ifdef HARD if (!rn2(20)) { #else if (rn2(20)) { #endif You("stuff yourself and then vomit voluminously."); morehungry(1000); /* you just got *very* sick! */ vomit(); } else { killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN; if(food) { #ifdef POLYSELF if (food->olet == GOLD_SYM) { killer_format = KILLED_BY; killer = "eating too rich a meal"; } else #endif killer = singular(food, xname); } else killer = "exuberant appetite"; if (!food) You("choke over it."); #ifdef POLYSELF else You("choke over your %s.", foodword(food)); #else else You("choke over your food."); #endif You("die..."); done(CHOKING); } } static void recalc_wt() { /* modify object wt. depending on time spent consuming it */ register struct obj *piece = victual.piece; #ifdef DEBUG debug("Old weight = %d", piece->owt); debug("Used time = %d, Req'd time = %d", victual.usedtime, victual.reqtime); #endif /* weight(piece) = weight of full item */ if(victual.usedtime) piece->owt = eaten_stat(weight(piece), piece); #ifdef DEBUG debug("New weight = %d", piece->owt); #endif } void reset_eat() { /* called when eating interrupted by an event */ /* we only set a flag here - the actual reset process is done after * the round is spent eating. */ if(victual.eating && !victual.doreset) { #ifdef DEBUG debug("reset_eat..."); #endif victual.doreset = TRUE; } return; } static struct obj * touchfood(otmp) register struct obj *otmp; { if (otmp->quan > 1) { otmp = splitobj(otmp, (int)otmp->quan-1); #ifdef DEBUG debug("split object,"); #endif } if (!otmp->oeaten) otmp->oeaten = (otmp->otyp == CORPSE ? (int)mons[otmp->corpsenm].cnutrit : objects[otmp->otyp].nutrition); if (carried(otmp)) { freeinv(otmp); if(inv_cnt() >= 52) dropy(otmp); else otmp = addinv(otmp); /* unlikely but a merge is possible */ } return(otmp); } /* When food decays, in the middle of your meal, we don't want to dereference * any dangling pointers, so set it to null (which should still trigger * do_reset_eat() at the beginning of eatfood()) and check for null pointers * in do_reset_eat(). */ void food_disappears(obj) register struct obj *obj; { if (obj == victual.piece) victual.piece = (struct obj *)0; } static void do_reset_eat() { #ifdef DEBUG debug("do_reset_eat..."); #endif if (victual.piece) { victual.piece = touchfood(victual.piece); recalc_wt(); } victual.fullwarn = victual.eating = victual.doreset = FALSE; /* Do not set canchoke to FALSE; if we continue eating the same object * we need to know if canchoke was set when they started eating it the * previous time. And if we don't continue eating the same object * canchoke always gets recalculated anyway. */ stop_occupation(); } #ifndef OVERLAY static #endif int eatfood() { /* called each move during eating process */ if(!carried(victual.piece) && !obj_here(victual.piece, u.ux, { /* maybe it was stolen? */ do_reset_eat(); return(0); } if(!victual.eating) return(0); if(++victual.usedtime < victual.reqtime) { if(bite()) return(0); return(1); /* still busy */ } else { /* done */ done_eating(TRUE); return(0); } } static void done_eating(message) boolean message; { #ifndef NO_SIGNAL victual.piece->in_use = TRUE; #endif if (nomovemsg) { if (message) pline(nomovemsg); nomovemsg = 0; } else if (message) You("finish eating the %s.", singular(victual.piece, xname)); if(victual.piece->otyp == CORPSE) cpostfx(victual.piece->corpsenm); else fpostfx(victual.piece); if (carried(victual.piece)) useup(victual.piece); else useupf(victual.piece); victual.piece = (struct obj *) 0; victual.fullwarn = victual.eating = victual.doreset = FALSE; } static void cprefx(pm) /* called at the "first bite" of a corpse */ register int pm; { if ((pl_character[0]=='E') ? is_elf(&mons[pm]) : is_human(&mons[pm])) { You("cannibal! You