
This is TrafficLightView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import "CardView.h"
#import	<appkit/graphics.h>

// This is a base class for the Roll 
//	and Stop traffic light cards.

												// There are three balls to be drawn in the stop/roll
												//	cards.  These data structures specify the information
												//	needed to locate and draw those balls.  
												// Rather than using nice structures to show the structure's
												//	contents, I have to use arrays of floats.  This is
												//	because I pass the arrays to pswrapped code.
												// Arrays are: [0]=center_x, [1]=center_y, [2]=radius.
	extern float	redLight[], greenLight[], ulBall[], lrBall[];
@interface TrafficLightView:CardView

												// These instance variables are used by the drawSelf:: method
												//	implemented in this class but must be initialized by the
												//	sub classes.

												// These two variables declare what color the red and
												//	grean lamps of the traffic light will be drawn with.
	float	redLightColor, greenLightColor;
												// This variable holds the color that the smaller balls
												//	and label text will be drawn with.
	float	ballAndLabelColor;
												// This is the card label (e.g. "Stop" or "Roll").
	char	*label;

												// The traffic light view is a base class, of sorts.
												//	It locates and initializes the bottom face bitmap
												//	for the traffic light.
- init;

- drawSelf:( const NXRect * )rects :( int )rectCount;


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