
This is MyMiscInfoController.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// MyMiscInfoController.m
// Project: Cribbage
// Stephan Wacker
// 94-12-26

#import <misckit/misckit.h>

#import "MyMiscInfoController.h"

@implementation MyMiscInfoController

- init
	if (![super init]) return nil;
	_FAQFileName = [MiscString newWithString:"/FAQ.rtfd"];
	return self;

- faq: sender
// Show the FAQ document in the Help Panel.
    id		helpPanel = [NXHelpPanel new];
    id		path = [MiscString newWithString:[helpPanel helpDirectory]];
    [path concatenate:_FAQFileName];
    [helpPanel showFile:[path stringValue] atMarker:NULL];
    [helpPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
    [path free];
    return self;

@end	// MyMiscInfoController

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