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BeginPackage["StatPlots`",{"Statistics`DescriptiveStatistics`"}] StatPlots::usage = "StatPlots defines some statistical plots including RangePlot and QuartilePlot." TriplePlot::usage = "TriplePlot[{{x1,y1,z1},...{xn,yn,zn}}] plots points yi with error bars going from xi to zi." QuartilePlot::usage = "QuartilePlot[{{x1,...,xm},..,{z1,...,zm}}] the quartiles of each sublist." RangePlot::usage = "RangePlot[{{x1,...,xm},...{z1,...,zm}}] the min, mean, and max of each sublist." ReadData::usage = "ReadData[filename,nPlayers] reads in data from filename. Returns {pay, choice, card} lists." Begin["`Private`"] (* auxiliary functions *) MinMeanMax[data_] := {Min[data],Mean[data],Max[data]} (* exported functions *) ReadData[filename_,nPlayers_] := Module[{rawdata,tRawdata}, rawdata=ReadList[filename,Number,RecordLists->True]; tRawdata=Transpose[rawdata]; {Partition[tRawdata[[5]],nPlayers], Partition[tRawdata[[11]],nPlayers], Partition[tRawdata[[13]],nPlayers]} ] TriplePlot[l3:{{_, _, _}..}] := Show[ Graphics[ { PointSize[0.015], Thickness[0.002], Module[ {i, y, up,dn} , Table[ {i,up, y, dn} = Join[{i},l3[[i]]] ; { Line[ {{i, dn}, {i, up}} ], Point[ {i, y} ] } , {i, Length[l3]} ] ] } ], Axes -> Automatic,AxesOrigin->{0,0}] QuartilePlot[data_] := TriplePlot[Map[Quartiles,data]] RangePlot[data_] := TriplePlot[Map[MinMeanMax,data]] End[] EndPackage[]
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