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ShiTao v2.1 Bug Fixes

1. The original release was compiled only for black hardware.
   all future releases will be FAT binaries.
2. Version 2.0 allowed some illegal moves to be made.  This
   has been taken care of.  The algorithm used is not faster, but
   it allowed me to make more detailed error messages to help
   the people who are just starting to play the game.  For those
   of you that know how to play, I might just make it a pref.
   for the "extra" help as opposed to the "I am just going to
   confuse you some more" error panels that showed up in the
   original version. These still have to be worked out correctly.
3. The offset for the tiles was a little off, I reset these
   values so they are correct.  This was a known problem, but
   I guess I just forgot when I went to put it on the FTP sites.
4. The pictures in the help panel were, for some reason the NeXT
   icon.. this has been fixed and now the help files are more
5. Some people were wondering about the Match Error Panel and
   why, when you minimize the Main Board, it appears.. The way it
   works is when you close the MatchPanel, it goes away, but it
   has to make the Main Window the KeyWindow... so when you
   minaturize the Main Window and then close the Error Panel, you
   make the Main Window come back up. Anyways, why would you want
   to minimize the Main Window???  If there are enough people
   that don't like this.. I'll change it.. but until then I see
   no disadvantages to leaving it the way it is.
6. The highscores were entered twice if you empty the pouch, this
   no longer happens.
7. There is a 4-way marked at the begining of the game, this
   should not have been there.
8. Undo has been added.. you can only go back one move right now,
   if people want it, I will make it multiple (it really isn't
   that hard).  Does anyone think that it should be a preference
   for the undo depth?  What about invalidating the highscore
   for using an undo? more than one?  It is cheating, afterall...
9. Randomization of tiles instead of the same thing all the time.
10.Registration panel has been added.
11.Suggestion capabilities activated.

Things To Do

1. Show Moves - I am going to wait until I figure out the code for
   clipping regions... anyone out there that can help me?
2. Alternative Tile sets.  Someone is working on this for me.. be
3. Show Pouch - Same problem as 1.
4. Error Codes have to be taken care of... most of them are wrong.

Send all suggestions and bug to:
	tm31@andrew.cmu.edu [NeXTmail welcome]

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