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/* FortuneApp.m * Version 1.0 * Chris Saldanha, April 1996 * Class to display fortunes in a simple window. * Can copy the fortune into the ASCII pasteboard from a menu option. * Clicking in the window's content view makes it go away. */ #import "FortuneApp.h" #import "MiscAppDefaults.h" #import "FortuneText.h" @implementation FortuneApp - printFortune { FILE *myPipe; NXScreen *myScreen; NXRect graphicsRect; NXStream *fortuneStream; char str[100]; struct stat buf; /* Make the Text as wide as the screen to start with. */ (const NXScreen *)myScreen = [myWindow screen]; NXSetRect(&graphicsRect, 0.0, 0.0, myScreen->screenBounds.size.width, 10.0); [myText sizeTo: graphicsRect.size.width : graphicsRect.size.height]; if (stat(programLocation, &buf) == -1) { sprintf(str, "%s: %s", programLocation, strerror(errno)); NXRunAlertPanel("Un-Fortunate Error", str, "OK", NULL, NULL); [self terminate:nil]; } myPipe = popen(programLocation, "r"); if (myPipe != NULL) { fortuneStream = NXOpenFile(fileno(myPipe), NX_READONLY); [myText readText: fortuneStream]; NXClose(fortuneStream); pclose(myPipe); } else NXRunAlertPanel("Un-Fortunate Error", "Could not open pipe!", "OK", NULL, NULL); [myText sizeToFit]; [myText getFrame: &graphicsRect]; [myWindow sizeWindow: graphicsRect.size.width : graphicsRect.size.height]; [myWindow center]; /* stupid American misspelling :-# */ [myWindow display]; [myWindow setContentView:myText]; [myWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; [myText display]; return self; } - anotherFortune:sender { [myWindow close]; [self printFortune]; return self; } - copyFortune: sender { Pasteboard *pboard = [Pasteboard new]; [pboard declareTypes: &NXAsciiPboardType num: 1 owner:self]; [pboard writeType: NXAsciiPboardType fromStream: [myText stream]]; return self; } - mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent { [self terminate: nil]; return self; } -init { struct stat buf; int fontSize; char *fontName; NXRect graphicsRect; NXSetRect(&graphicsRect, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0); (const char *)programLocation = [self defaultValue: "FortuneLocation"]; if (programLocation == NULL) { [self setDefault: "FortuneLocation" to: "/usr/games/fortune"]; programLocation = calloc(19, sizeof(char)); strcpy(programLocation, "/usr/games/fortune"); } if (stat(programLocation, &buf) == -1) { NXRunAlertPanel("Un-Fortunate Error", "Fortune program does not exist!", "OK", NULL, NULL); } (const char *)fontName = [self defaultValue: "FontName"]; if (fontName == NULL) { [self setDefault: "FontName" to: "Courier-Oblique"]; fontName = calloc(16, sizeof(char)); strcpy(fontName, "Courier-Oblique"); } fontSize = [self defaultIntValue: "FontSize"]; if (fontSize < 1) { [self setDefault: "FontSize" toInt: 14]; fontSize = 14; } myWindow = [[Window alloc] initContent: &graphicsRect style: NX_TITLEDSTYLE backing: NX_BUFFERED buttonMask: 0 defer: NO]; [myWindow setTitle:"Fortune"]; [myWindow setFreeWhenClosed: NO]; myText = [[Text alloc] initFrame: &graphicsRect text: "" alignment: NX_LEFTALIGNED]; [myText setBackgroundGray: NX_LTGRAY]; [myText setEditable: NO]; [myText setSelectable: NO]; [myText setVertResizable: YES]; [myText setFont: [Font newFont: fontName size: fontSize]]; myMenu = [[Menu alloc] initTitle: "Fortunate"]; [myMenu addItem: "Another Fortune..." action: @selector(anotherFortune:) keyEquivalent: 'a']; [myMenu addItem: "Copy Fortune" action: @selector(copyFortune:) keyEquivalent: 'c']; [myMenu addItem: "Quit" action: @selector(terminate:) keyEquivalent: 'q']; [myMenu sizeToFit]; [NXApp setMainMenu:myMenu]; return self; } -terminate:sender { [myWindow close]; [myWindow free]; return [super terminate: sender]; } @end
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