This is CookieController.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Generated by Interface Builder */ #import "CookieController.h" #import "PreferencesController.h" #import <appkit/appkit.h> #import <appkit/Font.h> #import "CookieFile.h" #import <defaults.h> #import <libc.h> #define MINWIDTH 200.0 #define MINHEIGHT 150.0 NXDefaultsVector mydefaults = { { "Status","ALIVE" }, { "Timer","NO" }, { "Seconds", "60" }, { "MainFrame","175 555 533 220" }, { "NXFont", "Ohlfs" }, { "NXFontSize","10.0" }, { NULL } }; void RunCookieEntry(DPSTimedEntry te, double timeNow, void *data) { /* we set data to self so we can call this method from the timed entry */ [(CookieController *)data timedEntry]; } @implementation CookieController - windowWillClose:sender { [NXApp terminate:self]; return self; } - windowWillResize:window toSize:(NXSize *)size { if (size->width < MINWIDTH) size->width = MINWIDTH; if (size->height < MINHEIGHT) size->height = MINHEIGHT; return self; } - timedEntry { if([prefs flags]&PREF_DEAD) [NXApp terminate:self]; if([prefs flags]&PREF_TIMER) [self newCookie:self]; return self; } - newCookie:sender { int count,cookieCount = [((List *)cookieList) count]; CookieFile *cookieFile; Cookie *cookie; char text[2048]; int length = 0,random_size; // First of all check to see if there are any cookies if(!cookieCount) { NXRunAlertPanel("Fatal Application Error", "There are no cookies to display!","OK!",NULL,NULL); [NXApp terminate:self]; } // The have a look see if there are any selected for(count = 0; count < cookieCount; count++) { cookieFile = [cookieList objectAt:count]; if([cookieFile selected]) length += [cookieFile filelength]; } if(!length) { NXRunAlertPanel("Application Error", "There are no cookies selected to display, please select some","OK!", NULL,NULL); [prefs startPreferences:self]; return self; } random_size = random()%length; for(count = 0,length = 0; count < cookieCount; count++) { cookieFile = [cookieList objectAt:count]; if(![cookieFile selected]) continue; if((random_size >= length) && (random_size <= (length+[cookieFile filelength]))) break; length += [cookieFile filelength]; } cookieFile = [cookieList objectAt:count]; cookie = [cookieFile pickRandom]; [[titleText setStringValue:[cookie title]] display]; text[0] = 0; for(count = 0; count < [[cookie cookieLines] count]; count++) { strcat(text,[[[cookie cookieLines] objectAt:count] string]); strcat(text,"\n"); } [[bodyText docView] setText:text]; return self; } - appDidInit:sender { flags.entry_running = FALSE; srandom(time(0)); NXRegisterDefaults([NXApp appName], mydefaults); [prefs getPreferences]; [self setWindowPrefs]; [self newCookie:self]; if(!strcmp(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName],"NXAutoLaunch"),"YES")) [cookieWindow setFloatingPanel:TRUE]; [cookieWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; return self; } - setWindowPrefs { Font *font; NXRect myRect; font = [Font newFont:[prefs fontname] size:[((PreferencesController *)prefs) fontsize]]; [[bodyText docView] setFont:font]; myRect = [prefs windowframe]; [cookieWindow placeWindowAndDisplay:&myRect]; return self; } - newPrefs { if(flags.entry_running) { DPSRemoveTimedEntry(myTimedEntry); flags.entry_running = FALSE; } if(([prefs flags]&PREF_DEAD) || ([prefs flags]&PREF_TIMER)) { myTimedEntry = DPSAddTimedEntry((float)[prefs seconds], &RunCookieEntry,self,NX_BASETHRESHOLD); flags.entry_running = TRUE; } return self; } - (float)fontsize { return [[[bodyText docView] font] pointSize]; } - (const char *)fontname { return [[[bodyText docView] font] name]; } - (NXRect)getWindowRect { NXRect myRect; [cookieWindow getFrame:&myRect]; return myRect; } @end
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