
This is Think2.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "Thinker.h"
#import "xoxDefs.h"
#import "BackView.h"
#import "Scenario.h"
#import "ActorMgr.h"
#import "GameInfo.h"
#import "BackWindow.h"
#import "CacheManager.h"
#import "EKProgressView.h"
#import "SoundMgr.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>

extern id sceneOneStepper;
extern BOOL pauseState;
extern BOOL obscureMouse;

@implementation Thinker(thinker2)

- setupGameBrowser
	id theMatrix;
	char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
	const char *ptr;

	strcpy( buf, NXHomeDirectory());
	strcat( buf, "/Library/XoxGames");

	gameList = [[GameList alloc] init];

	[self loadGamesFrom:buf];
	ptr = NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], "altGamePath");
	if (ptr) [self loadGamesFrom:ptr];
	[self loadGamesFrom: [[NXBundle mainBundle] directory]];
	[self loadGamesFrom: "/LocalLibrary/XoxGames"];

	[gameList sort];

	[scenarioBrowser loadColumnZero];
	theMatrix = [scenarioBrowser matrixInColumn:0];
	[theMatrix selectCellAt:gameIndex :0];
	[theMatrix scrollCellToVisible:gameIndex :0];

	return self;

- getSoundSetting
	NXZone *soundZone;
	const char *ptr;
	soundZone = NXCreateZone(vm_page_size, vm_page_size, YES);
	soundMgr = [[SoundMgr allocFromZone:soundZone] init];

	ptr = NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], "Sound");
	if (!ptr || !strcmp(ptr,"On"))
		[soundMgr turnSoundOn:nil];
	[soundButton setState:[soundMgr isSoundEnabled]];
	return self;

- setSound:sender
	if ([soundButton state])
	{	if (![soundMgr turnSoundOn:sender]) [soundButton setState:0];
	{	[soundMgr turnSoundOff];

	if ([soundMgr isSoundEnabled])
		NXRemoveDefault([NXApp appName], "Sound");
	else NXWriteDefault([NXApp appName], "Sound", "Off");

	return self;

- selectGame:sender
	// sender is the game browser, or nil if sent from within the app
	int i;
	int index = [[scenarioBrowser matrixInColumn:0] selectedRow];
	NXRect f1;
	id inspector;
	if (sender && (index == gameIndex)) return self;

	[scenario scenarioDeselected];

	[cacheMgr setBackground:NO];

	gameIndex = index;

	scenario = [self getScenario];

	if (sender) NXWriteDefault([NXApp appName], "whichGame", [gameList nameAt: index]);

	gx = gy = 0;
	maxTimeScale = 1.5;
	collisionDistance = 1.25;
	if ([scenario respondsTo:@selector(oneStep)]) sceneOneStepper = scenario;
	else sceneOneStepper = nil;
	if ([scenario respondsTo:@selector(shouldObscureCursor)] && 
		![scenario shouldObscureCursor]) obscureMouse = NO;
	else obscureMouse = YES;

	[keyTimerList empty];

	inspector = [scenario infoView];
	[inspector getFrame:&f1];
	[invisibleInfoBox setContentView: nullInfoBox];
	[nullInfoBox sizeTo:f1.size.width :f1.size.height byWindowCorner:3];

	[inspector setFrame:&f1];
	[invisibleInfoBox setContentView: inspector];
	[[invisibleInfoBox window] display];

	[self installGameViewsIntoWindow:littleWindow];

	if (i = [[gameList objectAt: gameIndex] level]) [actorMgr requestLevel:i];
	else [actorMgr requestLevel:0];

	[self adjustLittleWindowSize];
	[scenario scenarioSelected];

	[self setPauseState: (pauseState & ~1)];
	gs = [(GameInfo *)[gameList objectAt: gameIndex] status];
	if (gs == GAME_DYING || gs == GAME_DEAD)
		[self newGame:self];
	else [actorMgr setGameStatus:gs];

	[littleWindow display];
	[littleWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

	if (sender) [self justOneStep];		// yech! I should have a better way to get
										// everything set up...
	return self;

- installGameViewsIntoWindow:w
	int i;

	for (i=([[gcontentView subviews] count]-1); i>=0; i--)
	{	[[[gcontentView subviews] objectAt:i] removeFromSuperview];

	gameWindow = w;
	gcontentView = [w contentView];

	if ([scenario respondsTo:@selector(tile)])
		mainView = [scenario tile];
		NXRect r;
		[gcontentView getBounds:&r];
		[abackView setFrame:&r];
		[gcontentView addSubview:abackView];
		mainView = abackView;

	[gameWindow makeFirstResponder:mainView];

	return self;

- (BOOL)browser:sender columnIsValid:(int)column
	return browserValid;

- addCellWithString:(const char *)str at:(int)row toMatrix:matrix
	id theCell;
	[matrix insertRowAt:row];
	theCell = [matrix cellAt:row :0];
	[theCell setStringValue:str];
	[theCell setLoaded:YES];
	[theCell setLeaf:YES];
	return self;

