
This is SafetyStacksView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import "SafetyStacksView.h"
#import	"GameCoordinator.h"
#import	"SafetyView.h"
#import	<assert.h>

@implementation SafetyStacksView

+ newFrame:( const NXRect * )frameRect

	self = [ super newFrame:frameRect ];
	safetyList		= [ List new ];
	coupFoureeList	= [ List new ];
	safetyOffset		= ( NX_WIDTH( &bounds ) / NUMBER_OF_SAFETY_CARDS_IN_DECK );
	coupFoureeOffset	= (( NX_HEIGHT( &bounds ) - CARD_HEIGHT ) / NUMBER_OF_SAFETY_CARDS_IN_DECK );
	return self;

- free

	[ safetyList free ];
	[ coupFoureeList free ];
	return [ super free ];

- addCard:( CardView * )aCard :sender

	NXRect	cardBounds;

	[ aCard getBounds:&cardBounds ];
	if([ sender isCoupFouree:aCard ]) {
		[( SafetyView * )aCard setRotatedFlag:YES ];
		[ aCard moveTo:3 : 3 + ([ coupFoureeList count ] * coupFoureeOffset )];
		[ coupFoureeList addObject:aCard ];
	} else {
		[ aCard moveTo:3 + ([ safetyList count ] * safetyOffset ) : ( NX_HEIGHT( &bounds ) - NX_HEIGHT( &cardBounds ) - 3 )];
		[ safetyList addObject:[ aCard getBounds:&cardBounds ]];
	[ self addSubview:[ aCard setEventsEnabled:reactiveCardsFlag ]];
	return [ self update ];

- removeCard:( CardView * )aCard :sender

	assert([ aCard isDescendantOf:self ]);
	[( SafetyView * )aCard setRotatedFlag:NO ];
	[ aCard removeFromSuperview ];
	if([ safetyList indexOf:aCard ] != NX_NOT_IN_LIST ) {
		[ safetyList removeObject:aCard ];
	} else
		if([ coupFoureeList indexOf:aCard ] != NX_NOT_IN_LIST ) {
			[ coupFoureeList removeObject:aCard ];
		} else {
			assert( 0 /* card not in safety tile view */ );

	return [ self update ];

- sendCard:( CardView * )aCard to:anObject

	assert([ aCard isDescendantOf:self ]);
	[ self removeCard:aCard		:self ];
	[ anObject addCard:aCard	:self ];
	return self;

- sendAllCardsTo:anObject

	while([ subviews count ])
		[ self sendCard:[ subviews lastObject ] to:anObject ];

	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.