
This is the README for GoWild.0.6.N.b.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

GoWild, version 0.6
by Andrew McCallum, mccallum@cs.rochester.edu
February, 1992

* What is GoWild?

GoWild is a application for NeXTStep 2.1 that allows two people to
play the game of Go across the network.  It features:
	* a 19x19 board, with realistically shaded stones
	* capabilities for pass, undo, redo, capture detection,
	  prisoner counting, saving the game.
	* typed communication between players in the form of
	  commentary associated with each move.
	* sound communication between players recorded with the CODEC,
	  sent across the network, and played on the remote machine.
	* if a portrait of the remote player (in /LocalLibrary/Images/People)
	  is available on the remote machine, then a portrait of the
	  remote player appears on your local screen.

* What is the game of Go?

Go is an ancient oriental game of strategy.  It is older than chess
and, although the rules are simpler than those of chess, many people
who are familiar with both games agree that Go is strategically more
complex and more rewarding.  The rules of Go are included in the help
panel of GoWild.

* Installation

GoWild requires no extra files or setup.  Simply put the app wherever
you like (~/Apps will do nicely) and double click to run.

* Getting Started

Launch the program.  Have a friend on another machine also launch the
program.  Type your friends machine name in the "Machine name:" field
and press Return.  (Your friend should do the corresponding actions on
his or her machine.)  Click on the board to place stones.  Take a look
at the help panel for information on the finer points of using the
program.  If there are features or behaviors of the program you don't
understand, feel free to send me electronic mail.

* Future versions

  This is only version 0.6---there's a lot more I'd like to add.
There are a number of small improvements listed in the Help panel of
the application.  Read them, and if you have more that you'd like me
to add to the list, send me mail.
  Ultimately, I imagine a cyberspace version of the smokey Go parlours
they have in Japan.  You punch in the name of a host machine Go
parlour... look around to see who's there... watch other games going
on... find someone else who'd like to start a game...

R. Andrew McCallum		ARPA: mccallum@cs.rochester.edu
Computer Science Department	UUCP: uunet!rochester!mccallum
University of Rochester		 VOX: (716) 275-2527
Rochester, NY  14627		FEET: CSB  Rm. 625

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.