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// LocalizableStrings.h
// Project: Cribbage
// Stephan Wacker
// 93-11-09

/* This section is copied from <NXBundle.h>.
 * We have to avoid including Objective-C material, so this should make
 * life a little bit easier in the oldfashioned C sources.
 * If the definitions don't match the precompiler will give us a warning
 * in the Objective-C source files.
#ifndef _OBJC_OBJECT_H_
# define NXBundle	void
# define nil		NULL

#define NXLocalizedString(key, value, comment) \
    NXLoadLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(NULL, nil, key, value)

extern const char *NXLoadLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(const char *table, NXBundle *bundle, const char *key, const char *value);

#define STR_WELCOME_TO_CRIBBAGE NXLocalizedString("Welcome to Cribbage",NULL,-)
#define STR_CUT_FOR_CRIB NXLocalizedString("Cut for crib",NULL,-)
#define STR_CUT_FOR_CRIB_VERBOSE NXLocalizedString("Cut to see whose crib it is -- low card wins",NULL,-)
#define STR_I_CUT NXLocalizedString("I cut ",NULL,-)
#define STR_I_CUT_VERBOSE NXLocalizedString("I cut the ",NULL,-)
#define STR_YOU_CUT NXLocalizedString("You cut ",NULL,-)
#define STR_YOU_CUT_VERBOSE NXLocalizedString("You cut the ",NULL,-)
#define STR_WE_TIED NXLocalizedString("We tied...",NULL,-)
#define STR_WE_TIED_VERBOSE NXLocalizedString("We tied and have to try again...",NULL,-)
#define STR_DISCARD NXLocalizedString("Discard",NULL,-)
#define STR_DISCARD_VERBOSE NXLocalizedString("Discard two cards",NULL,-)
#define STR_CUT_THE_DECK NXLocalizedString("Cut the deck!",NULL,-)
#define STR_FOR_LAST NXLocalizedString(" for last",NULL,-)
#define STR_ANOTHER_GAME NXLocalizedString("For another game press `New'.",NULL,-)
#define STR_ONLY_X_POINTS NXLocalizedString("It's really only %d points",NULL,-)
#define STR_EXPLANATION NXLocalizedString("Explanation: %s",NULL,-)
#define CUT_POSTFIX NXLocalizedString("CUT_POSTFIX",NULL,-)
#define PLAY_A_CARD_OR_GO NXLocalizedString("Play a card or GO!",NULL,-)
#define TOTAL_EXCEEDS_31 NXLocalizedString("Total > 31 -- try again",NULL,-)
#define STR_HIS_NOBS NXLocalizedString("His Nobs",NULL,-)
#define STR_FOUR_FLUSH NXLocalizedString("Four-flush",NULL,-)
#define STR_FIVE_FLUSH NXLocalizedString("Five-flush",NULL,-)
#define STR_POINTS_IN_FIFTEENS NXLocalizedString("%d points in fifteens",NULL,-)
#define STR_NO_FIFTEENS NXLocalizedString("No fifteens",NULL,-)
#define STR_POINTS_IN_PAIRS_AND_RUNS NXLocalizedString("%d points in pairs, %d in runs",NULL,-)
#define STR_NO_PAIRS_OR_RUNS NXLocalizedString("No pairs/runs",NULL,-)

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