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CardSet Release 2.1


Inherits From:	Object

Declared In:	CardPile.h

Class Description

Instances of this class provide low-level functionality for card games.  CardPiles contain an ordered list of Card objects which can be added to, removed from, or shuffled by clients of the class.

Instance Variables

id cardList;

cardList 	A List of Card objects in this CardPile.
cardSize 	The size of cards held by this CardPile.

Method Types

Initializing the class object	+ initialize

Creating and freeing	± free
± init
- initForCardSize:

Card size	± setCardSize:
± returnSize

Manipulating individual cards	- addCard:
- addCopyOfPile:
- addPile:
- cardAt:
- cardIndex:
- insertCard:at:
- insertCopyOfPile:at:
- insertPile:at:
- removeCard:

Manipulating the deck	- addDeck
- cardCount
- empty
- flip
- freeCards
- shuffle

Archiving	- read: 
- write:

Class Methods

+ initialize

Initializes the class object.  Seeds the random number generator.  Returns self.

See also:  + initialize (Object)

Instance Methods

- addCard:aCard

Adds Card aCard to the top of the pile.  The Card object is not copied; only its id is stored in the pile.  Returns self.

See also:  ± insertCard:at:

- addDeck

Adds a deck of 52 cards to the top of the pile, neatly ordered.  Returns self.

See also:  ± shuffle

- addPile:aCardPile

Adds the cards in the CardPile aCardPile to the top of the receiving pile.  The Card objects are not copied; only their ids are stored in the pile.  Returns self.

See also:  ± insertPile:at:

- cardAt:(int)aPosition

Returns the Card object which is located at aPosition in the CardPile.  Returns nil if there is no Card at the specified index.  The constants CS_TOP and CS_BOTTOM can be used to specify the top and bottom of the pile, respectively.

See also:  ± cardIndex:

- (int)cardCount

Returns the number of Card objects in the pile.

- (int)cardIndex:aCard

Returns the index of aCard in the CardPile.  Returns NX_NOT_IN_LIST if the card isn't in the pile.

See also:  ± cardAt:

- addCopyOfPile:aPile

Allocates copies of the cards in the CardPile aPile and adds them to the top of the receiving pile.  The cards in the original pile are not modified.  Returns self.

See also:  ± insertCopyOfPile:at:

- empty

Empties the card list describing the pile.  The Card objects are not freed.  Returns self.

See also:  ± freeCards

- flip

Turns the pile over, reversing the order of the cards and the orientation of each card.  Returns self.

- free

Deallocates all the cards in the receiving pile, and the CardPile itself.  Returns nil.

See also:  ± init

- freeCards

Empties the pile and frees all the Card objects in the pile.  Returns self.

See also:  ± empty

- init

Initializes a CardPile by calling return [self initForCardSize:CS_SMALL].

See also:  ± free

- initForCardSize:(CardSize)aSize

Initializes a CardPile to hold cards of the indicated size.  The pile will contain 0 cards.  Returns self.

Constant	Description
CS_SMALL	Small cards
CS_LARGE	Big cards

See also:  ± free

- insertCard:aCard at:(int)aPosition

Adds aCard to the pile at the position specified by aPosition.  The constants CS_TOP and CS_BOTTOM can be used to specify the top and bottom of the pile, respectively.  If you specify a value for aPosition which is greater than the number of cards in the pile, the card will not be inserted.  The Card object is not copied; only its id is stored in the pile.  Returns self.

See also: ± addCard:

- insertCopyOfPile:aCardPile at:(int)aPosition

Allocates copies of the cards in aCardPile and adds them to the receiving pile at the position specified by aPosition.  The constants CS_TOP and CS_BOTTOM can be used to specify the top and bottom of the pile, respectively.  The cards in aCardPile are not modified.

See also: ± addCard:

- insertPile:aCardPile at:(int)aPosition

Inserts the cards in the CardPile aCardPile into the receiving pile at the position aPosition.  The constants CS_TOP and CS_BOTTOM can be used to specify the top and bottom of the pile, respectively.  The Card objects are not copied; only their ids are stored in the pile.  Returns self.

See also:  ± initSuit:value:, ± initSuit:value:faceUp:

- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Reads and returns an object of class CardPile from stream.  

- removeCard:aCard

Removes the card aCard from the pile.  The Card object is not deallocated.  Note that this is the only way to remove a card from the pile.  Returns nil if the aCard wasn't in the CardPile, otherwise returns aCard.

- (CardSize)returnSize

Returns the current card size for this CardPile.

See also:  ± addDeck

- setCardSize:(CardSize)aSize

Set the size of cards the pile can hold.  If there are cards in the pile, they are set to aSize.  Returns self.

Constant	Description
CS_SMALL	Small cards
CS_LARGE	Big cards

See also:  ± initForCardSize:, - returnSize

- shuffle

Randomly re-orders all Card objects contained in the pile.  Returns self.

See also:  ± addDeck

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Writes the receiver to stream.  Returns self.

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