
This is HumanPlayer.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// HumanPlayer.h
// Project: Cribbage
// Stephan Wacker
// 93-09-16

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

#import "Player.h"

@interface HumanPlayer: Player
    id		discardButton;
    id		scoreMgr;
    int		foldedCards;
    int		correctScore;
    char	*scoreWhat;

- setScoreMgr: aMgr;

- (char *) pronoun;
- (char *) possessivePronoun;
- (char *) reflexivePronoun;

- prepareForDiscarding;
- discard;
- prepareForPegging;
- playOneCard;
- play: sender;

// Player hand actions.
- markForDiscard: sender;
- play: sender;
- go: sender;

- doScoring: (char *) what points: (int) points;
- manualScore: (int) score;

- enableHand: (SEL) anAction type: (int) aButtonType;
- disableHand;

@end	// HumanPlayer

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