
This is HumanPlayer.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// HumanPlayer.m
// Project: Cribbage
// Stephan Wacker
// 93-09-16

#import "deck.h"
#import "cribbage.h"

#import "HumanPlayer.h"
#import "Cribbage.h"
#import "Deck.h"
#import "Score.h"
#import "LocalizableStrings.h"

@implementation HumanPlayer

- setScoreMgr: aMgr
    scoreMgr = aMgr;
    return self;

- (char *) pronoun
    return "You";

- (char *) possessivePronoun
    return "your";

- (char *) reflexivePronoun
    return "you";

- prepareForDiscarding
    [self enableHand: @selector(markForDiscard:) type: NX_TOGGLE];
    foldedCards = 0;
//  msg( ">> clearing foldedCards: %d", foldedCards );
    return self;

- markForDiscard: sender
    id		cell = [sender selectedCell];
    int		state = [cell intValue];
    if( cell == nil ) {
	// ignore this message
    } else {
	foldedCards += (state == 1 ? +1 : -1);
//	msg( ">> card[%d] changes state to %d, foldedCards = %d",
//	     [cell tag], state, foldedCards );
	[discardButton setEnabled: (foldedCards == (FULLHAND - CINHAND))];
    return self;

- discard
    int		i;
    for( i = FULLHAND-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {	/* COUNT BACKWARDS !!! */
	if( [[cardsInHand findCellWithTag: i] intValue] == 1 ) {
	    // [self displayCardAt: i];
	    [deck putIntoCrib: hand[i]];
	    face[i] = FACE_NONE;
	    hand[i].rank = hand[i].suit = EMPTY;
    [self sortHand];
    [self displayHand];
    return self;

- prepareForPegging
    [self enableHand: @selector(play:) type: NX_MOMENTARYPUSH];
    return [super prepareForPegging];

- playOneCard
// The player should select a card or press the GO button.
// If there are no more cards, he will go automatically.
    if( ! [self anyCards] ) {
	[self go];
    } else {
	if( !quiet ) {
	    msg( PLAY_A_CARD_OR_GO );
    return self;

- play: sender
    id		cell = [sender selectedCell];
    int		tag = [cell tag];
    if( cell == nil ) {
	// ignore this message
    } else if( [self validCardAt: tag] ) {
	[self playCardAt: tag];
    } else {
	msg( TOTAL_EXCEEDS_31 );
    return self;

- go: sender
    if( [self canPlay] ) {
    } else {
	[self go];
    return self;


- doScoring: (char *) what points: (int) points
    correctScore = points;
    scoreWhat = what;
    [scoreMgr doScoring: what for: self];
    return self;

- manualScore: (int) score
    if( score == correctScore ) {
	[super doScoring: scoreWhat points: score];
    } else {
	// It's a case for the referee...
	[cribbage wrongScore: self correct: correctScore incorrect: score];
    return self;


- enableHand: (SEL) anAction type: (int) aButtonType
    int		i;
    for( i = 0; i < FULLHAND; i++ ) {
	id	cell = [cardsInHand findCellWithTag: i];
	[cell setType: aButtonType];
	[cell setHighlightsBy: [cell highlightsBy]
	[cell setEnabled: (face[i] != FACE_NONE)];
    [cardsInHand setAction: anAction];
    [cardsInHand setTarget: self];
    [self displayHand];
    return self;

- disableHand
    [cardsInHand setEnabled: NO];
    return self;

@end	// HumanPlayer

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