
This is DeckInspector.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// DeckInspector.h
// Part of Risk by Mike Ferris

#import <objc/Object.h>

@interface DeckInspector:Object
    id	deckPanel;
    id	cardList;
    id	deck;
    id	discards;
    id	player1;
    id	player2;
    id	player3;
    id	player4;
    id	player5;
    id	player6;
    id	cardsPlayed;

+ initialize;
- init;
- free;

- showPanel;
- (BOOL)panelOnScreen;

- displayAllDecks;
- setCardList:cl deck:de discards:di player1:p1 player2:p2 player3:p3
				player4:p4 player5:p5 player6:p6 cardsPlayed:cp;


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