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|    ModuleInfo : Object
|    Each instances of this class stores information about a .soltaire
|    module.  The ModuleList class stores these instances.
|    These classes based on code found in BackSpace.app by Sam Streeper.

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

@interface ModuleInfo:Object
    NXBundle   	       *theBundle;
    id    		controller;     // game controller
    char       	       *gameName;	// localized game name
    char	       *realName;       // nonlocalized game name
    BOOL		failed;         // true if failed to load

- initWithController:aController name:(const char *)aName 
                                 path:(const char *)aPath;
- setController:newController;
- controller;
- setFailed:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)failed;
- (const char *)gameName;
- (const char *)realName;
- (const char *)path;
- (NXBundle *)bundle;
- free;


|    ModuleList : List
|    Custom list to hold instances of the ModuleInfo class.
|    These classes based on code found in BackSpace.app by Sam Streeper.

@interface ModuleList:List

- (const char *)nameAt:(int)i;
- (const char *)realNameAt:(int)i;
- controllerAt:(int)i;
- sort;
- (const char *)pathAt:(int)i;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.