
This is Score.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Score.m
// Project: Cribbage
// Stephan Wacker
// 93-09-26

#import "Score.h"
#import "HumanPlayer.h"
#import "Cribbage.h"
#import "LocalizableStrings.h"

#import "cribbage.h"

static int	score_value[] =
    2,	// SC_FIFTEEN,
    2,	// SC_PAIR,
    6,	// SC_PAIR_ROYAL,
    12,	// SC_DBL_PAIR_ROYAL,
    3,	// SC_RUN,
    8,	// SC_DBL_RUN,
    15,	// SC_TRIPLE_RUN,
    16,	// SC_QUADRUPLE_RUN,
    4,	// SC_4RUN,
    10,	// SC_DBL_4RUN,
    5,	// SC_5RUN,
    4,	// SC_4FLUSH,
    5,	// SC_5FLUSH,
    1,	// SC_NOBS

@implementation Score

- awakeFromNib
    [self disablePanel];
    return self;

- window
    return [total window];

- disablePanel
    [[total window] setTitle: STR_SCORE_PANEL_TITLE];
    return self;

- enablePanel: (const char *) title
    [[[total window] setTitle: title] makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
    return self;

- doScoring: (char *) what for: aPlayer
    player = aPlayer;
    sprintf( local_buf, "Score %s %s", [aPlayer possessivePronoun], what );
    msg( LOCAL_BUF );
    [self clear];
    [self enablePanel: LOCAL_BUF];
    return self;

- add: sender
    id		cell = [sender selectedCell];
    int		tag = [cell tag];
    int		value = score_value[tag];
    id		field = [values findCellWithTag: tag];
    int		oldValue = [field intValue];
    [field setIntValue: value + oldValue];
    [self addTotal: value];
    return self;

- addTotal: (int) value
    [total setIntValue: value + [total intValue]];
    return self;

- cancel: sender
    return [self clear];

- clear
    [[values cellList] makeObjectsPerform: @selector(setStringValue:)
				     with: (id) ZERO_STRING];
    [total setIntValue: 0];
    return self;

- ok: sender
    [self disablePanel];
    [player manualScore: [total intValue]];
    return self;

- explain: sender
    [[NXApp delegate] explainPreviousScore];
    return self;

- help: sender
    [[NXApp delegate] explainCurrentScore];
    return self;

@end	// Score

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