
This is GameCoordinator.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import	<appkit/Text.h>
#import	<appkit/Window.h>
#import	"CardsTracker.h"
#import	"CardHolder.h"
#import	"CardView.h"
#import	"DragCoordinator.h"
#import	"DrawPileStackView.h"
#import	"Player.h"
#import	"StackView.h"

// Theere is only one game coordinator object.  There is only one game.
//	The game coordinator coordinates the activities between the user and the 
//	players.  This includes new hands, games, and the prompting of the user
//	for information or decisions.

												// This data type is used to dictate a card class and the
												//	number of instances of that class required for the
												//	deck of cards.
												// cardType is a tag value assigned to each card as it is
												//	created.  It identifies the card type.
	typedef struct _cardDeckCell {	STR		cardClassName;
									int		numCards;
									int		cardType;
	} cardDeckCell;
	extern	cardDeckCell	cardDeck[];
												// This is the game coordinator.
												//	There is only one instance of this class.
@interface GameCoordinator:Object

												// All of the objects listed below are set by the .nib
												//	dearchiving method.
	DrawPileStackView		*drawPile;
    StackView				*discardPile;
    Text					*messagesText;
    Window					*gameWindow,
	Player					*player,
	CardsTracker			*cardsTracker;
												// This	object is stored only so that it can be passed to
												//	each card instance;  Otherwise, it isn't used by this
												//	object.		
	DragCoordinator			*dragCoordinator;
												// This is the distance goal for the current hand.
	int						handLimit;
												// This flag indicates the computer is playing itself.
												//	It is a menu selection.
	BOOL					computerVsComputerFlag;
												// This variable holds the last player to
												//	shuffle the deck.  The player to the
												//	dealers left goes first.  So, how does this work?
												// The first shuffler is the player.  Then
												//	we alternate between players.  
	Player					*lastShuffler;

												// These methods set the outlets for instances of this
												//	class.
- setMessagesText:( Text * )anObject;
- setDrawPile:( DrawPileStackView * ) anObject;
- setDiscardPile:( StackView * ) anObject;

												// Return the windows.
- ( Window * )gameWindow;
- ( Window * )scoreWindow;
- ( Window * )cardsPlayedWindow;
												// The instance of this class is a delegate of the
												//	application object.  This method is used to notify
												//	the coordinator to get things rolling.
- appDidInit:sender;
												// Action message sent by a menu selection.
												//	Chooses computer vs computer.  Displays
												//	a alert panel the sends the play
												//	method to both players until the
												//	alert is canceled.
- computerVsComputer:sender;

												// These methods are the game itself.
												// Begin a new game.  Start a new hand.
												//   If either player's score is over the game
												//	limit then prompt to play another game.
- newGame;										
												// Begin a new hand.  Total each player's score.
												//	Send all cards back to the draw pile, turn 
												//	them face down, and shuffle the deck.  Deal a new
												//	hand.
- newHand;
												// Shuffle the cards in the draw pile.
- shuffleDeck;
												// The hand limit is extended either by operator
												//	selection or the computer.
												// Many objects want to know the distance goal.
- setHandLimit:( int )aLimit;
- ( int )handLimit;
												// Message comes from player Player object.
												//	It requesting the player for a
												//	game extension.
												// returns TRUE if extension is granted.
- ( BOOL )willPlayerExtend;
												// This method comes from one of the plater
												//	objects when it detects the hand is over.
												// This method will either initiate a new hand
												//	or a new game.
- handOver;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.