
This is Player.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import	<appkit/Matrix.h>
#import	<appkit/Text.h>
#import	<objc/List.h>
#import	"CardsTracker.h"
#import	"CardView.h"
#import	"DistanceCardStackView.h"
#import	"DrawPileStackView.h"
#import	"HandTileView.h"
#import	"SafetyStacksView.h"
#import	"StackView.h"

// There are two player objects in the game.  
//	The player object and the game is designed for no more than two players.
// There two key areas of interest of this object, they are the 
//	the card:movedFrom:to: and playMove methods.
// The card:movedFrom:to: method comes from the drag coordinator.  It is sent
//	by the drag coordinator whenever a card is dragged from one pile to another.
//	The card:movedFrom:to: method does some logic parsing and breaks the move down.
//	It then calls another method, playCard:fromHandPile:toBattlePile: for example,
//	to perform futher parsing and complete the move if appropriate.
// The playMove method is sent to a Player object to compute and play a move.  This
//	is the method sent to your opponent in response to your move.

@interface Player:Object

												// All of the objects listed below are set by the .nib
												//	dearchiving method.
    SafetyStacksView		*safetyPile;
    Matrix					*otherScoreMatrix,
    HandTileView			*handPile;
    StackView				*battlePile,
	DrawPileStackView		*drawPile;
    DistanceCardStackView	*distancePile;
    Text					*messagesText;
    id 						opponent;
    id						gameCoordinator;
    CardsTracker			*cardsTracker;
    											// These lists hold pointers to cards.  Therefore when the 
												//	lists are erased the objects aren't freed, simply the
												//	pointers to the objects are removed.
    											// The safety and coup fouree lists hold the cards that are
												//	shown in the safety view.
    List					*safetyList,
												// These variables hold the last known
												//	cards at the top of the speed and battle
												//	piles.  They are used for coup fouree detection.
												//	If we want to play a safety card that is
												//	a remedy for a hazard and the hazard wasn't
												//	then on the last play, then it is a
												//	coup fouree.
	CardView				*lastBattleCard,
												// These are flags used by the player.  When the player
												//	moves a card, and the move is accespted, the cardWasPlayedFlag
												//	is set true. 
												// If a saftey card was played the safetyWasPlayedFlag flag is set
												//	true.
	BOOL					cardWasPlayedFlag,

- free;
												// These methods set the outlets for instances of this
												//	class.
- setSafetyPile:( SafetyStacksView * )anObject;
- setHand:( HandTileView * )anObject;
- setBattlePile:( StackView * )anObject;
- setSpeedPile:( StackView * )anObject;
- setDistancePile:( DistanceCardStackView * )anObject;

												// These methods are usually called by the oppoent but sometimes
												//	by the player.  returns nil ( or an empty list) if no cards
												//	are in the pile.
- ( CardView * )battleCard;
- ( CardView * )speedCard;
- ( List * )safetyCards;
												// This method is called by the player's safety view to determine
												//	if the card just added is a coup fouree.
- ( BOOL )isCoupFouree:( CardView * )aCard;
												// These methods return various outlets of this object.
												//	These methods are usually called by the game coordinator.
- ( SafetyStacksView * )safetyPile;
- ( Matrix * )otherScoreMatrix;
- ( Matrix * )mainScoreMatrix;
- ( HandTileView * )handPile;
- ( StackView * )battlePile;
- ( DrawPileStackView * )drawPile;
- ( StackView * )speedPile;
- ( StackView * )discardPile;
- ( DistanceCardStackView * )distancePile;
- opponent;
												// These methods are usually called by the game coordinator
												//	during the course of the game.
												// Prepare for a new hand or game.  
- newHand;
- newGame;
												// Draw a card and place it in hand.
- drawCard;
												// This message comes from the drag coordinator and is only
												//	sent to the "you" player.  That player must decide if the
												//	move is valid.  If valid it must disconnect then connect
												//	the card to the proper views.
- card:( CardView * )aCard movedFrom:( CardHolder * )oldHolder to:( CardHolder * )newHolder;
- playCard:( CardView * )aCard fromDrawPile:( CardHolder * )oldHolder	toHandPile:( CardHolder * )newHolder;
- playCard:( CardView * )aCard fromHandPile:( CardHolder * )oldHolder	toDiscardPile:( CardHolder * )newHolder;
- playCard:( CardView * )aCard fromHandPile:( CardHolder * )oldHolder	toSpeedPile:( CardHolder * )newHolder;
- playCard:( CardView * )aCard fromHandPile:( CardHolder * )oldHolder	toBattlePile:( CardHolder * )newHolder;
- playCard:( CardView * )aCard fromHandPile:( CardHolder * )oldHolder	toSafetyPile:( CardHolder * )newHolder;
- playCard:( CardView * )aCard fromHandPile:( CardHolder * )oldHolder	toDistancePile:( CardHolder * )newHolder;
- playCard:( CardView * )aCard fromHandPile:( CardHolder * )oldHolder	toOpponentBattlePile:( CardHolder * )newHolder;
- playCard:( CardView * )aCard fromHandPile:( CardHolder * )oldHolder	toOpponentSpeedPile:( CardHolder * )newHolder;

												// Check to see of a distance card can be played.
- ( BOOL )canPlayDistanceCard:( CardView * )aCard;
												// Does the player have the safety card?
- ( BOOL )hasSafety:( int )aCard;
												// These methods are used to determine if the same
												//	player can play a distance card.  The methods also
												//	account for the player having the right-of-way
												//	safety card.
- ( BOOL )battlePileAllowsMove;
- ( BOOL )speedPileAllowsMove;
- ( BOOL )speedPileAllowsMove:( CardView * )aCard;
												// Check to sum to see if it will end the hand or the game.
- ( BOOL )sumWillEndHand:( int )aSum;
- ( BOOL )sumWillExceedHand:( int )aSum ;
- ( BOOL )sumWillEndGame:( int )aSum;
												// Returns wheather the player has drawn a card from the
												//	draw pile.  If he hasn't and the draw pile is empty then
												//	the draw is considered to have ocurred.
- ( BOOL )cardDrawn;

												// Completes the card move the player selected and
												//	any maintenence required.
- completeMove:( CardView * )aCard from:( CardHolder * )oldHolder to:( CardHolder * )newHolder;
												// These methods are used to sum the player's hand
												//	and overall score respectivly.
- sumHand;
- sumOverall;
												// Message to the opponent to calculate and play his
												//	next move.
												// If you want to add intelligence to the computer
												//	algorithm then this is the method to examine.
- playMove;
												// Can the player play a hand?
												// This is the player looking at himself.
- ( BOOL )canPlay;
												// This is the opponent looking.  It's a
												//	guess.
- ( BOOL )couldPlay;						
												// Causes the player to play all of the
												//	safeties in its hand.  This is done at or 
												//	near the end of the game.
- finishThoseSafeties;
												// Look at the card tracker and hand
												//	to determine the number of this type of card
												//	played.
- ( int )numCardTypeObserved:( int )aCardType;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.