
This is SafetyStacksView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import "CardHolder.h"
#import	"CardView.h"
#import	<appkit/graphics.h>
#import	<objc/List.h>

// This object holds the safety cards for each player.  It shows
//	wheather the cards are played as safeties or coup fouree.  Safeties are 
//	displayed vertically a is the other cards but for coup fourees the 
//	safeties are rotated.

@interface SafetyStacksView:CardHolder

												// These lists hold the card views that are either safeties
												//	or coup fouree.  These are seperated on these lists to ease
												//	their management by this object.
												// Note that cards placed on the coup fouree list are
												//	resized and their views rotated.
	List	*safetyList,
												//	These values hold the amount of offset within the view that 
												//	each card is given as it is added to the view.
	NXCoord	safetyOffset,

												// This method exists so that the safety card offsets can
												//	be calculated.
+ newFrame:( const NXRect * )frameRect;
- free;
												// These methods add safty cards to a safty view.
												// Safties--normal safties--are displayed right side up with
												//	overlap for multiple safties.
												// Coup Fouree are displayed horizontally with overlap for
												//	multiple cards.
												// The sender variable is used by this object.  Here, when a 
												//	card is added to the safety view, the sender is queried
												//	to determine if the card is coup fouree.
												// A bit of warning:
												//	When cards are added or removed
- addCard:( CardView * )aCard :sender;
- removeCard:( CardView * )aCard :sender;	
												// Overrides the superclass methods.  They remove a card(s) from the subview
												//	list and send them to some other object.
- sendCard:( CardView * )aCard to:anObject;
- sendAllCardsTo:anObject;


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