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// // MiscAppDefaults.h -- easy access to preferences // Written by Steve Hayman Copyright (c) 1994 by Steve Hayman. // Version 1.0. All rights reserved. // This notice may not be removed from this source code. // // This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author // and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file // "LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution. Please refer to that file // for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions. // #import <appkit/appkit.h> // A category of Application that provides quick access to preferences // values from anywhere in an app. You can use this category to // send messages to NXApp to retrieve default values (and optionally // convert them to integers or booleans), or to set values. // All defaults are registered and looked up using an owner of // [NXApp appName], so you must be careful not to use these methods // too early (before Application gets fully running.) @interface Application(MiscAppDefaults) - (int) registerDefaults:(const NXDefaultsVector) v; - (const char *)defaultValue:(const char *)defName; - (int) defaultIntValue:(const char *)defName; - (BOOL) defaultBoolValue:(const char *)defName; - (int)setDefault:(const char *)defName to:(const char *)defValue; - (int)setDefault:(const char *)defName toInt:(int)defValue; - (int)setDefault:(const char *)defName toBool:(BOOL)defValue; // These two are now obsolete and will go away someday: - (int)setIntDefault:(const char *)defName to:(int)defValue; - (int)setBoolDefault:(const char *)defName to:(BOOL)defValue; @end
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