
This is CardPile.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

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| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
|    CardPile:Object
|    Instances of this class provide low-level functionality for card 
|    games.  CardPiles contain an ordered list of cards which can be added 
|    to, removed from or shuffled by clients of the class.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "cardset.h"

#define    CS_BOTTOM        0
#define    CS_TOP           9999

@interface CardPile:Object
    id     	cardList;
    CardSize    cardSize;

|    Class initialization

+ initialize;

|    Creating and freeing

- init;
- initForCardSize:(CardSize)aSize;
- setCardSize:(CardSize)aSize;
- (CardSize)returnSize;
- free;

|    Manipluating individual cards

- addCard:aCard;
- insertCard:aCard at:(int)aPosition;
- addPile:aCardPile;
- addCopyOfPile:aCardPile;
- insertCopyOfPile:aCardPile at:(int)aPosition;
- insertPile:aCardPile at:(int)aPosition;
- removeCard:aCard;
- cardAt:(int)aPosition;
- (int)cardIndex:aCard;

|    Manipluating the deck

- addDeck;
- empty;
- freeCards;
- flip;
- shuffle;
- (int)cardCount;

|    Archiving

- read:(NXTypedStream *)theStream;
- write:(NXTypedStream *)theStream;


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