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/* SCCS Id: @(#)artifact.c 3.0 88/07/27 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ #include "hack.h" #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS #include "artifact.h" #ifndef OVLB OSTATIC const struct artifact artilist[]; #else /* OVLB */ /* the artifacts (currently weapons only) */ XSTATIC const struct artifact artilist[] = { #define NO_ATTK { 0, 0, 0, 0 } { LONG_SWORD, "Excalibur", (SPFX_NOGEN | SPFX_SEEK | SPFX_DEFN | SPFX_SEARCH), 0, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 10 }, { 0, AD_DRLI, 0, 0}, A_LAW, 'K' }, { KATANA, "Snickersnee", SPFX_RESTR, 0, { 0, AD_PHYS, 0, 8 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 'S' }, /* Ah, never shall I forget the cry, * or the shriek that shrieked he, * As I gnashed my teeth, and from my sheath * I drew my Snickersnee! * * --Koko, Lord high executioner of Titipu * (From Sir W.S. Gilbert's "The Mikado") */ { AXE, "Cleaver", SPFX_RESTR, 0, { 0, AD_PHYS, 3, 12 }, NO_ATTK, A_CHAOS, 0 }, #ifdef TOLKIEN { ORCISH_DAGGER, "Grimtooth", SPFX_RESTR, 0, { 0, AD_PHYS, 2, 6 }, NO_ATTK, A_CHAOS, 0 }, #else { DAGGER, "Grimtooth", SPFX_RESTR, 0, { 0, AD_PHYS, 2, 6 }, NO_ATTK, A_CHAOS, 0 }, #endif /* Special purpose swords - various types */ { TWO_HANDED_SWORD, "Orcrist", SPFX_DFLAG2, M2_ORC, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 'E' }, #ifdef TOLKIEN { ELVEN_DAGGER, "Sting", (SPFX_WARN | SPFX_DFLAG2), M2_ORC, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 0 }, #else { DAGGER, "Sting", (SPFX_WARN | SPFX_DFLAG2), M2_ORC, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 0 }, #endif { LONG_SWORD, "Frost Brand", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_ATTK | SPFX_DEFN), 0, { 0, AD_COLD, 5, 0 }, { 0, AD_COLD, 0, 0 }, A_NEUTRAL, 0 }, { LONG_SWORD, "Fire Brand", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_ATTK | SPFX_DEFN), 0, { 0, AD_FIRE, 5, 0 }, { 0, AD_FIRE, 0, 0 }, A_NEUTRAL, 0 }, /* Stormbringer only has a 2 because it can drain a level, providing 8 more */ { BROADSWORD, "Stormbringer", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_ATTK | SPFX_DEFN | SPFX_DRLI), 0, { 0, AD_DRLI, 5, 2 }, { 0, AD_DRLI, 0, 0 }, A_CHAOS, 0 }, { LONG_SWORD, "Sunsword", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_DFLAG2), M2_UNDEAD, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 0 }, { BROADSWORD, "Dragonbane", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_DCLAS), S_DRAGON, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_NEUTRAL, 0 }, { LONG_SWORD, "Demonbane", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_DFLAG2), M2_DEMON, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 0 }, /* A silver weapon would be appropriate, if we had one. */ { LONG_SWORD, "Werebane", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_DFLAG2), M2_WERE, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 0 }, { LONG_SWORD, "Giantslayer", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_DFLAG2), M2_GIANT, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_NEUTRAL, 0 }, /* Another interesting weapon would be the dwarven hammer or axe with the * boomerang-like power of returning to the wielder's hand, if the code * were written to add such an ability. */ { WAR_HAMMER, "Ogresmasher", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_DCLAS), S_OGRE, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 0 }, { WAR_HAMMER, "Mjollnir", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_ATTK), 0, { 0, AD_ELEC, 5, 24 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 'V' }, /* Mjo:llnir */ { MORNING_STAR, "Trollsbane", (SPFX_RESTR | SPFX_DCLAS), S_TROLL, { 0, AD_PHYS, 5, 0 }, NO_ATTK, A_LAW, 0 }, /* ARRAY TERMINATOR */ { 0, "", 0, 0, NO_ATTK, NO_ATTK, 0, 0 } }; const int artifact_num = SIZE(artilist); /* this array gets saved / restored - thus not static */ boolean artiexist[SIZE(artilist)]; #endif /* OVLB */ OSTATIC const struct artifact *FDECL(get_artifact, (struct obj *)); OSTATIC int FDECL(spec_applies, (const struct artifact *, struct permonst *)); #ifdef OVLB /* zero out the artifact exist list */ void init_exists() { int i; for(i = 0; i < SIZE(artilist); i++) artiexist[i] = 0; } void mkartifact(otmp1) struct obj **otmp1; { register const struct artifact *artif; register struct obj *otmp = *otmp1; register int n = 0, m; for(artif = artilist,m = 0; artif->otyp; artif++,m++) if(otmp->otyp == artif->otyp && !