
This is CardsTracker.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import	<appkit/Matrix.h>
#import	<appkit/Window.h>
#import	"CardView.h"

// This object provides two facilities.
// First it tracks the number of cards of all the
//	types that have been played (seen by both
//	parties).  This information is used to make
//	intelligent decisions.
// Second, in xmille and Berkely mille the
//	previous information was only known to the
//	computer.  Now it is displayed in a window so that
//	the player has the same information.

@interface CardsTracker:Object

												// All of the objects listed below are set by the .nib
												//	dearchiving method.
    Matrix	*cardsPlayedMatrix;
    Window	*cardsPlayedWindow;

												// This method is used by the Player objects
												//	to inform that the passed card has been played.
- cardPlayed:( CardView * )aCard;
												// These methods return information about the game.
												//	The number of cards for the type that have 
												//	been played, the number of cards for the
												//	type in the deck, and wheather all of the cards
												//	for the given type have been played.
- ( int )numPlayed:( int )aCardTag;
- ( int )numInDeck:( int )aCardTag;
- ( BOOL )allPlayed:( int )aCardTag;
- ( BOOL )allSafetiesPlayed;
- ( int )numSafetiesPlayed;
												// Method indicates that a new hand has been
												//	delt and no cards have been played.
- newHand;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.