will regret this!"); Aggravate_monster |= INTRINSIC; } switch(pm) { case PM_LITTLE_DOG: case PM_DOG: case PM_LARGE_DOG: case PM_KITTEN: case PM_HOUSECAT: case PM_LARGE_CAT: Aggravate_monster |= INTRINSIC; break; case PM_COCKATRICE: #ifdef MEDUSA case PM_MEDUSA: #endif #ifdef POLYSELF if(!resists_ston(uasmon)) #endif { char *cruft; /* killer is const char * */ killer_format = KILLED_BY; killer = cruft = (char *) alloc(40); You("turn to stone."); Sprintf(cruft, "%s meat", mons[pm].mname); done(STONING); } break; #ifdef POLYSELF case PM_LIZARD: /* Relief from cockatrices -dgk */ if (Stoned) { Stoned = 0; You("feel limber!"); } break; default: if(acidic(&mons[pm]) && Stoned) { pline("What a pity - you just destroyed a future piece of art!"); Stoned = 0; } #endif } return; } static void cpostfx(pm) /* called after completely consuming a corpse */ register int pm; { register int tmp = 0; switch(pm) { case PM_WRAITH: pluslvl(); break; #ifdef POLYSELF case PM_WERERAT: u.ulycn = PM_RATWERE; break; case PM_WEREJACKAL: u.ulycn = PM_JACKALWERE; break; case PM_WEREWOLF: u.ulycn = PM_WOLFWERE; break; #endif case PM_NURSE: u.uhp = u.uhpmax; flags.botl = 1; break; case PM_STALKER: if(!Invis) { HInvis = 50+rn2(100); if(!See_invisible) newsym(u.ux,; } else { if (!(HInvis & INTRINSIC)) You("feel hidden!"); HInvis |= INTRINSIC; HSee_invisible |= INTRINSIC; } /* fall into next case */ case PM_YELLOW_LIGHT: /* fall into next case */ case PM_GIANT_BAT: make_stunned(HStun + 30,FALSE); /* fall into next case */ case PM_BAT: make_stunned(HStun + 30,FALSE); break; case PM_GIANT_MIMIC: tmp += 10; /* fall into next case */ case PM_LARGE_MIMIC: tmp += 20; /* fall into next case */ case PM_SMALL_MIMIC: tmp += 20; if(u.usym == S_HUMAN) { You("cannot resist the temptation to mimic a pile of gold."); nomul(-tmp); afternmv = Meatdone; if (pl_character[0]=='E') nomovemsg = "You now again prefer mimicking an elf."; else nomovemsg = "You now again prefer mimicking a human."; u.usym = GOLD_SYM; prme(); } break; case PM_FLOATING_EYE: if (!(HTelepat & INTRINSIC)) { HTelepat |= INTRINSIC; You("feel a %s mental acuity.", Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange"); } break; case PM_QUANTUM_MECHANIC: Your("velocity suddenly seems very uncertain!"); if (Fast & INTRINSIC) { Fast &= ~INTRINSIC; You("seem slower."); } else { Fast |= INTRINSIC; You("seem faster."); } break; case PM_LIZARD: if (HStun > 2) make_stunned(2L,FALSE); if (HConfusion > 2) make_confused(2L,FALSE); break; case PM_CHAMELEON: You("feel a change coming over you."); #ifdef POLYSELF polyself(); #else newman(); #endif break; default: { register struct permonst *ptr = &mons[pm]; if(dmgtype(ptr, AD_STUN) || ptr==&mons[PM_VIOLET_FUNGUS]) { pline ("Oh wow! Great stuff!"); make_hallucinated(Hallucination + 200,FALSE); } /* prevent polymorph abuse by killing/eating your offspring */ if(ptr >= &mons[PM_BABY_GRAY_DRAGON] && ptr <= &mons[PM_BABY_YELLOW_DRAGON]) return; if(is_giant(ptr)) gainstr((struct obj *)0, 0); if(can_teleport(ptr) && ptr->mlevel > rn2(10)) { if (!(HTeleportation & INTRINSIC)) { You("feel very jumpy."); HTeleportation |= INTRINSIC; } } else if(control_teleport(ptr) && ptr->mlevel > rn2(15)) { if (!(HTeleport_control & INTRINSIC)) { You("feel in control of yourself."); HTeleport_control |= INTRINSIC; } } else if(resists_fire(ptr) && ptr->mlevel > rn2(15)) { if (!(HFire_resistance & INTRINSIC)) { You("feel a momentary chill."); HFire_resistance |= INTRINSIC; } } else if(resists_cold(ptr) && ptr->mlevel > rn2(15)) { if (!