
This is BetView.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]


Inherits From:	View : Responder : Object

Conforms To:	NXDraggingSource (Informal)

Declared In:	BetView.h

Class Description

Instances of this class provide a visual representation of chips on the table.  Users can simply mouse-down on a BetView to place bets.  However, the decision on when this is allowed and what happens as a result are left to the BetView's delegate.

BetViews are sort of a cross between a View and Matrix, where the cells of the Matrix are ChipPiles (see the documentation on the ChipPile class for more information).  BetViews arrange their chips in a four column by one row matrix.  You can change the number of rows and columns, and you can change the position of each chip individually.  Currently, BetViews only allow a matrix of 4 by 4.  Perhaps future versions of BetView will allow larger matrices, if necessary.

Each chip position can have its own payout set, which makes paying off bets very simple.  Use the setPayoff methods and the payBet methods to set and pay bets, respectively.

There are a zillion ways to modify the bets within a BetView.  I have tried to anticipate any action you may want to perform on a BetView.   There are methods to copy all bets from one BetView to another BetView, to swap bets, multipy bets, increment bets, clear bets, collect bets, etc.  It should be sufficient.

When a user mouses down in a BetView, it sends its delegate the player:willBet:onView: message.  It is then the delegate's responsibility to interpret the user's action and to make place the bet with the BetView.

You can give a BetView an identity either by setting its tag, or its viewType or both.

NEXTVegas modules should definately use BetView's whenever they need to display and have the user interact with bets.  I would like to keep a constant interface across all NVModules.  If the current incarnation of the BetView class does not do everything that you need, please let me know so we can modify it together.  Any modules that use the BetView class now will automatically be enhanced with the next version of NEXTVegas.

Instance Variables

id		delegate
id		tableWindow
id		displayFont
int		tag
int		viewType
int		numPositions
struct NVChips	chipMatrix[MAX_POSITIONS]
BOOL	isEnabled
BOOL	doSound
id		chipSound
BOOL	trackingRectWasSet
id		draggingPBoard

delegate 	The object's delegate.

tableWindow	The window that will display the BetView.

displayFont	The font used inside each chip.

tag 	The BetView's tag.

viewType	User defined type.

numCols	Number of columns displayed in the view.

numRows	Number of rows displayed in the view.

chipMatrix	Matrix of NVChip structures, which hold chip positions, color, and amounts, etc.

isEnabled	If YES, BetView responds to mouseDown and drag and drop messages.

doSound	If YES, BetView plays chipSound when it receives mouseDown messages.

chipSound	The SoundEffect object played by BetView.

trackingRectWasSet	If YES, BetView will remove its tracking rectangle when it is freed.

draggingPBoard	The Pasteboard object that the BetView uses when dragging ChipPiles.

Adopted Protocols

NXDraggingSource (Informal)	- draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:
- draggedImage:beganAt:
- draggedImage:endedAt:deposited:
- ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging:

NXDraggingDestination	- prepareForDragOperation:
- draggingEntered:
- performDragOperation:

Method Types

Initializing the class	+ initialize

Creating and freeing	± free
± initFrame:
Managing related objects	± delegate
± setDelegate:
± chipPileAtRow:col:

Getting info from the BetView	+ BetViewPBoardType
	+ dragTypes
	± amountAtRow:col:
	± getChipPosition::atRow:col:
	± getPayoff:atRow:col
	± numRows
	± numCols
	± isEnabled: 
	± isSoundEnabled: 
	± tag
	± viewType

Displaying the BetView	± setChipPosition::atRow:col:
	± setChipColumn:atCol:
	± setChipRow:atRow:
	± setNumCols:
	± setNumRows:
	± positionChips
	± positionColumns
	± positionRows

Placing Bets	± bet:atRow:col:
	± removeBet:atRow:col:
	± switchOnOffAtRow:col:

Paying Off Bets	± clearBets
	± clearBetAtRow:col:
	± clearBetsAtRow:
	± clearBetsAtColumn:
	± collectBets
	± collectBetAtRow:col:
	± payBets
	± payBetAtRow:col:
	± setPayoff:cost:
	± setPayoff:cost:atRow:col:

Modifying Bets Within BetView	± addBetsFrom:
	± copyBetsFrom:
	± getBetsFrom:
	± incrementBetsBy:
	± incrementBetAtRow:col:by:
	± incrementBetsAtRow:by:
	± incrementBetsAtCol:by:
	± multiplyBetsBy:
	± multiplyBetAtRow:col:by:
	± multiplyBetsAtRow:by:
	± multiplyBetsAtCol:by:
	± setOff:atRow:col:
	± sumColumnsToRow:
	± tradeBetsWith:

Responder methods	± mouseDown:
	± mouseEntered:
	± mouseExited:	

Utility methods	± getRow:andCol:underPoint:
	± offsetRow:by:
	± setEnabled:
	± setSoundEnabled:
	± setTag:
	± setViewType:
	± setTrackingRectForWindow:
	± discardTrackingRect

Class Methods

+ initialize

Initializes the class object.  Returns self.

See also:  + initialize (Object)

+ (NXAtom *)BetViewPBoardType

Returns the name of the PasteBoard object used by BetView.

+ (const char *const*)dragTypes

Returns a pointer to the drag types that BetView's pasteboard allows.

Instance Methods

- addBetsFrom:otherView

Removes the bets from otherView and adds them to the receiving BetView.  Re-displays itself and returns self.


- (int)amountAtRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Returns the integer amount bet at row r and column c.


- bet:(int)units atRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Adds units to the bet at row r and column c.  Re-displays itself, plays a chip sound if sound is enabled, and returns self.

See also:  - removeBet:atRow:col:

- chipPileAtRow:(int)row col:(int)col

Returns the id of the instance of ChipPile at row row and column col.

- clearBets

Removes the bets at each position, unless the bet has been turned "off".  Re-displays the view.  Returns self.

See also:  - clearBetsAtRow:col:


- clearBetAtRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Removes the bet at row r and column c, unless the bet has been turned "off".  Does not re-display itself.  Returns self.

See also:  - clearBets


- clearBetsAtColumn:(int)c

Removes the bets at column c, unless they have been turned "off".  Re-displays itself and returns self.

See also:  - clearBetsAtRow:


- clearBetsAtRow:(int)r

Removes the bets at row r, unless they have been turned "off".  Re-displays itself and returns self.

See also:  - clearBetsAtColumn:

- copyBetsFrom:otherView

Replaces the receiving BetView's bets with those from otherView.   Does not remove otherView's bets.  Does not redisplay the view.  Returns self.

See also:  


- (int)collectBets

Removes all bets within the BetView, and returns their total amount.  Re-displays itself.

See also:  - collectBetAtRow:col:


- (int)collectBetAtRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Removes the amount bet at row r and column c, and returns that amount.  Re-displays itself.

See also:  -collectBets

- delegate

Returns the object's delegate, or nil if it has none.

See also:  ± setDelegate:

- discardTrackingRect

Removes the trackingRect set for this view if it was previously set with setTrackingRectForWindow:

See also:  ± setTrackingRectForWindow:

- drawSelf:(NXRect *)theRect :(int)rectCount

Draws a visual representation of our BetView.  Use the display message, rather than calling this method directly. 

See also:  ± display (View)

- free

Frees all memory used by the BetView (including all NXImages), and frees the BetView itself.  Returns nil.

See also:  ± initFrame:

- getBetsFrom:otherView

Replaces the receivers bets with those from otherView, and then clears otherView's bets.  Returns self.  


- getChipPosition:(float *)x :(float *)y atRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Returns by reference the x and y values of the NXPoint used to display the chip at row r and column c.  Returns self.

See also:  - setChipPosition::atRow:col:


- getPayoff:(int *)payoff cost:(int *)cost atRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Returns by reference the cost and payoff used with the payBets method.  Returns self.

See also:  - setPayoff:atRow:col:,  - payBetAtRow:col:


- getRow:(int *)r andCol:(int *)c underPoint:(NXPoint *)mousePoint

Returns by reference the row r and column c of the chip under the point mousePoint.  Returns self.

See also:  - myReference


- incrementBetsBy:(int)amount

Adds amount to all the bets in the BetView.  Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - incrementBetAtRow:col:by:


- incrementBetAtRow:(int)r col:(int)c by:(int)amount

Adds amount to the bet at row r and column c.  Re-displays itself and returns self.

