This is PrefController.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* * Preference Controller. Similar to RandomGenerator it displays views * view from a holding place in a view according to a pop-up menu. * * Copyright (c) 1993 Gil Rivlis */ #import "PrefController.h" #import "Generator.h" #define SIZE_PREF 0 //whichOne? #define SHAPE_PREF 1 @implementation PrefController - awakeFromNib { whichOne = SIZE_PREF; /* get the default universe size and display in the appropriate fields */ [universeHeightField setIntValue:(atoi(NXGetDefaultValue("LifeByGR","UniverseHeight")))]; [universeWidthField setIntValue:(atoi(NXGetDefaultValue("LifeByGR","UniverseWidth")))]; /* get the default shape and selcted the appropriate button */ [shapeMatrix selectCellWithTag:((int)([[theGenerator lifeView] lifeChar]) - (int)('a'))]; [self setToView:[sizeView contentView] ]; return self; } - window { return window; } /* see RandomGenerator */ - setToView:theView { NXRect boxRect, viewRect; [multiView getFrame:&boxRect]; [theView getFrame:&viewRect]; [multiView setContentView:theView]; NX_X(&viewRect) = (NX_WIDTH(&boxRect)-NX_WIDTH(&viewRect)) / 2.0; NX_Y(&viewRect) = (NX_HEIGHT(&boxRect)-NX_HEIGHT(&viewRect)) / 2.0; [theView setFrame:&viewRect]; [multiView display]; return self; } /* see Random Generator */ - setPrefView:sender { id newView = nil; whichOne = [[sender selectedCell] tag]; switch (whichOne) { case SIZE_PREF: newView = [sizeView contentView]; break; case SHAPE_PREF: newView = [shapeView contentView]; break; } [self setToView:newView]; return self; } /* saves the new preferences in the default database */ - save:sender { char buf[256]; static NXDefaultsVector newDefaults = { {"UniverseHeight",""}, /* 0 */ {"UniverseWidth", ""}, /* 1 */ {"Mail", ""}, /* 2 */ {"LifeSymbol", ""}, /* 3 */ {NULL, NULL} }; sprintf(buf,"%d",[universeHeightField intValue]); newDefaults[0].value = alloca(256); strcpy(newDefaults[0].value,buf); sprintf(buf,"%d",[universeWidthField intValue]); newDefaults[1].value = alloca(256); strcpy(newDefaults[1].value,buf); sprintf(buf,"%s", NXGetDefaultValue("LifeByGR","Mail")); newDefaults[2].value = alloca(256); strcpy(newDefaults[2].value,buf); sprintf(buf,"%d", [[shapeMatrix selectedCell] tag]); newDefaults[3].value = alloca(256); strcpy(newDefaults[3].value,buf); NXWriteDefaults("LifeByGR", newDefaults); return self; } /* if we want to actually use it in the current game */ - useNow:sender { IntNXSize newSize; id theLifeView = [theGenerator lifeView]; switch (whichOne) { case SIZE_PREF: newSize.width = [universeWidthField intValue]; newSize.height = [universeHeightField intValue]; [theGenerator resetSizeTo:newSize]; break; case SHAPE_PREF: [ theLifeView setLifeCharTo:'a' +[[shapeMatrix selectedCell] tag] ]; [ theLifeView display]; break; } return self; } @end
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