(HCold_resistance & INTRINSIC)) { You("feel full of hot air."); HCold_resistance |= INTRINSIC; } } else if(((ptr->mflags1 & M1_POIS_RES) && ptr->mlevel>rn2(15)) || ((pm == PM_KILLER_BEE || pm == PM_SCORPION) && !rn2(4))) { /* Monsters with only M1_POIS are poison resistant themselves, * but do not confer resistance when eaten */ if (!(HPoison_resistance & INTRINSIC)) { You("feel healthy."); HPoison_resistance |= INTRINSIC; } } else if(resists_elec(ptr) && ptr->mlevel > rn2(15)) { if (!(HShock_resistance & INTRINSIC)) { Your("health currently feels amplified!"); HShock_resistance |= INTRINSIC; } } else if((ptr->mflags1 & M1_SLEE_RES) && ptr->mlevel > rn2(15)) { /* Undead monsters never sleep, * but also do not confer resistance when eaten */ if (!(HSleep_resistance & INTRINSIC)) { You("feel wide awake."); HSleep_resistance |= INTRINSIC; } } else if(resists_disint(ptr) && ptr->mlevel > rn2(15)) { if (!(HDisint_resistance & INTRINSIC)) { You("feel very firm."); HDisint_resistance |= INTRINSIC; } } } break; } return; } #ifndef OVERLAY static #endif int opentin() /* called during each move whilst opening a tin */ { register int r; if(!carried(tin.tin) && !obj_here(tin.tin, u.ux, /* perhaps it was stolen? */ return(0); /* %% probably we should use tinoid */ if(tin.usedtime++ >= 50) { You("give up your attempt to open the tin."); return(0); } if(tin.usedtime < tin.reqtime) return(1); /* still busy */ if(tin.tin->cursed && !rn2(8)) { b_trapped("tin"); goto use_me; } You("succeed in opening the tin."); if(!tin.tin->spe) { if(tin.tin->corpsenm == -1) { pline("It turns out to be empty."); tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE; goto use_me; } r = tin.tin->cursed ? 4 : rn2(TTSZ-1); /* Always rotten if cursed */ pline("It smells like %s.", makeplural( Hallucination ? rndmonnam() : mons[tin.tin->corpsenm].mname)); pline("Eat it? "); if (yn() == 'n') { if (!Hallucination) tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE; if (flags.verbose) You("discard the open tin."); goto use_me; } You("consume %s %s.", tintxts[r].txt, mons[tin.tin->corpsenm].mname); tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE; cprefx(tin.tin->corpsenm); cpostfx(tin.tin->corpsenm); /* check for vomiting added by GAN 01/16/87 */ if(tintxts[r].nut < 0) make_vomiting((long)rn1(15,10), FALSE); else lesshungry(tintxts[r].nut); if(r == 0) { /* Deep Fried */ Glib = rnd(15); pline("Eating deep fried food made your %s very slippery.", makeplural(body_part(FINGER))); } } else { if (tin.tin->cursed) pline("It contains some decaying %s substance.", Hallucination ? hcolor() : green); else pline("It contains spinach."); pline("Eat it? "); if (yn() == 'n') { if (!Hallucination && !tin.tin->cursed) tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE; if (flags.verbose) You("discard the open tin."); goto use_me; } if (!tin.tin->cursed) pline("This makes you feel like %s!", Hallucination ? "Swee'pea" : "Popeye"); lesshungry(600); gainstr(tin.tin, 0); } tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE; use_me: if (carried(tin.tin)) useup(tin.tin); else useupf(tin.tin); return(0); } static void start_tin(otmp) /* called when starting to open a tin */ register struct obj *otmp; { register int tmp; #ifdef POLYSELF if (metallivorous(uasmon)) { You("bite right into the metal can...."); tmp = 1; } else #endif if (otmp->blessed) { pline("The tin opens like magic!"); tmp = 1; } else if(uwep) { switch(uwep->otyp) { case TIN_OPENER: tmp = 1; break; case DAGGER: #ifdef TOLKIEN case ELVEN_DAGGER: case ORCISH_DAGGER: #endif case ATHAME: #ifdef WORM case CRYSKNIFE: #endif tmp = 3; break; case PICK_AXE: case AXE: tmp = 6; break; default: goto no_opener; } pline("Using your %s you try to open the tin.", aobjnam(uwep, NULL)); } else { no_opener: pline("It is not so easy to open this tin."); if(Glib) { pline("The