
This is StackView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import "CardHolder.h"
#import	"CardView.h"

// This class is used for card holders that stack cards.  This
//	includes the draw pile, discard pile, the speed and battle piles, and
//	the distance piles contained in the distance card stacks object. 

@interface StackView:CardHolder

												// Normally subviews are stacked on top of each other.
												//	If this flag is set then each subview shows a small amount
												//	of overlap area.
	BOOL	overlapModeFlag;

+ newFrame:( const NXRect * )frameRect;
												// Normally, NO.  In that case card subviews are shown directly on top
												//	of each other (i.e. the lower views are obscured).  YES, allows a
												//	small amount of overlap area to show.  Cards that overlap are
												//	shown on top of the bottom card some small number of units lower
												//	in the window.  The default is NO.
- setOverlap:( BOOL )flag;
												// This method adds a card to the top of the stack.  
- addCard:( CardView * )aCard :sender;
												// This method removes a card from the stack.  If it is the top most
												//	card its subview (usually the next card in the stack) is displayed.
- removeCard:( CardView * )aCard :sender;	
												// This method returns the card on the top of the stack.  It returns nil
												//	if there isn't any cards in the stack.  (The card is not removed
												//	from the stack.)
- ( CardView * )topCard;
												// A private method.  When a card is added or deleted from the stack
												//	the stack is reordered.  If the stack is in overlap mode when a
												//	card is added then the location of the card is adjusted to show
												//	some overlapping area of the cards beneath it.
												// One cute thing about this method, although we'll not be using it, is 
												//	that a card removed from the center of the stack causes the stack
												//	to be reordered.
- _adjustCards;
												// Overrides the superclass methods.  They remove a card(s) from the subview
												//	list and send them to some other object.
- sendCard:( CardView * )aCard to:anObject;
- sendAllCardsTo:anObject;
												// A card is visible if the stack isn't an overlapping stack
												//	and the view isn't the last view.
- ( BOOL )subviewVisible:aView;


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