See also:  - incrementBetsBy:


- incrementBetsAtCol:(int)c by:(int)amount

Adds amount to all the bets in column c. Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - incrementBetsAtRow:by:


- incrementBetsAtRow:(int)r by:(int)amount

Adds amount to all the bets in row r. Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - incrementBetsAtColumn:by:


- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect

Initializes a newly allocated BetView instance. Returns self.

See also:  - incrementBetAtRow:col:by:

- (BOOL)isEnabled

Returns YES if the BetView responds to mouseDown: and mouseEntered: events, NO if not.

- (BOOL)isSoundEnabled

Returns YES if the BetView plays sounds when bets are made or removed, NO if not.

See also:  

- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent

Finds out what kinds of control keys were pressed durring the event theEvent, and sends its delegate the message aPlayer:willBet:onView:, or initiates a dragging session.  You should never call this method directly.  Returns self.

- mouseEntered:(NXEvent *)theEvent

Sends its delegate the mouseEnteredView: message.  You should never call this method directly.  Returns self.

- mouseExited:(NXEvent *)theEvent

Sends its delegate the mouseExistedView: message.  You should never call this method directly.  Returns self.


- multiplyBetsBy:(float)amount

Multiplies amount to all the bets in the BetView  Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - multiplyBetsAtRow:col:by:


- multiplyBetAtRow:(int)r col:(int)c by:(float)amount

Multiplies amount to the bet at row r and column c.  Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - multiplyBetsBy:


- multiplyBetsAtCol:(int)c by:(float)amount

Multiplies amount to the bet at column c.  Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - multiplyBetsAtRow:by:


- multiplyBetsAtRow:(int)r by:(float)amount

Multiplies amount to the bet at row r.  Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - multiplyBetsAtCol:by:


- (int)numCols

Returns the number of columns in the BetView.

See also:  - numRows


- (int)numRows

Returns the number rows currently in the BetView.

See also:  - numCols


- payBets

Pays all the bets in the Betview.  Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - payBetAtRow:col:


- payBetAtRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Increments the bet at row r and col c by the payoff and cost set with the setPayoff:cost... methods.  Bets that are "off" are uneffected.  Returns self

If the amount of the bet is 10, and the  payoff is 1 and cost is 1 (ie 1 for every 1 bet), then the new amount will be 20 (10*1/1+10).  If the amount is 10, and the payoff is 2 and cost is 1 (ie 2 for every 1 bet), then the new amount will be 30.  If the amount is 10, payoff 3 and cost 2 (ie 3 for every 2 bet), then the new amount will be 25.  You get the idea...

See also:  - setPayoff:cost:,  - setPayoff:cost:atRow:col:

- positionChips

Distributes the chips evenly across the view.   The number of positions used is set through setNumRows: and setNumCols: methods.  Will overwrite any positions set with setChipPositionAtRow:col:.  Does not redisplay itself. Returns self. 

See also:  - setNumRows:,  - setNumCols:


- positionColumns

Re-distributes the columns in the Betview evenly accross it, but leaves the row positions intact.  Does not redisplay itself.  Returns self.

See also:  - positionRows


- positionRows

Re-distributes the rows in the Betview evenly accross it, but leaves the column positions intact.  Does not redisplay itself.  Returns self.

See also:  - positionColumns


- removeBet:(int)units atRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Removes units from the amount bet at row r and column c.  If sound is enabled, will play a sound.  Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - bet:atRow:col:


- setChipColumn:(float)x atCol:(int)col

Sets the x coordinates of the column col.  Leaves the y coordinates intact.  Does not redisplay itself.  Returns self.

See also:  - setChipRow:atRow:


- setChipPosition:(float)x :(float)y atRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Sets the x and y coordinates of the chip at row r and column c.  Returns self.

See also:  - getChipPosition::atRow:col:


- setChipRow:(float)y atRow:(int)row

Sets the y coordinate of the chips at row row to y.  Leaves the x coordinate intact.  Returns self.

See also:  - setChipColumn:atCol:


- setNumCols:(int)cols

Sets the number of columns used in the BetView.  By default, the BetView will display BV_MAXCOLS columns.  Won't allow more than BV_MAXCOLS.  Returns self.