tin slips out of your hands."); if(otmp->quan > 1) { register struct obj *obj; obj = splitobj(otmp, 1); if(otmp == uwep) setuwep(obj); } if (carried(otmp)) dropx(otmp); else stackobj(otmp); return; } tmp = 10 + rn2(1 + 500/((int)(ACURR(A_DEX) + ACURR(A_STR)))); } tin.reqtime = tmp; tin.usedtime = 0; tin.tin = otmp; set_occupation(opentin, "opening the tin", 0); return; } int Hear_again() { /* called when waking up after fainting */ flags.soundok = 1; return 0; } static int #ifdef POLYSELF rottenfood(obj) struct obj *obj; #else rottenfood() #endif { /* called on the "first bite" of rotten food */ #ifdef POLYSELF pline("Blecch! Rotten %s!", foodword(obj)); #else pline("Blecch! Rotten food!"); #endif if(!rn2(4)) { if (Hallucination) You("feel rather trippy."); else You("feel rather %s.", body_part(LIGHT_HEADED)); make_confused(HConfusion + d(2,4),FALSE); } else if(!rn2(4) && !Blind) { pline("Everything suddenly goes dark."); make_blinded((long)d(2,10),FALSE); } else if(!rn2(3)) { if(Blind) pline("The world spins and you slap against the floor."); else pline("The world spins and goes dark."); flags.soundok = 0; nomul(-rnd(10)); nomovemsg = "You are conscious again."; afternmv = Hear_again; return(1); } return(0); } static int eatcorpse(otmp) /* called when a corpse is selected as food */ register struct obj *otmp; { register const char *cname = mons[otmp->corpsenm].mname; register int tp, rotted = 0; tp = 0; if(otmp->corpsenm != PM_LIZARD) { #ifndef LINT /* problem if more than 320K moves before try to eat */ rotted = (monstermoves - otmp->age)/((long)(10 + rn2(20))); #endif if(otmp->cursed) rotted += 2; else if (otmp->blessed) rotted -= 2; } if(otmp->corpsenm != PM_ACID_BLOB && (rotted > 5)) { tp++; pline("Ulch - that %s was tainted!", mons[otmp->corpsenm].mlet != S_FUNGUS ? "meat" : "fungoid vegetation"); #ifdef POLYSELF if (u.usym == S_FUNGUS) pline("It doesn't seem at all sickening, though..."); else { #endif make_sick(10L + rn2(10),FALSE); Sprintf(corpsename, "rotted %s corpse", cname); u.usick_cause = (const char *)corpsename; flags.botl = 1; #ifdef POLYSELF } #endif if (carried(otmp)) useup(otmp); else useupf(otmp); return(1); } else if(acidic(&mons[otmp->corpsenm]) #ifdef POLYSELF && !resists_acid(uasmon) #endif ) { tp++; You("have a very bad case of stomach acid."); losehp(rnd(15), "acidic corpse", KILLED_BY_AN); } else if(poisonous(&mons[otmp->corpsenm]) && rn2(5)) { tp++; pline("Ecch - that must have been poisonous!"); if(!Poison_resistance) { losestr(rnd(4)); losehp(rnd(15), "poisonous corpse", KILLED_BY_AN); } else You("seem unaffected by the poison."); /* now any corpse left too long will make you mildly ill */ } else if(((rotted > 5) || ((rotted > 3) && rn2(5))) #ifdef POLYSELF && u.usym != S_FUNGUS #endif ){ tp++; You("feel%s sick.", (Sick) ? " very" : ""); losehp(rnd(8), "cadaver", KILLED_BY_AN); } if(!tp && otmp->corpsenm != PM_LIZARD && (otmp->orotten || !rn2(7))) { #ifdef POLYSELF if(rottenfood(otmp)) { #else if(rottenfood()) { #endif otmp->orotten = TRUE; (void)touchfood(otmp); return(1); } otmp->oeaten >>= 2; } else { #ifdef POLYSELF pline("This %s corpse %s!", cname, carnivorous(uasmon) ? "is delicious" : "tastes terrible"); #else pline("This %s corpse tastes terrible!", cname); #endif } /* delay is weight dependent */ victual.reqtime = 3 + (mons[otmp->corpsenm].cwt >> 2); return(0); } static void start_eating(otmp) /* called as you start to eat */ register struct obj *otmp; { #ifdef DEBUG debug("start_eating: %lx (victual = %lx)", otmp, victual.piece); debug("reqtime = %d", victual.reqtime); debug("(original reqtime = %d)", objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay); debug("nmod = %d", victual.nmod); debug("oeaten = %d", otmp->oeaten); #endif victual.fullwarn = victual.doreset = FALSE; victual.eating = TRUE; if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE) cprefx(victual.piece->corpsenm); if (bite()) return; if(++victual.usedtime >= victual.reqtime) { done_eating(FALSE); return; } Sprintf(msgbuf, "eating the %s", singular(otmp, xname)); set_occupation(eatfood, msgbuf, 0); } static void fprefx(otmp) /* called on "first bite" of (non-corpse) food */ register struct obj *otmp; { switch(otmp->otyp) { case FOOD_RATION: if(u.uhunger <= 200) if (Hallucination) pline("Oh wow, like, superior, man!"); else pline("That food really hit the spot!"); else if(u.uhunger <= 700) pline("That satiated your stomach!"); break; case TRIPE_RATION: #ifdef POLYSELF if (carnivorous(uasmon)) pline("That tripe ration was surprisingly good!"); else { #endif pline("Yak - dog food!"); more_experienced(1,0); flags.botl = 1; #ifdef POLYSELF } #endif if(rn2(2) #ifdef POLYSELF && !carnivorous(uasmon) #endif ) { make_vomiting((long)rn1(victual.reqtime, 10), FALSE); } break; #ifdef POLYSELF case CLOVE_OF_GARLIC: if (is_undead(uasmon)) { make_vomiting((long)rn1(victual.reqtime, 5), FALSE); break; } /* Fall through otherwise */ #endif default: #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI if (otmp->otyp==SLIME_MOLD && !otmp->cursed && otmp->spe == current_fruit) pline(!Hallucination ? "Mmm! Your favorite!" : "Yum! Your fave fruit!"); else #endif #ifdef UNIX if (otmp->otyp == APPLE || otmp->otyp == PEAR) { if (!Hallucination) pline("Core dumped."); else { /* This is based on an old Usenet joke, a fake a.out manual page */ int x = rnd(100); if (x <= 75) pline("Segmentation fault -- core dumped."); else if (x <= 99) pline("Bus error -- core dumped."); else pline("Yo' mama -- core dumped."); } } else #endif { int oldquan = otmp->quan; otmp->quan = 1; pline("This %s is %s!", xname(otmp), otmp->cursed ? (Hallucination ? "grody" : "terrible"): Hallucination ? "gnarly" : ( #ifdef TOLKIEN otmp->otyp==CRAM_RATION ? "bland": #endif "delicious")); otmp->quan = oldquan; } break; } } #ifdef POLYSELF static void eatspecial() /* called after eating non-food */ { register struct obj *otmp = victual.piece; lesshungry(victual.nmod); victual.piece = (struct obj *)0; victual.eating = 0; if (otmp->olet == GOLD_SYM) { /* temporary gold object */ free ((genericptr_t)otmp); return; } if (otmp->olet == POTION_SYM) { otmp->quan++; /* dopotion() does a useup() */ (void)dopotion(otmp); } if (otmp == uball) unpunish(); if (otmp == uchain) unpunish(); /* but no useup() */ else if (carried(otmp)) useup(otmp); else useupf(otmp); } static const char * foodword(otmp) register struct obj *otmp; { if (otmp->olet == FOOD_SYM) return "food"; if (otmp->olet == GOLD_SYM) return "gold"; if (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material == GLASS) { if (otmp->olet == GEM_SYM && otmp->dknown) makeknown(otmp->otyp); return "glass"; } if (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material > WOOD && objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material < MINERAL) return "metal"; if (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material == MINERAL) return (otmp->otyp <= LAST_GEM && otmp->olet == GEM_SYM) ? "rich food" : "stone"; if (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material == WOOD) return "wood"; if (otmp->olet == ARMOR_SYM) return "armor"; return "stuff"; } #endif static void fpostfx(otmp) /* called after consuming (non-corpse) food */ register struct obj *otmp; { switch(otmp->otyp) { #ifdef POLYSELF case CLOVE_OF_GARLIC: if (u.ulycn != -1) { u.ulycn = -1; You("feel purified."); if(uasmon == &mons[u.ulycn] && !Polymorph_control) rehumanize(); } break; #endif case CARROT: make_blinded(0L,TRUE); break; case FORTUNE_COOKIE: outrumor(bcsign(otmp), TRUE); break; case LUMP_OF_ROYAL_JELLY: /* This stuff seems to be VERY healthy! */ gainstr(otmp, 1); u.uhp += (otmp->cursed) ? -rnd(20) : rnd(20); if(u.uhp > u.uhpmax) { if(!rn2(17)) u.uhpmax++; u.uhp = u.uhpmax; } else if(u.uhp <= 0) { killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN; killer = "rotten lump of royal jelly"; done(POISONING); } if(!otmp->cursed) heal_legs(); break; case EGG: if(otmp->corpsenm == PM_COCKATRICE) { #ifdef POLYSELF if(!resists_ston(uasmon)) { #endif if (!Stoned) Stoned = 5; killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN; killer = "cockatrice egg"; #ifdef POLYSELF } #endif } break; } return; } int doeat() { /* generic "eat" command funtion (see cmd.c) */ register struct obj *otmp; int basenutrit; /* nutrition of full item */ if (Strangled) { pline("If you can't breathe air, how can you consume solids?"); return 0; } if (!(otmp = floorfood("eat", 0))) return 0; #ifdef POLYSELF /* We have to make non-foods take no time to eat, unless we want to * do ridiculous amounts of coding to deal with partly eaten plate * mails, players who polymorph back to human in the middle of their * metallic meal, etc.... */ if (!is_edible(otmp)) { You("cannot eat that!"); if (otmp->olet == GOLD_SYM) { /* temp gold object */ if (otmp->ox) mkgold(OGOLD(otmp), u.ux,; else u.ugold += OGOLD(otmp); free((genericptr_t) otmp); } return 0; } if (otmp->olet != FOOD_SYM) { victual.reqtime = 1; victual.piece = otmp; /* Don't split it, we don't need to if it's 1 move */ victual.usedtime = 0; victual.canchoke = (u.uhs == SATIATED); if (otmp->olet == GOLD_SYM) basenutrit = ((OGOLD(otmp) > 5000L) ? 5000 : (int)OGOLD(otmp)); else basenutrit = otmp->owt * 10 / otmp->quan; victual.nmod = basenutrit; victual.eating = TRUE; /* needed for lesshungry() */ if (otmp->cursed) (void) rottenfood(otmp); if (otmp->olet == WEAPON_SYM && otmp->opoisoned) { pline("Ecch - that must have been poisonous!"); if(!Poison_resistance) { losestr(rnd(4)); losehp(rnd(15), xname(otmp), KILLED_BY_AN); } else You("seem unaffected by the poison."); } else if (!otmp->cursed) pline("This %s is delicious!", otmp->olet == GOLD_SYM ? "gold" : xname(otmp)); eatspecial(); return 1; } #endif if(otmp == victual.piece) { /* If they weren't able to choke, they don't suddenly become able to * choke just because they were interrupted. On the other hand, if * they were able to choke before, if they lost food it's possible * they shouldn't be able to choke now. */ if (u.uhs != SATIATED) victual.canchoke = FALSE; if(!carried(victual.piece)) { if(victual.piece->quan != 1) (void) splitobj(victual.piece, 1); } You("resume your meal."); start_eating(victual.piece); return(1); } /* nothing in progress - so try to find something. */ /* tins are a special case */ if(otmp->otyp == TIN) { start_tin(otmp); return(1); } victual.piece = otmp = touchfood(otmp); victual.usedtime = 0; /* Now we need to calculate delay and nutritional info. * The base nutrition calculated here and in eatcorpse() accounts * for normal vs. rotten food. The reqtime and nutrit values are * then adjusted in accordance with the amount of food left. */ if(otmp->otyp == CORPSE) { if(eatcorpse(otmp)) return(1); /* else eatcorpse sets up reqtime and oeaten */ } else { victual.reqtime = objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay; if (otmp->otyp != FORTUNE_COOKIE && (otmp->cursed || (((monstermoves - otmp->age) > otmp->blessed ? 