- (int)browser:sender fillMatrix:matrix inColumn:(int)column
	const char *ptr;
	int i;
	// this shouldn't happen...
	if (browserValid) return [matrix cellCount];

	for (i = 0; i < [gameList count]; i++)
		[self addCellWithString:NXLocalString([gameList nameAt: i], 0, 0)
			at:(i) toMatrix:matrix];
	ptr = NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], "whichGame");
	if (ptr)
	    for (i = 0; i < [gameList count]; i++)
		if (strcmp(ptr, [gameList nameAt: i]) == 0)
		    gameIndex = i;
	browserValid = YES;
	return [matrix cellCount];

//  Dynamically load all object files found in the specified directory
//	if we find a module in several places, we save the additional paths
//	in case they point to modules for different architectures

- loadGamesFrom: (const char *) dirname
    DIR *dir;
    struct direct *de;
    char path[MAXPATHLEN];
    char name[60];
	char *iptr;
	GameInfo *m;
	BOOL validName;

	dir = opendir(dirname);
	if (dir == NULL)
		return self;

	while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
		int i, numstrings;
		// Ignore '.'-files (not really necessary, I guess)
		if (de->d_name[0] == '.')

		validName = NO;
		if (de->d_namlen > 4 && 
				!strcmp(&de->d_name[de->d_namlen-4], ".XoX"))
			validName = YES;

		if (!validName) continue;

		// check if the name matches a module already loaded
		numstrings = [gameList count];
		strcpy(name, de->d_name);

		// Smash out the '.' in "Foo.XoX"
		if (iptr = rindex(name, '.'))
			*iptr = '\0';

		for (i=0; i< numstrings; i++)
			if (!strcmp(name, [gameList nameAt:i]))
				// we already have a module with this name, but will save the path anyway
				validName = NO;
				[[gameList objectAt:i] appendPath:path];
		if (!validName) continue;
		m = [[GameInfo alloc] 
			initWithScenario:NULL name:name path:path];
	    [gameList addObject: m];


    return self;

extern NXZone *scenarioZone, *bundleZone;

- getScenario
	id progressWin = [progressView window];

	if (![gameList scenarioAt:gameIndex])
		id theClass = nil;
		GameInfo *gi;
		id theScenario = nil;

		gi = [gameList objectAt: gameIndex];

		if ([gi path])	// we have path but no instance, must load class
			char str[80];
			[progressView setProgress:0];
			// fixme - these strings should be localizable...
			sprintf(str,"Loading %s",[gi scenarioName]);
			[[progressView window] setTitle:str];
			[[statusText setStringValue:"loading code"] display];
			[progressWin makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

				NXBundle *myBundle = [[NXBundle allocFromZone:bundleZone]
					initForDirectory:[gi path]];

				theClass = [myBundle classNamed:[gi scenarioName]];

				if (theClass)
					theScenario = [[theClass allocFromZone:scenarioZone] init];
					[myBundle free];

			} while ((!theClass) && [gi useNextPath]);

			[gi discardAltPaths];

			[[progressView setMin:0] setMax:[imageNames count] + [soundsToCache count]];
			[progressView setProgress:0];
			[self loadResources];
			[progressWin close];

			if (!theClass)
				NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName], NXLocalString(
					"Could not load class: %s",0,0),
					NULL, NULL, NULL, [gi scenarioName]);
		[gi setScenario:theScenario];

	return [gameList scenarioAt:gameIndex];

- createBigWindowIfNecessary
	if (!bigWindow)
		NXRect r={{0, 0}};
		[NXApp getScreenSize:&(r.size)];

		bigWindow = [[BackWindow allocFromZone:[self zone]]
			initContent:&r style:NX_PLAINSTYLE
			backing:NX_NONRETAINED buttonMask:0 defer:NO];

		[bigWindow setBackgroundGray:NX_BLACK];
		[bigWindow setDelegate:self];

	return self;

// delegate method invoked by window
- windowWillResize:sender toSize:(NXSize *)frameSize
	NXRect frm = {0,0,0,0};
	NXRect cnt = {0,0,0,0};

	if (![scenario respondsTo:@selector(newWindowContentSize:)])
		return self;

	frm.size = *frameSize;
	[Window getContentRect:&cnt forFrameRect:&frm style:[sender style]];
	if ([scenario newWindowContentSize:&(cnt.size)])
		[Window getFrameRect:&frm forContentRect:&cnt style:[sender style]];
		*frameSize = frm.size;
	return self;

- adjustLittleWindowSize
	NXRect contRect;

	if (![scenario respondsTo:@selector(newWindowContentSize:)])
		return self;

	[[littleWindow contentView] getBounds:&contRect];
	if ([scenario newWindowContentSize:&contRect.size])
		[[littleWindow contentView] sizeTo:contRect.size.width 
			:contRect.size.height byWindowCorner:3];
	return self;

- (BOOL)bigWindowOK
	NXSize screenSize;

	if (![scenario respondsTo:@selector(newWindowContentSize:)])
		return YES;

	[NXApp getScreenSize:&screenSize];
	return (![scenario newWindowContentSize:&screenSize]);


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.