See also:  - setNumRows:


- setNumRows:(int)rows

Sets the number of rows used in the BetView.  By default, the BetView will display 1 row.  Won't allow more than BV_MAXROWS.  Returns self.

See also:  - setNumCols:


- setOff:(BOOL)flag atRow:(int)r col:(int)c

If flag is YES, turns the bet at row r and column c to "off", otherwise it turns it "on".  Bets that are off won't be cleared with the clearBets* methods, and won't be incremented with the payBets* methods.  Redisplays itself and returns self.


- setPayoff:(int)payoff cost:(int)cost

Sets the payoff and cost for all rows and columns in the BetView  Returns self.

See also:  - getPayoff:cost:atRow:col:


- setPayoff:(int)payoff cost:(int)cost atRow:(int)r col:(int)c

Sets the payoff and cost for the bet at row r and column c.  Returns self.

See also:  - getPayoff:cost:atRow:col:

- setDelegate:anObject

Sets the delegate for the BetView.  Returns self.

See also: Delegate methods below.

- setEnabled:(BOOL)flag

Set whether the BetView responds to any mouse events.  Returns self.

See also: ± isEnabled


- setSoundEnabled:(BOOL)flag

Returns YES if sound is enabled, and NO if not.

See also:  - isSoundEnabled

- setTag:(int)theTag

Sets the view's tag.  Returns self.

See also: ± tag

- setTrackingRectForWindow:aWindow

Instructs the receiving view to set its tracking rectangle with the window aWindow.  Returns self.

See also: ± discardTrackingRect

- setViewType:(int)aType

Sets the viewType instance variable to aType.  aType can be any int you want it to be -- only your module will use it. Use this to create groups of BetViews.  For example, Blackjack has insurance views and regular views.  Returns self.

See also: ± viewType


- sumColumnsToRow:(int)r

Totals all the bets in each column, and places those totals in row r.  All bets except those in row r will be cleared.  Redisplays itself and returns self.

See also:  - myReference


- switchBetOnOffAtRow:(int)r col:(int)c

If the bet at row r and column c is off, this method will turn it on.  If the bet is on, this method will turn it off.  If sound is enabled, will play a sound.  Redisplays itself.  Returns self.

See also:  - myReference

- (int)tag

Returns the BetView's tag.

See also: ± setTag:

- tradeBetsWith:otherView

Receiver swaps its bets with those in otherView.  Returns self.

See also: 

- viewType

Returns the instance variable viewType, which was previously set with setViewType.

See also: ± setViewType:

Methods For Drag And Drop 


- concludeDragOperation:sender

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- draggedImage:(NXImage *) beganAt:(NXPoint *)screenPoint

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- draggedImage:(NXImage *) endedAt:(NXPoint *)screenPoint deposited:(BOOL)flag

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (NXDragOperation)draggingEntered:sender

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (NXDragOperation)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)flag

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (BOOL)ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (BOOL)performDragOperation:sender

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:sender

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference

Methods Implemented By The Delegate

- mouseEnteredView:sender

Sent by the BetView sender when ever the mouse enters its bounds.  The Craps module uses this method to display a set of rules for a given bet on the table.

- mouseExitedView:sender

Sent by the BetView sender when ever the mouse leaves its bounds.

- player:aPlayer willBet:(int)betType onView:aBetView

Sent by aBetView when a player mouses down on it.  aPlayer is the current player (which is not necessarily the player that is making the bet).  betType is one of the following constants:

Constant	Description
NV_BET	When the player simply mouses down on the view
NV_REMOVEBET	When the player mouses down while pressing the SHIFT key.
NV_BETOTHER	When the player mouses down while pressing the ALTERNATE key.
NV_REMOVEOTHER	When the player mouses down while pressing the ALTERNATE & SHIFT keys.
NV_BETOFF	When the player mouses down while pressing the CONTROL key.

The delegate object must interpret the message and decide what to do.  It should first decide which player is actually making the bet (it may not necessarily be aPlayer).  It can then either make a bet for the player (by sending sender the bet:atRow:col:, for example), remove a bet, etc.  It can also choose to ignore the message if placing a bet at the time is inappropriate. 

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