50 : 30) && (otmp->orotten || !rn2(7))))) { #ifdef POLYSELF if(rottenfood(otmp)) { #else if(rottenfood()) { #endif otmp->orotten = TRUE; return(1); } otmp->oeaten >>= 1; } else fprefx(otmp); } /* re-calc the nutrition */ if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE) basenutrit = mons[otmp->corpsenm].cnutrit; else basenutrit = objects[otmp->otyp].nutrition; #ifdef DEBUG debug("before rounddiv: victual.reqtime == %d", victual.reqtime); debug("oeaten == %d, basenutrit == %d", otmp->oeaten, basenutrit); #endif victual.reqtime = (basenutrit == 0 ? 0 : (int)rounddiv(victual.reqtime * (long)otmp->oeaten,(long)basenutrit)); #ifdef DEBUG debug("after rounddiv: victual.reqtime == %d", victual.reqtime); #endif /* calculate the modulo value (nutrit. units per round eating) * note: this isn't exact - you actually lose a little nutrition * due to this method. * TODO: add in a "remainder" value to be given at the end of the * meal. */ if(victual.reqtime == 0) /* possible if most has been eaten before */ victual.nmod = 0; else if (otmp->oeaten > victual.reqtime) victual.nmod = -(otmp->oeaten / victual.reqtime); else victual.nmod = victual.reqtime % otmp->oeaten; victual.canchoke = (u.uhs == SATIATED); start_eating(otmp); return(1); } /* Take a single bite from a piece of food, checking for choking and * modifying usedtime. Returns 1 if they choked and survived, 0 otherwise. */ static int bite() { if(victual.canchoke && u.uhunger >= 2000) { choke(victual.piece); return 1; } if (victual.doreset) { do_reset_eat(); return 0; } if(victual.nmod < 0) { lesshungry(-victual.nmod); victual.piece->oeaten -= -victual.nmod; } else if(victual.nmod > 0 && (victual.usedtime % victual.nmod)) { lesshungry(1); victual.piece->oeaten--; } recalc_wt(); return 0; } #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef OVL0 void gethungry() { /* as time goes by - called in main.c */ --u.uhunger; if(moves % 2) { if(HRegeneration) u.uhunger--; if(Hunger) u.uhunger--; /* a3: if(Hunger & LEFT_RING) u.uhunger--; if(Hunger & RIGHT_RING) u.uhunger--; etc. */ } if(moves % 20 == 0) { /* jimt@asgb */ /* +0 rings don't do anything, so don't affect hunger */ if(uleft && uleft->otyp && (!objects[uleft->otyp].oc_charged || uleft->spe)) u.uhunger--; if(uright && uright->otyp && (!objects[uright->otyp].oc_charged || uright->spe)) u.uhunger--; if(uamul) u.uhunger--; if(u.uhave_amulet) u.uhunger--; } newuhs(TRUE); } #endif /* OVL0 */ #ifdef OVLB void morehungry(num) /* called after vomiting and after performing feats of magic */ register int num; { u.uhunger -= num; newuhs(TRUE); } void lesshungry(num) /* called after eating (and after drinking fruit juice) */ register int num; { #ifdef DEBUG debug("lesshungry(%d)", num); #endif u.uhunger += num; if(u.uhunger >= 2000) { if (!victual.eating || victual.canchoke) if (victual.eating) { choke(victual.piece); reset_eat(); } else choke((struct obj *) 0); /* no reset_eat(); it was a non-food such as juice */ } else { /* Have lesshungry() report when you're nearly full so all eating * warns when you're about to choke. */ if (u.uhunger >= 1500) { if(!victual.eating || (victual.eating && !victual.fullwarn)) { pline("You're having a hard time getting all of it down."); nomovemsg = "You're finally finished."; if(!victual.eating) multi = -2; else { victual.fullwarn = TRUE; if (victual.canchoke) { pline("Stop eating? "); if(yn() == 'y') reset_eat(); } } } } } newuhs(FALSE); } #ifndef OVERLAY static #endif int unfaint() { (void) Hear_again(); u.uhs = FAINTING; flags.botl = 1; return 0; } #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef OVL0 boolean is_fainted() { return(u.uhs == FAINTED); } void reset_faint() { /* call when a faint must be prematurely terminated */ if(is_fainted()) nomul(0); } void sync_hunger() { if(is_fainted()) { flags.soundok = 0; nomul(-10+(u.uhunger/10)); nomovemsg = "You regain consciousness."; afternmv = unfaint; } } void newuhs(incr) /* compute and comment on your (new?) hunger status */ boolean incr; { register int newhs, h = u.uhunger; newhs = (h > 1000) ? SATIATED : (h > 150) ? NOT_HUNGRY : (h > 50) ? HUNGRY : (h > 0) ? WEAK : FAINTING; if(newhs == FAINTING) { if(is_fainted()) newhs = FAINTED; if(u.uhs <= WEAK || rn2(20-u.uhunger/10) >= 19) { if(!is_fainted() && multi >= 0 /* %% */) { You("faint from lack of food."); flags.soundok = 0; nomul(-10+(u.uhunger/10)); nomovemsg = "You regain consciousness."; afternmv = unfaint; newhs = FAINTED; } } else if(u.uhunger < -(int)(200 + 20*ACURR(A_CON))) { u.uhs = STARVED; flags.botl = 1; bot(); You("die from starvation."); killer_format = KILLED_BY; killer = "starvation"; done(STARVING); } } if(newhs != u.uhs) { if(newhs >= WEAK && u.uhs < WEAK) losestr(1); /* this may kill you -- see below */ else if(newhs < WEAK && u.uhs >= WEAK) losestr(-1); switch(newhs){ case HUNGRY: if (Hallucination) { pline((!incr) ? "You now have a lesser case of the munchies." : "You are getting the munchies."); } else You((!incr) ? "only feel hungry now." : (u.uhunger < 145) ? "feel hungry." : "are beginning to feel hungry."); break; case WEAK: if (Hallucination) pline((!incr) ? "You still have the munchies." : "The munchies are starting to interfere with your motor capabilities."); else You((!incr) ? "feel weak now." : (u.uhunger < 45) ? "feel weak." : "are beginning to feel weak."); break; } u.uhs = newhs; flags.botl = 1; if(u.uhp < 1) { You("die from hunger and exhaustion."); killer_format = KILLED_BY; killer = "exhaustion"; done(STARVING); } } } #endif /* OVL0 */ #ifdef OVLB /* Returns an object representing food. Object may be either on floor or * in inventory. */ struct obj * floorfood(verb,corpseonly) /* get food from floor or pack */ const char *verb; boolean corpseonly; { register struct obj *otmp; #ifdef POLYSELF struct gold *gold = g_at(u.ux,; boolean feeding = (!strcmp(verb, "eat")); #endif #ifdef POLYSELF if (feeding && gold && metallivorous(uasmon)) { if (gold->amount == 1) pline("There is 1 gold piece here; eat it? "); else pline("There are %ld gold pieces here; eat them? ", gold->amount); if (yn() == 'y') { otmp = newobj(0); otmp->olet = GOLD_SYM; otmp->ox = u.ux; otmp->oy =; OGOLD(otmp) = gold->amount; freegold(gold); return otmp; } } #endif /* Is there some food (probably a heavy corpse) here on the ground? */ if(!Levitation && !u.uswallow) { for(otmp = level.objects[u.ux][]; otmp; otmp = otmp->nexthere) { if(corpseonly ? otmp->otyp==CORPSE : #ifdef POLYSELF feeding ? is_edible(otmp) : #endif otmp->olet==FOOD_SYM) { pline("There %s %s here; %s %s? ", (otmp->quan == 1) ? "is" : "are", doname(otmp), verb, (otmp->quan == 1) ? "it" : "one"); if(yn() == 'y') return(otmp); } } } #ifdef POLYSELF /* We cannot use "#" since that causes getobj() to skip its * "ugly checks" and we need to check for inedible items. */ return getobj (feeding ? (const char *)everything : (const char *)comestibles, verb); #else return getobj(comestibles, verb); #endif } /* Side effects of vomiting */ /* added nomul (MRS) - it makes sense, you're too busy being sick! */ /* TO DO: regurgitate swallowed monsters when poly'd */ void vomit() { /* A good idea from David Neves */ make_sick(0L,TRUE); nomul(-2); } int eaten_stat(base, obj) register int base; register struct obj *obj; { base *= obj->oeaten; if (obj->otyp == CORPSE) base = mons[obj->corpsenm].cnutrit ? base / mons[obj->corpsenm].cnutrit : 0; else base = objects[obj->otyp].nutrition ? base / objects[obj->otyp].nutrition : 0; return (base < 1) ? 1 : base; } #endif /* OVLB */
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