
This is DragCoordinator.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import	<appkit/graphics.h>
#import	<appkit/Window.h>

// There is only one DragCoordinator object.
//	This object is used to coordinate the dragging of cards from active stack
//	views and the Player objects.

@interface DragCoordinator:Object

												// These instance variable are set while the .nib file is
												//	bring dearchived.
												// This object is informed when a card is released inside
												//	a tracking view.  
    id			target;
    											// Whis is the window in which tracking views is searched
												//	while a card is being dragged.
    Window		*gameWindow;
   												// This instance variable holds which tracking view was last
												//	highlighted when the card is being dragged.
    id			currentTrackView;

- setTarget:anObject;

												// These methods are send by cards as they are being dragged
												//	across the screen.
												// cardDragged:
												//	As cards are dragged across the screen this method 
												//	attempts to determine if the card is over a tracking view.
												//	If its is over the view then the view is highlighted.  If
												//	the card moves outside a highlighted view then the view's
												//	highlighting is removed.
												// cardReleased:at:
												//	This method first unhighlightes any tracking view.  Then, 
												//	if the card is released over a tracking view then the card 
												//	is removed from the sending view and connected to the
												//	tracking view.  The taregt is then notified of 
												//	this movement.  If the card isn't released over a tracking
												//	view then the console beep is sounded.
- cardDragged:( const NXPoint * )dragPoint;
- cardReleased:aCard at:( const NXPoint * )releasePoint;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.