(artif->spfx & SPFX_NOGEN) && !artiexist[m]) n++; if (n) { n = rnd(n); for(artif = artilist,m = 0; artif->otyp && n > 0; ) { if(otmp->otyp == artif->otyp && !(artif->spfx & SPFX_NOGEN) && !artiexist[m]) n--; if (n > 0) { artif++; m++; } } if(artif->otyp) { *otmp1 = oname(otmp, artif->name, 0); artiexist[m] = TRUE; } } } #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef OVL0 XSTATIC const struct artifact * get_artifact(otmp) struct obj *otmp; { register const struct artifact *artif; if(otmp) if(strlen(ONAME(otmp))) for(artif = artilist; artif->otyp; artif++) if(artif->otyp == otmp->otyp && !strcmp(ONAME(otmp), artif->name)) return artif; return((struct artifact *)0); } #endif /* OVL0 */ #ifdef OVLB boolean is_artifact(otmp) struct obj *otmp; { return(get_artifact(otmp) != (struct artifact *)0); } boolean exist_artifact(otmp, name) register struct obj *otmp; register const char *name; { register const struct artifact *artif; register boolean *arex; if(otmp && strlen(name)) for(artif = artilist,arex = artiexist; artif->otyp; artif++,arex++) if(artif->otyp == otmp->otyp && !strcmp(name, artif->name) && *arex) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void artifact_exists(otmp, name, mod) register struct obj *otmp; register const char *name; register boolean mod; { register const struct artifact *artif; register boolean *arex; if(otmp && strlen(name)) for(artif = artilist,arex = artiexist; artif->otyp; artif++,arex++) if(artif->otyp == otmp->otyp && !strcmp(name, artif->name)) *arex = mod; return; } #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef OVL0 boolean spec_ability(otmp, abil) struct obj *otmp; unsigned abil; { const struct artifact *arti = get_artifact(otmp); return(arti && (arti->spfx & abil)); } #endif /* OVL0 */ #ifdef OVLB int restr_name(otmp, name) /* returns 1 if name is restricted for otmp->otyp */ register struct obj *otmp; register char *name; { register const struct artifact *artif; if(!strlen(name)) return(0); for(artif = artilist; artif->otyp; artif++) if(artif->otyp == otmp->otyp) if(artif->spfx & (SPFX_NOGEN | SPFX_RESTR)) if(!strcmp(artif->name, name)) return(1); return(0); } # if defined(THEOLOGY) && defined(ALTARS) struct obj * mk_aligned_artifact(align) unsigned align; { register const struct artifact *artif; register struct obj *otmp; register int n = 0, m; for(artif = artilist,m = 0; artif->otyp; artif++,m++) if(align == artif->align && !(artif->spfx & SPFX_NOGEN) && !artiexist[m]) if (pl_character[0] == artif->class) { n = 0; break; } else n++; if (n) { n = rnd(n); for(artif = artilist,m = 0; artif->otyp && n > 0; ) { if(align == artif->align && !(artif->spfx & SPFX_NOGEN) && !artiexist[m]) n--; if (n > 0) { artif++; m++; } } } if(artif->otyp) { otmp = mksobj((int)artif->otyp, FALSE); otmp = oname(otmp, artif->name, 0); artiexist[m] = TRUE; return (otmp); } return ((struct obj *) 0); } # endif int defends(adtyp, otmp) register int adtyp; register struct obj *otmp; { register const struct artifact *weap; if(weap = get_artifact(otmp)) return(weap->defn.adtyp == adtyp); return(0); } XSTATIC int spec_applies(weap, ptr) register const struct artifact *weap; struct permonst *ptr; { if(!(weap->spfx & (SPFX_DBONUS | SPFX_ATTK))) return(0); if(weap->spfx & SPFX_DMONS) return((ptr == &mons[(int)weap->mtype])); else if(weap->spfx & SPFX_DCLAS) return((weap->mtype == ptr->mlet)); else if(weap->spfx & SPFX_DFLAG1) return((ptr->mflags1 & weap->mtype) != 0L); else if(weap->spfx & SPFX_DFLAG2) return((ptr->mflags2 & weap->mtype) != 0L); else if(weap->spfx & SPFX_ATTK) { switch(weap->attk.adtyp) { case AD_FIRE: return(!resists_fire(ptr)); case AD_COLD: return(!resists_cold(ptr)); case AD_ELEC: return(!resists_elec(ptr)); case AD_DRLI: return(!resists_drli(ptr)); case AD_STON: return(!resists_ston(ptr)); default: impossible("Weird special attack for '%s'", weap->name); } } return(0); } #endif /* OVLB */ #ifdef OVL1 int spec_abon(otmp, ptr) struct obj *otmp; struct permonst *ptr; { register const struct artifact *weap; if((weap = get_artifact(otmp))) if(spec_applies(weap, ptr)) return((weap->attk.damn) ? rnd((int)weap->attk.damn) : 0); return(0); } int spec_dbon(otmp, ptr, tmp) register struct obj *otmp; register struct permonst *ptr; register int tmp; { register const struct artifact *weap; if((weap = get_artifact(otmp))) if(spec_applies(weap, ptr)) return((weap->attk.damd) ? rnd((int)weap->attk.damd) : tmp); return(0); } #endif /* OVL1 */ #endif /* NAMED_ITEMS */
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