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#import <appkit/appkit.h> #import "PlayerListener.h" #import <mach.h> #import <sys/message.h> #import <servers/netname.h> extern port_t name_server_port; extern id NXResponsibleDelegate(); @implementation PlayerListener :Listener {} static NXRemoteMethod *remoteMethods = NULL; #define REMOTEMETHODS 15 + (void)initialize /* */ { if (!remoteMethods) { remoteMethods = (NXRemoteMethod *) malloc((REMOTEMETHODS+1)*sizeof(NXRemoteMethod)); remoteMethods[0].key = @selector(remotePlayGameWith:atHost:myPullCard:myPushCard:hisPullCard:hisPushCard:); remoteMethods[0].types = "cciiii"; remoteMethods[1].key = @selector(remotePlayRandomGameWith:atHost:myPullCard:myPushCard:hisPullCard:hisPushCard:); remoteMethods[1].types = "cciiii"; remoteMethods[2].key = @selector(remoteReportGameInfoFrom:side1:side2:push1:pull1:push2:pull2:choice1:choice2:payoff:); remoteMethods[2].types = "iiiiiiiiii"; remoteMethods[3].key = @selector(remoteComputePayoffs); remoteMethods[3].types = ""; remoteMethods[4].key = @selector(remoteCheckInPlayer:atHost:); remoteMethods[4].types = "cc"; remoteMethods[5].key = @selector(remoteMySidePaymentIs:); remoteMethods[5].types = "i"; remoteMethods[6].key = @selector(remoteMyChoiceIs:); remoteMethods[6].types = "i"; remoteMethods[7].key = @selector(remotePlayerNumberIs:); remoteMethods[7].types = "i"; remoteMethods[8].key = @selector(remoteReportChoiceBy:cardPlayed:); remoteMethods[8].types = "ii"; remoteMethods[9].key = @selector(remoteReportPaymentBy:amount:); remoteMethods[9].types = "ii"; remoteMethods[10].key = @selector(remoteStartPhaseTwo); remoteMethods[10].types = ""; remoteMethods[11].key = @selector(remoteReportPlayerInfo:Name:Phone:SS:); remoteMethods[11].types = "iccc"; remoteMethods[12].key = @selector(remoteGameIsOver); remoteMethods[12].types = ""; remoteMethods[13].key = @selector(remotePlayerReset); remoteMethods[13].types = ""; remoteMethods[14].key = @selector(remoteNudge); remoteMethods[14].types = ""; remoteMethods[REMOTEMETHODS].key = NULL; } } -(int)remotePlayGameWith : (char *) opponentName atHost : (char *) opponentHost myPullCard : (int) mypull myPushCard : (int) mypush hisPullCard : (int) hispull hisPushCard : (int) hispush /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remotePlayGameWith:atHost:myPullCard:myPushCard:hisPullCard:hisPushCard:))) return [_NXd remotePlayGameWith : opponentName atHost : opponentHost myPullCard : mypull myPushCard : mypush hisPullCard : hispull hisPushCard : hispush]; return -1; } -(int)remotePlayRandomGameWith : (char *) opponentName atHost : (char *) opponentHost myPullCard : (int) mypull myPushCard : (int) mypush hisPullCard : (int) hispull hisPushCard : (int) hispush /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remotePlayRandomGameWith:atHost:myPullCard:myPushCard:hisPullCard:hisPushCard:))) return [_NXd remotePlayRandomGameWith : opponentName atHost : opponentHost myPullCard : mypull myPushCard : mypush hisPullCard : hispull hisPushCard : hispush]; return -1; } -(int)remoteReportGameInfoFrom : (int) num side1 : (int) s1 side2 : (int) s2 push1 : (int) ps1 pull1 : (int) pl1 push2 : (int) ps2 pull2 : (int) pl2 choice1 : (int) ch1 choice2 : (int) ch2 payoff : (int) pay /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteReportGameInfoFrom:side1:side2:push1:pull1:push2:pull2:choice1:choice2:payoff:))) return [_NXd remoteReportGameInfoFrom : num side1 : s1 side2 : s2 push1 : ps1 pull1 : pl1 push2 : ps2 pull2 : pl2 choice1 : ch1 choice2 : ch2 payoff : pay]; return -1; } -(int)remoteComputePayoffs /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteComputePayoffs))) return [_NXd remoteComputePayoffs]; return -1; } -(int)remoteCheckInPlayer : (char *) name atHost : (char *) host /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteCheckInPlayer:atHost:))) return [_NXd remoteCheckInPlayer : name atHost : host]; return -1; } -(int)remoteMySidePaymentIs : (int) sidePayment /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteMySidePaymentIs:))) return [_NXd remoteMySidePaymentIs : sidePayment]; return -1; } -(int)remoteMyChoiceIs : (int) choice /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteMyChoiceIs:))) return [_NXd remoteMyChoiceIs : choice]; return -1; } -(int)remotePlayerNumberIs : (int) num /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remotePlayerNumberIs:))) return [_NXd remotePlayerNumberIs : num]; return -1; } -(int)remoteReportChoiceBy : (int) playerNum cardPlayed : (int) hisChoice /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteReportChoiceBy:cardPlayed:))) return [_NXd remoteReportChoiceBy : playerNum cardPlayed : hisChoice]; return -1; } -(int)remoteReportPaymentBy : (int) playerNum amount : (int) sidePayment /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteReportPaymentBy:amount:))) return [_NXd remoteReportPaymentBy : playerNum amount : sidePayment]; return -1; } -(int)remoteStartPhaseTwo /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteStartPhaseTwo))) return [_NXd remoteStartPhaseTwo]; return -1; } -(int)remoteReportPlayerInfo : (int) num Name : (char *) str1 Phone : (char *) str2 SS : (char *) str3 /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteReportPlayerInfo:Name:Phone:SS:))) return [_NXd remoteReportPlayerInfo : num Name : str1 Phone : str2 SS : str3]; return -1; } -(int)remoteGameIsOver /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteGameIsOver))) return [_NXd remoteGameIsOver]; return -1; } -(int)remotePlayerReset /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remotePlayerReset))) return [_NXd remotePlayerReset]; return -1; } -(int)remoteNudge /* */ { id _NXd; if (_NXd = NXResponsibleDelegate(self, @selector(remoteNudge))) return [_NXd remoteNudge]; return -1; } - (int) performRemoteMethod : (NXRemoteMethod *) method paramList : (NXParamValue *) paramList { /* */ switch (method - remoteMethods) { case 0: return [self remotePlayGameWith : paramList[0].bval.p atHost : paramList[1].bval.p myPullCard : paramList[2].ival myPushCard : paramList[3].ival hisPullCard : paramList[4].ival hisPushCard : paramList[5].ival]; case 1: return [self remotePlayRandomGameWith : paramList[0].bval.p atHost : paramList[1].bval.p myPullCard : paramList[2].ival myPushCard : paramList[3].ival hisPullCard : paramList[4].ival hisPushCard : paramList[5].ival]; case 2: return [self remoteReportGameInfoFrom : paramList[0].ival side1 : paramList[1].ival side2 : paramList[2].ival push1 : paramList[3].ival pull1 : paramList[4].ival push2 : paramList[5].ival pull2 : paramList[6].ival choice1 : paramList[7].ival choice2 : paramList[8].ival payoff : paramList[9].ival]; case 3: return [self remoteComputePayoffs]; case 4: return [self remoteCheckInPlayer : paramList[0].bval.p atHost : paramList[1].bval.p]; case 5: return [self remoteMySidePaymentIs : paramList[0].ival]; case 6: return [self remoteMyChoiceIs : paramList[0].ival]; case 7: return [self remotePlayerNumberIs : paramList[0].ival]; case 8: return [self remoteReportChoiceBy : paramList[0].ival cardPlayed : paramList[1].ival]; case 9: return [self remoteReportPaymentBy : paramList[0].ival amount : paramList[1].ival]; case 10: return [self remoteStartPhaseTwo]; case 11: return [self remoteReportPlayerInfo : paramList[0].ival Name : paramList[1].bval.p Phone : paramList[2].bval.p SS : paramList[3].bval.p]; case 12: return [self remoteGameIsOver]; case 13: return [self remotePlayerReset]; case 14: return [self remoteNudge]; default: return [super performRemoteMethod : method paramList : paramList]; } } - (NXRemoteMethod *) remoteMethodFor: (SEL) aSel { /* */ NXRemoteMethod *rm; if (rm = NXRemoteMethodFromSel(aSel,remoteMethods)) return rm; return [super remoteMethodFor : aSel]; } @end
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